Versions Compared


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Step 1

To create a local server follow Tutorial - Creating and Manually Starting an SFTP Server or Tutorial - Creating and Manually Starting an FTPES Server.

SFTP: stonebranch-sftp-01, stonebranch-sftp-02

FTPES: stonebranch-ftpes-01 

Step 2

From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Local Servers. The Local Servers list displays.

Step 3

Select the correct server record. The server details are populated on the Details tabs.

Select the Accounts tab.

Step 4

Select the Pencil icon to add a shared account to the local server.

Step 5

Search for the correct shared account and add using the arrow. For the SFTP server,  stonebranch-01. For the FTPES server, stonebranch-10.

Click the  Save changes button. 

Step 6

It's now possible to connect to the SFTP server with these account credentials:

Code Block
$  sftp -P 4100 stonebranch-01@
stonebranch-01@'s password:
Connected to
sftp> ls

It's now possible to connect to the FTPES server with these account credentials.

For example with FileZilla:

Code Block
titleFileZilla Log
19:22:15    Status: Resolving address of
19:22:15    Status: Connecting to x.x.x.x:4200...
19:22:15    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
19:22:15    Response:   220 UDMG-FTP-
19:22:15    Command:    AUTH TLS
19:22:15    Response:   234 AUTH command ok. Expecting TLS Negotiation.
19:22:15    Status: Initializing TLS...
19:22:15    Status: Verifying certificate...
19:22:15    Status: TLS connection established.
19:22:15    Command:    USER stonebranch-01
19:22:15    Response:   331 OK
19:22:15    Command:    PASS ********
19:22:16    Response:   230 Password ok, continue
19:22:16    Command:    CLNT FileZilla
19:22:16    Response:   200 Good to know
19:22:16    Command:    OPTS UTF8 ON
19:22:16    Response:   200 I'm in UTF8 only anyway
19:22:16    Command:    PBSZ 0
19:22:16    Response:   200 Whatever
19:22:16    Command:    PROT P
19:22:16    Response:   200 OK
19:22:16    Status: Logged in
19:22:16    Status: Retrieving directory listing...
19:22:16    Command:    PWD
19:22:16    Response:   257 "/" is the current directory
19:22:16    Status: Directory listing of "/" successful
