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Universal Connector

Universal Connector: Message Options



Message Level

Turns on message logging for errors only.
Turns on message logging for warnings and errors.
Turns on message logging for all informational, warning and error messages.
Turns on message logging for all audit, informational, warning and error messages.
Allows all messages to be logged, including those used for debugging purposes.

Message Language Options

Specifies the language used to display error messages.

Universal Connector: Command Options



Check job status every

This value specifies how often the status of the job is checked when the RUN command is issued, or when the WAIT option is used with the START command. A value of 0 (zero) causes the job status to be checked repeatedly, with no wait between checks.
The default value for this option is 10 seconds.
This option sets the value for the poll_time configuration option.

Synchronize unchanged job status with SAP every

Specifies the number of seconds that can elapse with no job status changes, before Universal Connector will synchronize the job's actual status with the status stored in SAP.
This default value for this option is 600 seconds.
This option sets the value for the job_stat_check_interval configuration option.

XMI Audit level

Determines the degree of information written to the XMI log. The amount of information increases with higher audit level values.
The default value for this option is 0.
This option sets the value for the xmi_audit_level configuration option.

Application Return Code Options

Use the application return code
When this option is checked, Universal Connector sets its exit code based upon a job's application return code.
This option is not checked by default.
This option sets the value for the use_app_rc configuration option.
Display the application return code
When this option is checked, Universal Connector returns any application return codes set for a job to stderr.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the print_app_rc configuration option.

Maximum XBP Version

Specifies the maximum version of the SAP XBP interface that Universal Connector will use during execution.
When Default is selected, Universal Connector uses the highest level supported by the SAP system.
This option sets the value for the max_xbp configuration option.

Universal Connector: Command Options - Child Process Options



Wait for completion of all child jobs

When this option is checked, Universal Connector will monitor all child jobs and wait for their completion. Universal Connector will exit with the most significant completion status received from all monitored jobs.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the wait_for_child_jobs configuration option.

Return the job log to stderr for all child jobs

When this option is checked, Universal Connector will print the job logs for child jobs to stderr.
This option is checked by default, but is recognized only when Universal Connector is configured to wait for child jobs AND to return job logs for parent processes.
This option sets the value for the print_joblog_for_child_jobs configuration option to yes (the default) or no.

Print the job log only when the child job fails

When this option is checked, Universal Connector will only return the job logs for child jobs that did not complete successfully.
This option is not checked by default.
When this option is checked, the value of the print_joblog_for_child_jobs option is set the error.

Return the spool list to stderr for all child jobs

When this option is checked, Universal Connector will print the spool lists for child jobs to stderr.
This option is checked by default, but is recognized only when Universal Connector is configured to wait for child jobs AND to return spool lists for parent processes.
This option sets the value for the print_spoollist_for_child_jobs configuration option.

Purge all child jobs when the PURGE command is issued

When this option is checked, Universal Connector will purge all child jobs from the SAP system whenever the PURGE command is issued.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the purge_child_jobs configuration option.

Depth of child processes Universal Connector should monitor

Specifies the maximum depth of child processes that Universal Connector will monitor.
When set to 1, Universal Connector will only check for an monitor jobs created by the initial parent job. To monitor multiple "generations" of child processes, specify a value greater than 1, up to a maximum of 999.
The default value for this option is 999.
This option sets the value for the max_child_depth configuration option.

Universal Connector: Network Options



Server Information

The SAP client number.
The name of the SAP host, as specified in the saprfc.ini file.

User Identification

The remote SAP user ID that will be used to execute commands.

Universal Connector: Network Options - RFC Fault Tolerance Options



Logon Options

Logon Timeout
Sets a time constraint on the RFC logon process. The number of seconds that can elapse before USAP considers the RFC logon process to have timed out.
Logon Retry Interval
Specifies the number of seconds that will elapse between a failed RFC logon attempt and the retry of that logon attempt.
Logon Retry Count
Specifies the number of unsuccessful RFC logon retry attempts that can occur before USAP terminates the logon process and ends unsuccessfully.

Function Call Options

Sets time constraint on all RFC functions, with the exception of blocking connection calls. The number of seconds that can elapse before USAP considers an RFC call to have timed out.
Retry Interval
Specifies the number of seconds that will elapse between a failed RFC call and the retry of that RFC call.
Retry Count
Specifies the number of unsuccessful RFC call retry attempts that can occur before USAP terminates the RFC call retry process and ends unsuccessfully.

Listen Interval

Specifies the number of seconds that will elapse between RFC listen calls. These are polling calls that are performed repetitively to determine if an RFC event is available.

Universal Connector: Network Options - Client Fault Tolerance (CFT) Options



Client Fault Tolerance Modes

Secure CFT (Requires XBP 2.0 or later)
When this option is checked, enables secure client fault tolerance (CFT). This option requires XBP 2.0 or later.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the cft_secure_cft configuration option.
ABAP Program
Specifies the ABAP program to use for the command ID job step when secure client fault tolerance (CFT) is used.
The default value for this option is BTCTEST.
This option sets the value for the cft_abap configuration option.
Enable protection against race conditions when non-unique command ID’s are used
When this option is checked, this option will prevent race conditions that could occur when multiple Universal Connector instances executing at the same time use secure client fault tolerance (CFT) and identical command ID parameters.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the cft_race_guard configuration option.
Original (pre-XBP 2.0)
When this option is checked, causes Universal Connector to use the original, pre-XBP 2.0 client fault tolerance (CFT) logic.
This option is not checked by default.
This option sets the value for the cft_secure_cft configuration option.
Target Host for the command ID job step
Specifies the system Universal Connector uses for its Command ID job step when the Command ID option is used.
This option has no default value.
This option sets the value for the cft_target_host configuration option.
Prefix required to execute command
Specifies the prefix required to issue a command on the target host. Universal Connector only recognizes this option when a command ID is specified.
This default value for this option is cmd /C.
This option sets the value for the cft_cmd_prefix configuration option.

Allow a restart value of auto

When this option is checked, Universal Connector will accept a value of "auto" for the -restart option.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the auto_restart_ok configuration option.

Universal Connector: Print Options



Print Application Log

When this option is checked, Universal Connector will return a job's application log to stderr.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the print_applog configuration option.

Print job log Options

Print job log
When this option is checked, Universal Connector will send a job's job log to standard out.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the print_joblog configuration option.
Maximum job log size
Specifies the maximum size for job logs. Universal Connector will not transfer any job logs that exceed this size. Maximum allowable values are:

  • Bytes
  • KB
  • MB

The default value for this option is 1536 MB.
This option sets the value for the max_log_size configuration option.

Print spool list options

Print Spool List
When this option is checked, the spool list will be sent to standard output.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the print_spoollist configuration option.
Maximum spool list size
Specifies the maximum size for spool lists. Universal Connector will not transfer any spool lists that exceed this size. Maximum allowable values are:

  • Bytes
  • KB
  • MB

This default value for this option is 1536 MB.
This option sets the value for the max_spool_size configuration option.
Spool Translation Table
The translation table specifies the Spool List Translation Table (.stt) file to use for spool list formatting.
The default Spool List Translation Table file, default, contains translations for the standard SAP formatting controls into appropriate display and control characters. Translation Table files are located in the nls subdirectory of the installation directory. The value must specify a file located in the nls directory without its stt extension.
This option sets the value for the translation table configuration option.
Spool list codepage
Specifies the codepage Universal Connector uses to transfer spool lists from the SAP system.
There is no default value for this option.
This option sets the value for the spool_codepage configuration option.

Universal Connector: Print Options - Syslog Options



Print syslog

When this option is checked, Universal Connector will generate a syslog report for a job and display it on stderr.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the print_syslog configuration option.

Limit Syslog reports to

Specifies the number of seconds Universal Connector will subtract from the job's release time when calculating the from time of a syslog report.
The default value for this option is 0.
This option sets the value for the syslog_pre_time configuration option.

Set the syslog report’s “from” time by

Specifies the number of seconds Universal Connector will add to the job's end time when calculating the to time of a syslog report.
The default value for this option is 15.
This option sets the value for the syslog_post_time configuration option.

Set the syslog report’s “to” time by

Specifies the number of seconds Universal Connector will add to the job's end time when calculating the to time of a syslog report.
The default value for this option is 15.
This option sets the value for the syslog_post_time configuration option.

Universal Connector: Exit Code Mappings



SAP Job Status code to exit code mapping options

Active exit code
The usap program exits with the SAP job status code when usap is directed to check the status of a job or to wait until a job completes execution. The following options can be used to map SAP job status codes to specific usap program exit codes. The default exit codes are the SAP status codes.
Ready exit code
The usap program exits with the SAP job status code when usap is directed to check the status of a job or to wait until a job completes execution. The following options can be used to map SAP job status codes to specific usap program exit codes. The default exit codes are the SAP status codes.
Scheduled exit code
The usap program exits with the SAP job status code when usap is directed to check the status of a job or to wait until a job completes execution. The following options can be used to map SAP job status codes to specific usap program exit codes. The default exit codes are the SAP status codes.
Released exit code
The usap program exits with the SAP job status code when usap is directed to check the status of a job or to wait until a job completes execution. The following options can be used to map SAP job status codes to specific usap program exit codes. The default exit codes are the SAP status codes.
Terminated exit code
The usap program exits with the SAP job status code when usap is directed to check the status of a job or to wait until a job completes execution. The following options can be used to map SAP job status codes to specific usap program exit codes. The default exit codes are the SAP status codes.
Finished exit code
The usap program exits with the SAP job status code when usap is directed to check the status of a job or to wait until a job completes execution. The following options can be used to map SAP job status codes to specific usap program exit codes. The default exit codes are the SAP status codes.

Universal Connector: Exit Code Mappings - Queue State Mappings



Queue State Exit Code Mappings

To Be Created
Specifies the exit code to use when the result of the DISPLAY QSTATE command indicates that the queue's current state is "to be created".
The default value for this option is 10.
This option sets the value for the qtobecreated_exit_code configuration option.
Specifies the exit code to use when the result of the DISPLAY QSTATE command indicates that the queue's current state is "unprocessed".
The default value for this option is 12.
This option sets the value for the qunprocessed_exit_code configuration option.
In background
Specifies the exit code to use when the result of the DISPLAY QSTATE command indicates that the queue's current state is "in background".
The default value for this option is 14.
This option sets the value for the qinbackground_exit_code configuration option.
Specifies the exit code to use when the result of the DISPLAY QSTATE command indicates that the queue's current state is "finished".
The default value for this option is 16.
This option sets the value for the qfinished_exit_code configuration option.
Specifies the exit code to use when the result of the DISPLAY QSTATE command indicates that the queue's current state is "error".
The default value for this option is 18.
This option sets the value for the qerror_exit_code configuration option.*

Universal Connector: Process Chain Options



Process Chain Exit Code Mappings

Green exit code
Specifies the exit code to use for process chains with a status of green.
The default value for this option is 0.
This option sets the value for the pcgreen_exit_code configuration option.
Red exit code
Specifies the exit code to use for process chains with a status of red.
The default value for this option is 4.
This option sets the value for the pcred_exit_code configuration option.
Aborted exit code
Specifies the exit code to use for process chains with a status of aborted.
The default value for this option is 8.
This option sets the value for the pcaborted_exit_code configuration option.
Active exit code
Specifies the exit code to use for process chains with a status of active.
The default value for this option is 10.
This option sets the value for the pcactive_exit_code configuration option.

Print process chain log

When this option is checked, Universal Connector returns the process chain log to stdout.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the print_chainlog configuration option.

Print logs for all processes in process chain

When this option is checked, Universal Connector returns the logs for all jobs in a process chain to stdout.
This option is checked by default.
This option sets the value for the print_processlogs configuration option.

Universal Connector: Batch Input (BDC) Options



RSBDCSUB Report Search Patterns

Locate the Job Name using this pattern
Specifies the character pattern that Universal Connector uses to locate the header record and determine the offset of the job name in the RSBDCSUB batch input process report.
To reset this option to the default value of Session, delete the field's contents and click OK.
Locate the Job ID using this pattern
Specifies the character pattern that Universal Connector uses to locate the header record and determine the offset of the job ID in the RSBDCSUB batch input process report.
To reset this option to the default value of "Job no.", delete the field's contents and click OK.
Locate the Queue ID using this pattern
Specifies the character pattern that Universal Connector uses to locate the header record and determine the offset of the queue ID in the RSBDCSUB batch input process report.
To reset this option to the default value of "Queue ID", delete the field's contents and click OK.

Delete batch input session queues that have been successfully processed

When this option is checked, Universal Connector will delete the batch input session queues that have been processed successfully.
This option is not selected by default.

Universal Connector: Event Subsystem Options



Event Generation options

Generate activity monitoring events
When this option is selected, the Universal Connector will generate events that monitor product activity.
This option is selected by default.
Persistent event list
Specifies which events are to be generated and processed as persistent events. A persistent event is saved in a Universal Enterprise Controller (UEC) event database for long-term storage.
Enter a list and/or range of numeric event types, separated by a comma. To exclude an event or range of events, precede the entry with an upper- or lower-case 'X'. Use an asterisk ( * ) to specify all event types.
For example:

  • x*
    Do not generate any events (this is the default)
  • *
    Generate all event types
  • 100
    Generate all event types except 100
  • 100,200-205
    Generate event type 100 and 200 through 205
  • 100,200-205,x202
    Generate event types 100 and 200 thru 205, excluding event type 202

Entries are processed from left to right, and the list is order dependent. For example, an entry of x*,100 prevents generation of all event types except 100, while an entry of 100,x* prevents generation of all event types (the right-most entry takes precedence).

Universal Connector: License Information



Product Name

Specifies the name of the registered product for which the license key was issued.

Customer Name

Contains the name under which the software is registered. This value must be entered exactly as the customer name specified in the licensing material you received with the software.

Operating System

Identifies the operating system on which your licensed Universal Command Manager will run. This value should match the operating system specified in the licensing material you received with your software.

License Type

Specifies the type of license issued for the current product. This value is used with the expiration date to determine the length of time the software license is valid.

Expiration Date

Contains the date when the current license for this product will expire. The date entered must match the expiration date specified in the licensing material you received with the software. To change the date, enter a new value, or click the down arrow to display a calendar control.

Server Counts

Contains the number of Universal Command Servers you have licensed, by operating system. This values in this list should match the numbers specified in the licensing material you received with your software.

License Key

Contains the license key that is generated for each product, customer, license type and expiration date. The value contained in this field must match the key specified in the licensing material you received with the software package.

Clear all Button

Select this button to reset the license information fields to their initialized defaults.

Import Button

Select this button to browse for and load the Universal Command Manager license file, which will automatically import the license information.

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