Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


OpenTelemetry is an open-source project that standardizes the collection of telemetry data from software systems, making it easier for organizations to gain holistic visibility into their environments. By seamlessly integrating with various programming languages, frameworks, and cloud platforms, OpenTelemetry simplifies the instrumentation of applications, allowing developers and operators to collect rich, actionable data about their systems' behavior.  The adoption of OpenTelemetry by software vendors and Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools represents a significant shift in the observability landscape. OpenTelemetry has gained substantial traction across the industry due to its open-source, vendor-neutral approach and its ability to standardize telemetry data collection.

Many software vendors have started incorporating OpenTelemetry into their frameworks and libraries. Major cloud service providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud have also embraced OpenTelemetry. In addition, many APM tools have integrated OpenTelemetry into their offerings. This integration allows users of these APM solutions to easily collect and visualize telemetry data from their applications instrumented with OpenTelemetry. It enhances the compatibility and flexibility of APM tools, making them more versatile in heterogeneous technology stacks.

Solution Architecture (Component Description)


  • Linux Server 
    • Memory: 16GB RAM
    • Storage: 70GB Net storage 
    • CPU: 4 CPU
    • Distribution: Any major Linux distribution 
    • For the installation and configurations of the required Observability tools Administrative privileges are required
  • Ports

The Following default ports will be used. 


Prometheushttp: 9090
OTEL Collector

4317 (grpc), 4318 (http)


It is assumed that following components are installed and configured properly:

  • Universal Agent or higher
  • Universal Controller or higher

Please refer to the documentation for Installation and Applying Maintenance - Universal Controller 7.4.x - Stonebranch Documentation (


Note: This Startup Guide has been tested with the provide Software Version in the table below. 


Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine designed for real-time search and data storage. It is used for log and event data analysis, full-text search, and more.

Installation Steps:

Official Documentation: Elasticsearch Installation Guide


Setup up Jaeger



Installation Steps:

Official Documentation: Jaeger Installation Guide


Setup OTEL Collector



Installation Steps:

Official Documentation: OpenTelemetry Collector Installation


Set up Prometheus



Installation Steps:

Official Documentation: Prometheus Installation Guide


Set up Grafana



Installation Steps:

Official Documentation: Grafana Installation Guide


Universal Controller 



Installation Steps:

Official Documentation: link to open telemetry properties.


UAG: UAG - Development - Stonebranch Documentation (

Installation Steps:

Enabling Metrics/Traces
Metrics and Traces will be turned off, by default, in both UAG and OMS Server. The user must configure two new options to enable metrics and traces.


ComponentConfiguration File Option
UAGotel_enable_tracing YES
OMS Serverotel_enable_tracing YES

Configure Service Name
All applications using Opentelemetry must register a, including UAG and OMS Server

ComponentConfiguration File Option
UAGotel_service_name <agent_name>
OMS Serverotel_service_name <oms_agent_name>

Configuring OTLP Endpoint

Both the metrics and tracing engines end up pushing the relevant data to the Opentelemetry collector using the HTTP(S) protocol (gRPC protocol
NOT supported this release). In most scenarios, the traces and metrics will be sent to the same collector, but this is not strictly necessary. To
account for this, two new options will be added in both UAG and OMS


ComponentConfiguration File Option
UAGotel_metrics_endpoint http://localhost:4318
OMS Serverotel_metrics_endpoint http://localhost:4318


ComponentConfiguration File Option
UAGotel_trace_endpoint http://localhost:4318
OMS Serverotel_trace_endpoint http://localhost:4318

Configure how often to export the metrics from UAG and OMS Server

ComponentConfiguration File Option
UAGotel_metrics_export_interval 60
OMS Serverotel_metrics_export_interval 60

The value:

Opentelemetry default of 60 seconds

is specified in seconds
must be non-negative (i.e. >0)
cannot exceed 2147483647

Sample Configuration Files

The following provides the sample set-up for UAG and OMS Server.

The otel_metrics_export_interval  is not set. The default value of 60s is taken in that case.

Code Block
# /etc/universal/uags.conf:

otel_export_metrics YES
otel_enable_tracing YES
otel_service_name agt_lx_wiesloch_uag
otel_metrics_endpoint http://localhost:4318
otel_trace_endpoint http://localhost:4318
