Tutorial - Creating a PeSIT Server
In this tutorial, you will:
Create a PeSIT server.
Manually launch the server.
View server details.
Step 1 | From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Local Servers. The Servers list displays. |
Step 2 | Click New. The Server Details displays.
Step 3 | Click the Configuration tab on the Partner detail panel
Step 4 | Click Save and Confirm. |
Step 5 | Click the Accounts tab on the Partner detail panel. Add an account. It is required to define an account for the Caller ID. The user name must be the Caller Id that is sent by the PeSIT client and that is defined on the server configuration tab.
Step 6 | Click Save |
Step 7 | Start the server by clicking on the start (play) button. |
Step 8 | Click to UDMG Server Status button to show the list of running services. The new server stonebranch-pesit-01 is listed and should appear with a green status which means there is now a PeSIT server listening on the IP and port that we configured. |
Step 9 | From the UDMG navigation pane, select Management > Rules. The Rules list displays. |
Step 10 | Click New. The Rule Details displays.
Step 11 | Authorize the receive rule for the server |
Step 12 | The server is ready to accepts files. See the Tutorial - Creating a PeSIT Partner for an example of transfer with the integrated UDMG PeSIT client |
According to the protocol specification, the following constraints are checked when setting the configuration parameters:
Pre Connect Username is mandatory and must be less than 9 characters
Pre Connect Password is mandatory and must be less than 9 characters
Caller ID (PI3) field is mandatory and must be less than 25 characters
Partner ID (PI3) field is mandatory and must be less than 25 characters
- Data Element Max Size (PI25) is mandatory and must > 0
Access Control (PI5) is optional and must be less than 17 characters
- Article Length (PI32) is mandatory and must > 0
An error "the protocol configuration is invalid" is raised if one of these values is not correct.