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The Xpress Conversion Toolkit (XCT) is a program that can help you:

  • Migrate to the Universal Automation Controller (UAC).
  • Perform actions on the UAC database.

It can produce different results depending on the chosen options. In general, it will produce all XML objects for the UAC environment.

The program uses different types of input files and commands to collect data from a system. Which input files are accepted can be found in the transitional listing of the corresponding scheduler product. For most input formats, a validity check will be performed.

During the conversion process, it is possible to enrich or change certain items like business servers, names, resources, and Email functionality.

The following output format is available:

  • Export to XML files (All)

Basic Workflow

Step 1

Set the Global options before reading the input file.

Step 2

Open the input file.


Additionally, scheduler-specific options can be set.

Step 3

When the conversion has finished, write the data to disk.

Step 4

Load the data into Universal Controller.

User Interface

The user interface is divided into four main sections:


Menu bar with progress indicator and message field.


Left pane displaying objects (Tasks, Triggers, Credentials, etc.) to be generated.


Right pane displaying the log, a search-field, and the filter buttons.



Right pane displaying the Global options.


Global Options

Global options are valid no matter which input format is used.



Not selected


The selected Locale

Default Local or English


The selected font family

Default font or Menlo

File encoding

  • ISO-8859-1
  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16
  • IBM865


Agent type used in tasks

  • Agent variable
  • Agent cluster
  • Agent cluster variable


Output XML date-time format


Allow duplicate task names

Creates for each definition a unique task

Re-using task names when identical

Insert Timers in workflows

Uses Timers to handle time-dependent tasks

Uses Time-to-Wait to handle time-dependent tasks

Use a Daily Load Time

Mimics a Daily Plan time.

All triggers are created with this time.

Uses the original trigger time in the definition

System/Application indicator

Use this part of the task name to create different Run-time directories.

It produces some extra statistics on these ranges.

Add workflow suffix

Add the suffix to each workflow name

No action

Add Business Service to all objects

Create and assign a Business Service to all objects generated.

No action

Prefix all names

Prefixes all object names with this prefix

No action

Change task names

Replace part of the task name with a new String

No action

Specific Options

Scheduler-specific options will be asked for when using certain data input formats.

Cron Options

Cron File Type

System Cron files usually contain users as the first "word" in the command.

  • Set this option to System if you want the program to scan for users in the command and generate credentials.
  • Set this option set to User if you do not know what type of file is being processed.

Cron Task Names

Cron task names can be generated in four ways, depending on the options used.

cronTask + sequence number

  • cronTask1
  • cronTask2

host name + sequence number

  • hostName1
  • hostName2

.csv Options

.csv options allow the user to choose from a set of drop-down boxes (combo boxes), whose columns should be interpreted. Every row is basically interpreted as a task.

The .csv can be used for the following purposes:

  • Generate large amounts of (test-)data objects
  • Parse columns, relate objects and POST them in UAC
  • Delete objects from UAC.

Since the .csv content is free-format, not all UAC types can be extracted. It is meant to function as an easy way to get set-up quickly. Special triggers and complex dependencies must be added by the user.

The first three options must be set before reading a .csv file.

All column drop-down boxes will be filled with headers once the file has been read.

Changing a column selection will cause the program to re-interpret the data.


Step 1

Check the file for a header row, see which separation character is used (; or ,) and set the options.

Step 2

Set the desired task type (Unix, Linux, Windows, or z/OS).


Note! The column DropDown-boxes are not filled yet!

Step 3

Read the file. This will fill the column drop-down boxes with headers so the user can choose.

The program tries to find the column with tasks by looking at the headers. Changing a column selection will cause the program to re-interpret the data.

The last entry in every column drop-down box represents the de-selecting of a column.


Variables exist in UAC as three different objects:

Global variables

Variables not connected to a specific task.

Local variables

Variables connected to a specific task.

Environment variables

Variables connected to a specific task.

Checking the box will cause the program to create task specific environment variables.

Unchecking the box will result in the task having a Local Variable defined. In addition, a Global Variable with the same name will be created.

Expected Input Template

The following worksheet is an example of how a .CSV could look like.


The columns can be in any order. Use the combo-boxes to choose a column.

Create Workflows Manually

Most data types will generate workflows automatically, but when the input data does not contain workflow information (such as Cron or Windows), the following procedure could be used.

Create Workflows from Tasks

Step 1

Right-click on the Tasks or Triggers pane.

Step 2

In the Create Workflow dialog that displays, enter a name for the new workflow.

Create Workflows from Triggers

The same procedure works on the Triggers pane. Every task attached to the trigger will be copied to the new workflow.

Example 1: Trigger descriptions usually contain all run information.

Sort the description field on triggers to 'cluster' triggers with the same description. Then use the create workflow function to build workflows from the sorted list.

Example 2: Use the create workflow function to 'nest' workflow that were already created by the parser.


The program can export sub-selections of the parsed data. Selections can be made in the left pane in the tasks section.

Input fields can be found in:

  • Name column
  • sys_class_name column (task type)


The tasks section will be visible only after a file has been processed.

Export (sub) Selection

Enter a sub-selection by typing characters in the input field and pressing [enter]. The corresponding Triggers, Business Services, etc. will automatically update. Basically, only what is displayed goes to the exporter.


The program does not allow incomplete workflow exports, even when they are partially displayed.

Related tasks do not necessarily occur in sequence in input files. Therefore, an extra checkbox is provided to display all workflows and its children tasks in a structured way.


This option is set to UNCHECKED when an export is started.

Delete (sub) Selection

Enter a sub-selection by typing characters in the input field and pressing [enter]. The corresponding Triggers, Business Services, etc. will be updated automatically.

Select Delete Selection from UAC in Database to end delete requests to UAC.


Data Analysis

The XCT can provide a data analysis of the input data. It will show numbers/totals pertaining to the input as well as the output.

It enables you to assess the quality and quantity of the parsed and generated objects. This can be done in three ways:

  1. A visual inspection of the data by using the XCT user interface.
  2. Generating message reports on disk.
  3. Using the Report Analysis button in the log.

Analysis Walk-Through





Run a conversion using file input

Basic Workflow


Go to the Log Pane and press Report Analysis


This will present you with a condensed view of all headers, counters, and totals.

The view is also available as a report on disk called "Analysis_Numbers.csv".


Go to File Menu and press Print Log Analysis.

This will create a number of reports:All messages will be grouped by type to allow for further automated/manual processing.

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