Server Operations
Universal Controller provides a set of server operations that help you maintain and administer your Controller installation. Many of the operations, as noted, should be run only by Technical Support or upon request by Technical Support.
Running a Server Operation
Step 1 | From the Administration navigation pane, select Configuration > Server Operations. The Server Operations list displays. |
Step 2 | Select an operation from the drop-down list and click Run. |
Server Operation Completion
When a server operation has been run and completed, the Controller issues an INFO-level log message.
For example:
2018-03-31-09:24:58:957 -0400 INFO [http-8080-exec-4] Running Server Operation: Bulk Export
2018-03-31-09:25:12:357 -0400 INFO [http-8080-exec-4] Server Operation completed: Bulk Export in 1 Minute 37 Seconds
Server Operation Status
The status for a completed Server Operation is either Success or Failed. The Audit Status field for Server Operations can have one of the following values: Invoked, Failed, or Success.
All Server Operations can fail if the user invoking the Server Operation does not have sufficient permission or if the Server Operation is limited to one execution per node and it is already running.
Most Server Operations will complete successfully; however, if errors occur executing the Server Operation, the Audit Status field is set to Failed, and error messages may be added to the Additional Information field.
The Server Operation duration message will be added to the Audit Additional Information field regardless of the Server Operation status. For example:
Server Operation 'LDAP Refresh' completed in 0 Seconds at 2018-06-11 12:46:01 -0400
Server Operation Timeout
For potentially long running server operations, such as Bulk Import and Bulk Export, we set a request timeout of 30 minutes.
However, some browsers may timeout earlier, regardless. In the case where a server operation has timed out, you will see an error similar to the following in the Console:
"No response from 'Bulk Import' server operation; check server log for details."
In the case of a request timeout, the server operation will continue to run on the server. You will have to confirm completion of the server operation from either the server log, uc.log, or from the Audits list.
View the log for the start and completion of the server operation, as well as any warnings/errors logged in between.
2018-03-31-09:24:58:957 -0400 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-4] Running Server Operation: Bulk Import ... 2018-03-31-09:25:12:357 -0400 INFO [http-bio-8080-exec-4] Server Operation completed: Bulk Import in 11 Minutes 57 Seconds
Alternatively, you can view the server operation audit record; however, the log usually provides the most detailed information.
Server Operations Descriptions
The following table describes and, where appropriate, provides links for each server operation.
Script | Description and Links |
Bulk Export | Exports all current record definitions, without versions, when migrating data to a new Universal Controller deployment. |
Bulk Export Activity | Exports all current Activity data from multiple Universal Controller database tables. Note In order to run this server operation, the Bulk Export Activity Permitted Universal Controller system property must be set to true. |
Bulk Export Audit | Exports all current Audit records when migrating data to a new Universal Controller deployment. |
Bulk Export History | Exports all current History records when migrating data to a new Universal Controller deployment. |
Bulk Export with Versions | Exports all current records along with older (non-current) versions of record definitions when migrating data to updated software. |
Bulk Import | Imports all data from an exported file when migrating data to updated software. |
Clear Server Cache | Clears the internal server cache. You can use this operation if you are experiencing unexpected behavior with the Controller system. For example, Technical Support may ask you to first run this operation to clear the server cache, then clear your browser cache. |
Database Information | Displays the following information for the Controller database:
Database Table Counts | Displays the following information for Universal Controller database tables:
See Universal Controller Database Tables, below, for a description of all tables. |
Disable Task Instance Business Service Normalization | Disables normalization of Business Service membership for all:
All previously normalized Business Service membership records will not be removed until they qualify for Activity or History purge. Also, the Task Instance Normalize Business Service Membership property will be set to Disabled. |
Enable Task Instance Business Service Normalization | Commence normalization of Business Service membership for all existing Task Instance and History records, and begin normalizing Business Service membership for all new Task Instance and History records.
Note When deciding on enabling Business Service normalization, it should be noted that there is trade-off between the query performance on Task Instance/History Lists and the added insertion of normalization data at Task Instance/History record creation time. If the Controller is restarted and the Task Instance Normalize Business Service Membership property is Enabled/Normalizing, the Controller will resume normalization of Business Service membership for all existing Task Instance and History records. |
Generate Server UUIDs Cache | For use only by Technical Support personnel or when you are requested to run it by Technical Support. |
Health Check | Displays information about the current instance of the Controller. |
Inspect Events | For use only by Technical Support personnel or when you are requested to run it by Technical Support. |
Inspect Universal Events | Limits the number of events displayed by the Inspect Events server operation. The events will display with the latest events first; that is, ordered by created time descending. Default is 1000. |
Inspect Output Message Queue | For use only by Technical Support personnel or when you are requested to run it by Technical Support. |
Inspect Subscriptions | For use only by Technical Support personnel or when you are requested to run it by Technical Support. |
Inspect Timers | For use only by Technical Support personnel or when you are requested to run it by Technical Support. |
LDAP Refresh | If LDAP is configured for this installation, it refreshes every 24 hours. This server operation forces a refresh. The refresh writes all Controller log entries to the user interface as well as to the Controller log, and the response will not be returned until the process completes. If you estimate the refresh could take a considerable amount of time, we recommend you use LDAP Refresh (Asynchronous). |
LDAP Refresh (Asynchronous) | If LDAP is configured for this installation, it refreshes every 24 hours. This server operation forces a refresh. The refresh is performed in the background and sends Controller log entries to the Controller log. |
List/Download Logs | Lists (and optionally lets you download) any existing UC log files for the Controller node that this operation is executed on.
(You also can select / deselect all log files by clicking the Name checkbox at the top of the list.) |
Load Demonstration Definitions | Loads base demonstration data into your database (for example: workflows, tasks, triggers). |
Memory Usage | Displays a summary of Controller memory usage. |
Overdue Timers Delete | Deletes any overdue timers, as listed by the Overdue Timers List operation. |
Overdue Timers List | Lists any timers that are overdue (normally, no timers should be overdue). |
Pause Cluster Node | Pauses the Controller, which prevents it from processing tasks and events. If an event or task is already running when you run this operation, the event or task will complete. The Controller remains in a paused state until you run the Resume Cluster Node operation. |
Purge All Non-Default Users And Groups | Purges all non-default Users and Groups and their associated data. There is one default User: Administrator (ops.admin). There are two default Groups: Administrator Group and Everything Group.
The following is recommended before running this server operation:
Note To run this server operation, the Purge All Non-Default Users And Groups Permitted Universal Controller System Property must be set to true. |
Purge History | Purges all records from the History table (ops_history). Note If you do not need to keep or back up your task instance history, we recommend that you run this operation periodically; otherwise, make sure you schedule a routine Data Backup/Purge for history by selecting Administration > Data Backup/Purge from the navigation pane. Executing a Data Backup/Purge of an extremely large History table can seriously degrade Controller system performance. |
Purge Instances | Purges everything in the All Task Instances table (ops_exec), which contains all system activity, including task instances in any status (including end statuses). Records in the All Task Instances table (ops_exec) remain there until they are purged. Warning Running this operation will purge any live data; that is, task instances that have not completed. |
Purge Logs and Cache | Sends a request to all active Agents to purge their logs and cache. |
Purge Versions | Purges versions of records in excess of the maximum specified by the System Default Maximum Versions Universal Controller system property. |
Refresh System Default List Layouts | For Controller upgrades only; resets system defaults list layouts. |
Reset All Agent Cluster Task Counts | Resets the current number of tasks currently being run by all Agent clusters to 0 (see Resetting the Current Task Count). |
Reset All Agent Task Counts | Resets the current number of tasks currently being run by all Agents to 0 (see Resetting the Current Task Count). |
Restart Cluster Node | Stops and restarts the Controller within the running Tomcat server. The Controller is effectively shut down and started up without stopping and starting Tomcat. Note: Restart Cluster Node will cause a failover to occur if it is executed on the Active node while another node is running as Passive. |
Restore System Default List Layouts | Restores all lists to their default layouts. |
Resume Cluster Node | Resumes the Controller after it has been paused using the Pause Cluster Node operation, or paused by the Start Server Paused Universal Controller property on startup. |
Roll Log | Renames the existing log to a timestamped log and opens a new log file. |
Run Garbage Collection | Runs the "garbage collector." The gc method suggests that the Java Virtual Machine expend effort toward recycling unused objects in order to make the memory they currently occupy available for quick re-use. When control returns from the method call, the Java Virtual Machine has made a best effort to reclaim space from all discarded objects. |
Server Information | Displays the following categories of information about the Universal Controller server:
System Properties | Displays all properties of the operating system on which the Controller is running. |
Temporary Property Change | Allows for the temporary setting of specific Universal Controller properties to be used for diagnosing problems. This operation and setting of properties should be performed only under the guidance of Stonebranch support. |
Thread List | Captures information about internal Controller system processes. |
Thread List by CPU | Captures information about internal Controller system processes. |
Thread Stack Trace | Captures information about internal Controller system processes. |
Universal Controller Database Tables
The following table identifies and describes all Universal Controller database tables, which are listed if you run the Database Table Counts server operation, above.
The tables are in alphabetical order according to Table Name.
See Reportable Tables for a list of these database tables that are available for creating Report Details.
Table | Table Name | Description |
Abort Actions | ops_abort_action | Contains details about Abort actions. |
Abort Actions Versions | ops_abort_action_v | Contains details about previous versions of Abort actions. New versions of Abort Action records are created when a task record is updated. |
All Agents | ops_agent | Displays a list of Agents Overview. |
All Agent Clusters | ops_agent_cluster | Contains details about Agent Clusters. |
All Agent Clusters Versions | ops_agent_cluster_v | Contains details about previous versions of Agent Clusters. |
All Agents Mapping | ops_agent_mapping | Shows all the agents connected to one or more Promotion Targets (as retrieved using the Refresh Target Agents button). |
Linux/Unix Agents Mapping | ops_agent_mapping_unix | Shows the mapping specifications between local Linux/Unix agents and Linux/Unix agents on a Promotion Target (as retrieved using the Refresh Target Agents button). |
Windows Agents Mapping | ops_agent_mapping_windows | Shows the mapping specifications between local Windows agents and Windows agents on a Promotion Target (as retrieved using the Refresh Target Agents button). |
z/OS Agents Mapping | ops_agent_mapping_zos | Shows the mapping specifications between local z/OS agents and z/OS agents on a Promotion Target (as retrieved using the Refresh Target Agents button). |
Applications | ops_application | Shows a list of Application Resources. |
Applications Versions | ops_application_v | Contains details about previous versions of Application resources. |
Audits | ops_audit | Contains details of events being written to the Audit history. |
Backups | ops_backup | Contains Backup and Purge records. |
Bundles | ops_bundle | Contains all Bundles records. |
Bundles and Agent Clusters | ops_bundle_agent_cluster_join | Shows relationship information between Bundles and Agent Clusters; that is, which agent clusters belong to which bundles. |
Bundles and Applications | ops_bundle_application_join | Shows relationship information between Bundles and Application resources; that is, which Application resources belong to which bundles. |
Bundles and Calendars | ops_bundle_calendar_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and Calendars; that is, which Calendars belong to which Bundles. |
Bundles and Credentials | ops_bundle_credentials_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and Credentials; that is, which Credential records belong to which bundles. |
Bundles and Custom Days | ops_bundle_custom_day_join | Contains relationship information between Custom Days and Bundles; that is, which Custom Days belong to which Bundles. |
Bundles and Database Connections | ops_bundle_db_cntn_join | Contains information about the relationship between Bundles and Database Connections; that is, which Database Connections belong to which Bundles. |
Bundles and Email Connections | ops_bundle_email_cntn_join | Contains information about the relationship between Bundles and Email Connections; that is, which Email Connections belong to which Bundles. |
Bundles and Email Templates | ops_bundle_email_tmplt_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and Email templates; that is, which Email Templates belong to which Bundles. |
Bundles and Business Services | ops_bundle_generic_group_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and Business Services; that is, which Business Services belong to which Bundles. |
Bundles and PeopleSoft Connections | ops_bundle_ps_cntn_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and PeopleSoft Connection; that is, which PeopleSoft Connection records are in which Bundles. |
Bundles and Virtual Resources | ops_bundle_resource_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and Virtual Resources; that is, which Virtual Resources belong to which Bundles. |
Bundles and SAP Connections | ops_bundle_sap_cntn_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and SAP Connection; that is, which SAP Connection records are in which Bundles. |
Bundles and Scripts | ops_bundle_script_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and Script; that is, which Scripts belong to which Bundles. |
Bundles and SNMP Managers | ops_bundle_snmp_cntn_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and SNMP Manager; that is, which SNMP Managers belong to which Bundles. |
Promotion Targets | ops_bundle_target | Contains details about Promotion Target records. |
Bundles and Tasks | ops_bundle_task_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and Tasks; that is, which Tasks are in which Bundles. |
Bundles and Triggers | ops_bundle_trigger_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and Triggers Overview; that is, which Triggers are in which Bundles. |
Bundles and Variables | ops_bundle_variable_join | Contains relationship information between Bundles and Global variables; that is, which Global variables belong to which Bundles. |
Calendar Custom Days | ops_cal_cust_join | Contains details about which Custom Days are associated with which Calendar records. |
Calendar Custom Days Versions | ops_cal_cust_join_v | Contains previous versions of the association between Custom Days and Calendar records. |
Calendars | ops_calendar | Contains details about Calendar records. |
Calendars Versions | ops_calendar_v | Contains previous versions of Calendar records. |
Chart Colors | ops_chart_color | Contains details about colors used in Chart reports. |
Cluster Lock | ops_cluster_lock | (For internal use only.) |
Cluster Nodes | ops_cluster_node | Provides details about cluster nodes. |
Cluster Nodes Notifications | ops_cluster_notification | Contains Email and SNMP notification records associated with the cluster node. |
Command | ops_command | (For internal use only.) |
Command Response | ops_command_response | (For internal use only.) |
Properties | ops_config | Contains Universal Controller System Properties. |
Connector Notifications | ops_connector_notification | Contains Email Notification and SNMP Notification data associated with Agents and OMS Servers. |
Counter | ops_count | (For internal use only.) |
Credentials | ops_credentials | Login credentials used by the Controller to access remote machines. |
Credentials Versions | ops_credentials_v | Contains previous versions of Credentials records. |
Custom Days | ops_custom_day | Contains details about defined Custom Days. |
Custom Days Versions | ops_custom_day_v | Contains previous versions of Custom Days records. |
Dashboards | ops_dashboard | Contains details about Dashboard Details. |
Dashboards Portlets | ops_dashboard_portlet | Contains details about the content (Widgets) on the Dashboard Details. |
Database Connections | ops_database_connection | Contains details about [Database Connections defined in the Controller database. |
Database Connections Versions | ops_database_connection_v | Contains previous versions of [Database Connections records. |
Email Notifications | ops_email_cluster_notification | Contains Email Notification records associated with Cluster Nodes. |
Email Notifications | ops_email_conn_notification | Contains Email Notification-specific data associated with Agents and OMS Servers. |
Email Connections | ops_email_connection | Contains details about Email Connections resources. |
Email Connections Versions | ops_email_connection_v | Contains previous versions of Email Connections records. |
Email Notifications | ops_email_notification | Contains details about Email Notifications associated with tasks. |
Email Notifications Versions | ops_email_notification_v | Contains previous versions of Email Notifications associated with tasks. Note that a new version is created only when the task is updated. |
Email Templates | ops_email_template | Contains details about Email templates. |
Email Templates Versions | ops_email_template_v | Contains previous versions of Email template records. |
Event Email | ops_event_email | (For internal use only.) |
Event Exec Defined | ops_event_exec_defined | (For internal use only.) |
Event Exec Resource Order Filled | ops_event_exec_ordfill | (For internal use only.) |
Event Exec Exclusive Order Filled | ops_event_exec_ordfill_ex | (For internal use only.) |
Event Exec Propagate State | ops_event_exec_prop_state | (For internal use only.) |
Event Exec Skip Child | ops_event_exec_skip_child | (For internal use only.) |
Event Exec Start | ops_event_exec_start | (For internal use only.) |
Event Exclusive | ops_event_exclusive | (For internal use only.) |
Event Resource | ops_event_resource | (For internal use only.) |
Event SNMP | ops_event_snmp | (For internal use only.) |
Event SQL | ops_event_sql | (For internal use only.) |
Event Trigger | ops_event_trigger | (For internal use only.) |
Event Trigger Component | ops_event_trigger_comp | For internal use only.) |
Event UAC | ops_event_uac | (For internal use only.) |
Event UAC Job Abend | ops_event_uac_jobabend | (For internal use only.) |
Event UAC Job Complete | ops_event_uac_jobcomp | (For internal use only.) |
Event UAC Job End | ops_event_uac_jobend | (For internal use only.) |
Event UAC Job Log | ops_event_uac_joblog | (For internal use only.) |
Event UAC Job Launch | ops_event_uac_joblaunch | (For internal use only.) |
Event UAC Job Start | ops_event_uac_jobstart | (For internal use only.) |
Event UAC Job Restart Confirmation | ops_event_uac_rstrt_conf | (For internal use only.) |
Event UAC Step End | ops_event_uac_stepend | (For internal use only.) |
Exclusive Requests | ops_exclusive_order | Contains any outstanding requests by a task instance to run mutually exclusively. |
ops_exec | Task instance activity (running tasks). | |
Application Control Task Instances | ops_exec_application_control | Contains details about Application Control task instances. |
Email Task Instances | ops_exec_email | Contains details about Email task instances. |
Email Monitor Task Instances | ops_exec_email_monitor | Contains details about Email Monitor task instances. |
Advanced Criteria | ops_exec_email_criteria | Contains details about Email Monitor task instances Advanced Criteria. |
Agent File Monitor Instances | ops_exec_file_monitor | Contains details about Agent File Monitor task instances. |
File Transfer Task Instances | ops_exec_ftp | Contains details about File Transfer task instances. |
Remote File Monitor Instances | ops_exec_ftp_file_monitor | Contains details about Remote File Monitor task instances. |
Universal Command Task Instances | ops_exec_indesca | Contains details about Universal Command task instances. |
License Instance History | ops_exec_license_history | Contains statistics relating to the number of task instance executions. |
Manual Task Instances | ops_exec_manual | Contains details about Manual task instances. |
Task Monitor Instances | ops_exec_monitor | Contains details about Task Monitor task instances. |
Output | ops_exec_output | Contains any output (such as STDOUT) attached to task instances. |
PeopleSoft Task Instances | ops_exec_peoplesoft | Contains PeopleSoft task instance records. |
PeopleSoft Task Parameters | ops_exec_peoplesoft_rt_param | Contains Parameter records associated with PeopleSoft task instances. |
Recurring Task Instances | ops_exec_recurring | Contains details about Recurring task instances. |
Task Instances Run Criteria | ops_exec_run_criteria | Contains run criteria information for task instances within a Workflow. |
SAP Task Instances | ops_exec_sap | Contains SAP task instance records. |
Timer Task Instances | ops_exec_sleep | Contains details about Timer task instances. |
SQL Task Instances | ops_exec_sql | Contains details about SQL task instances. |
Stored Procedure Task Instances | ops_exec_stored_proc | Contains details about Stored Procedure task instances. |
Stored Procedure Task Parameters | ops_exec_stored_proc_param | Contains Parameter records associated with Stored Procedure task instances. |
System Monitor Task Instances | ops_exec_system_monitor | Contains System Monitor task task instance records. |
Task Instance Virtual Resources | ops_exec_to_resource | Contains relationship information between Virtual Resources and task instances; that is, which task instances are assigned to which Virtual Resources. |
Universal Task Instances | ops_exec_universal | Contains details about Universal Task instances. |
Linux/Unix Task Instances | ops_exec_unix | Contains details about Linux/Unix task instances. |
Variable Monitor Task Instances | ops_exec_variable_monitor | Contains Variable Monitor task task instance records. |
Windows Task Instances | ops_exec_windows | Contains details about Windows task instances. |
Workflow Task Instances | ops_exec_workflow | Contains details about Workflow task instances. |
Workflow Task Instance Dependencies | ops_exec_workflow_edge | Contains information about the conditions specified between task instances within workflows. |
Workflow Task Instance Vertices | ops_exec_workflow_vertex | Contains relationship information between workflow instances and task instances; that is, which tasks are running in which workflows. |
z/OS Task Instances | ops_exec_zos | Contains details about z/OS task instances. |
Restart Confirmations | ops_exec_ zos_confirm | Contains details about any restart confirmations performed on z/OS tasks. |
Job Step Files Data | ops_exec_zos_files | |
Restartable Job Steps | ops_exec_zos_jobsteps | Contains historical details about restartable job steps in a z/OS task. |
Restartable Job Steps | ops_exec_zos_jobstepsui | Contains details about restartable job steps in a z/OS task. |
Restart Criteria | ops_exec_zos_rstrt_criteria | Contain information about z/OS task restart criteria. |
Step Conditions | ops_exec_zos_stepcond | Contains details about z/OS task instance step conditions. |
Externalizable | ops_externalizable | Contains an internal table for events. |
Business Services | ops_generic_group | Contains details about Business Services. |
Business Services Versions | ops_generic_group_v | Contains previous versions of Business Service records. |
Group Roles | ops_group_has_role | Contains relationship information between Universal Controller User Groups and Roles; that is, which Groups have been assigned which Roles. |
History | ops_history | Contains a history of task activity. |
LDAP | ops_ldap | Identifies where LDAP Settings are stored. |
Licenses | ops_license | Contains information about the Controller license. |
List Grid Filters | ops_list_grid_filter | Identifies where persistent filters are stored. |
List Grid Pin Filters | ops_list_grid_pin_filter | Identifies where pinned filters are stored. |
List Grid Preferences | ops_list_grid_pref | Contains information about list layouts. |
Local Custom Days | ops_local_custom_days | Contains details about Local Custom Days. |
Local Custom Days Versions | ops_local_custom_days_v | Contains previous versions of Local Custom Days. |
Local Variables | ops_local_variable | Contains details about task and trigger variables (also called local variables), entered into the Variables tab on a task or trigger record. |
Local Variables Versions | ops_local_variable_v | Contains previous versions of Local variables associated with tasks or triggers. (New version records are created only when a task or trigger is updated. |
Maps | ops_map | (For internal use only.) |
Navigator | ops_nav_tree_pref | Contains Navigation Tree Configuration data. |
Notes | ops_note | Contains details about Notes attached to Controller records. |
Notes Versions | ops_note_v | Contains previous versions of Notes records. |
All Actions | ops_notification | Contains details about all task actions: Abort Action, Email Notifications, Set Variable, SNMP Notification, and System Operation. |
All Actions Versions | ops_notification_v | Contains details about previous versions of all task actions: Abort Action, Email Notifications, Set Variable, SNMP Notification, and System Operation. New versions of Action records are created when a task record is updated. |
OMS Servers | ops_oms_server | Provides details about OMS Servers. |
Output Messages | ops_output_msg | (For internal use only.) |
PeopleSoft Connections | ops_peoplesoft_connection | Contains PeopleSoft Connection records. |
PeopleSoft Connections Versions | ops_peoplesoft_connection_v | Contains previous versions of PeopleSoft Connection records. |
Permissions | ops_permission | Contains details about Universal Controller Permissions a |