Record Lists

Record Lists


A record list is a list of records of the same type, such as Local Servers, Users, or Business Services.

When you click a record type in the Services, a list of currently defined records for that record type are displayed.

List Task Bar

A task bar and record specific columns display at the top of every list. For example, the Local Server list:

The following table describes the different elements that can appear on a list and the function of each element: 

Task Bar Element


Refreshes the list.

Allows the selection of which columns to display via the column picker.

Applies a Business Services filter to the records on the list. The default selection is to show all Business Services. 

Click the down arrow to display a list of available Business Services to select from.

Applies a Status filter to the records on the list.  The default selection is the composite filter Pending (not completed transfers).

Only applies to the Activity area (Transfer and History dashboards).

Applies a time filter to the records on the list. The default selection is Last 48 hours.

Only applies to the Activity area (Transfer and History dashboards).

Specifies the higher-level entity, here the account owner, to only display the records that are attached to it.

Only applies to Remote Accounts list.


By default, lists are sorted by <record type> Name in ascending, alphanumeric order (0-9, a-z).

You can sort a list in ascending or descending order of the entries in the displayed columns that show up and down arrows.

To sort a list, click a column header and select Asc or Desc in the pop up menu to sort in ascending or descending order of values within that column.

You can also search for a record by its value in a specific column by clicking a column header and using the search bar in the pop up menu. 

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