Tutorial - Creating and Associating a Shared Account

Tutorial - Creating and Associating a Shared Account

In this tutorial, you will:

  • Create a Shared Account with Password Authentication for a Local Server.

  • Assign a Shared Account to a Local Server via Shared Accounts Service.
  • Assign a Shared Account to a Local Server via Local Servers Service.

  • Create a Shared Account with SSH Key Authentication for a Local SFTP Server.
  • Disable a Shared Account.

Create a Shared Account with Password Authentication for a Local Server

Step 1

From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Shared Accounts. The Shared Accounts list displays.

Step 2

Click the Add icon () above the Shared Account tab.

Step 3

The Shared Account Details displays:


  • In the Account Name field, enter stonebranch-01. The Account Name is only for display and reference inside UDMG.
  • In the Login Name field, enter stonebranch-01. The Login Name is the name for authentication; for example, the expected SFTP user name. 
  • In the Password field, enter any value for instance ChangeMe.
  • In the Member of Business Service fields, select the appropriate one. 


  • In the Account Name field, enter stonebranch-10
  • In the Login Name field, enter stonebranch-10
  • In the Password field, enter any value for instance ChangeMe.
  • In the Member of Business Service fields, select the appropriate one. 
Step 4

Click the Save icon (). The shared account now displays in the Shared Accounts list. 

Assign a Shared Account to a Local Server - Shared Accounts Service

Step 1

To create a local server follow Tutorial - Creating and Manually Starting an SFTP Server or Tutorial - Creating and Manually Starting an FTPES or FTPS Server.

SFTP: stonebranch-sftp-01, stonebranch-sftp-02

FTPES: stonebranch-ftpes-01 

Step 2

From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Shared Accounts. The Shared Accounts list displays.

Select the newly created SFTP user stonebranch-1 or FTPES user stonebranch-10.

Step 3

Select the Local Servers tab. The list of associated Local Servers displays. 

Initially, the account is created without any reference and cannot be used for authentication to any of the local servers.

By associating it with 1 or more local servers, it is allowed for each of them. 

Step 4

Select the Pencil icon to associate a Local Server to the Shared Account.

Step 5

Search for stonebranch-ftpes-01 and add using the arrow. Click the Save changes button. 

Step 6

The Local Server list is updated for the account

Assign a Shared Account to a Local Server - Local Servers Service

Step 1

To create a local server follow Tutorial - Creating and Manually Starting an SFTP Server or Tutorial - Creating and Manually Starting an FTPES or FTPS Server.

SFTP: stonebranch-sftp-01, stonebranch-sftp-02

FTPES: stonebranch-ftpes-01 

Step 2

From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Local Servers. The Local Servers list displays.

Step 3

Select the correct server record. The server details are populated on the Details tabs.

Select the Accounts tab.

Step 4

Select the Pencil icon to add a shared account to the local server.

Step 5

Search for the correct shared account and add using the arrow. For the SFTP server,  stonebranch-01. For the FTPES server, stonebranch-10.

Click the  Save changes button. 

Step 6

It's now possible to connect to the SFTP server with these account credentials:

$  sftp -P 4100 stonebranch-01@
stonebranch-01@'s password:
Connected to
sftp> ls

It's now possible to connect to the FTPES server with these account credentials.

For example with FileZilla:

FileZilla Log
19:22:15    Status: Resolving address of ftpes.example.com
19:22:15    Status: Connecting to x.x.x.x:4200...
19:22:15    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
19:22:15    Response:   220 UDMG-FTP-
19:22:15    Command:    AUTH TLS
19:22:15    Response:   234 AUTH command ok. Expecting TLS Negotiation.
19:22:15    Status: Initializing TLS...
19:22:15    Status: Verifying certificate...
19:22:15    Status: TLS connection established.
19:22:15    Command:    USER stonebranch-01
19:22:15    Response:   331 OK
19:22:15    Command:    PASS ********
19:22:16    Response:   230 Password ok, continue
19:22:16    Command:    CLNT FileZilla
19:22:16    Response:   200 Good to know
19:22:16    Command:    OPTS UTF8 ON
19:22:16    Response:   200 I'm in UTF8 only anyway
19:22:16    Command:    PBSZ 0
19:22:16    Response:   200 Whatever
19:22:16    Command:    PROT P
19:22:16    Response:   200 OK
19:22:16    Status: Logged in
19:22:16    Status: Retrieving directory listing...
19:22:16    Command:    PWD
19:22:16    Response:   257 "/" is the current directory
19:22:16    Status: Directory listing of "/" successful

Create a Shared Account with SSH Key Authentication for a Local SFTP Server

Step 1

Follow the above steps again to create another shared account stonebranch-02.

Step 2

If you don't already have a public key, generate a new SSH key for this account, for example:

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "stonebranch-02" -N "" -f stonebranch-02
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Your identification has been saved in stonebranch-02.
Your public key has been saved in stonebranch-02.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:gNvc9Km/Zoe6b/UEtfD0mIjjhiRO/eYujv/SU4+d8sk stonebranch-02
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|                 |
|     .      . o  |
|    . ...  . * = |
|     +o+o.o.o = .|
|    .oooS+o. .   |
|      . ..= o .  |
|        .= + * . |
|       .o.O +.=. |
|      .o=%*+ oE  |


The public key must be in OpenSSH format.
The following key types are supported: ed25519, ecdsa, rsa, dss. RSA and DSS are obsolete and not supported by all SFTP software servers and clients.

Step 3From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Local Servers. The Local Servers list displays.
Step 4Select or create an SFTP server, stonebranch-sftp-02.
Step 5

Follow the above steps again to add the shared account, stonebranch-02 to the local server. 

The details are populated in the Accounts tab. 

Step 6

Click the Certificates / Keys tab.

Step 7

Click the Add icon ().

Step 8

The Certificate Details displays.

  • In the Name field, enter stb-02-pub.
  • In the Public Key field, enter the user public key; for instance the content of the file stonebranch-02.pub:

The fields can be resized for easier display; simply move up or down the resize grabber in the corner of the field.

Step 9

Click Submit button.

The SSH key is stored for this account and client connection can be performed with SSH key authentication.

Step 10

It's now possible to connect to the SFTP server with this account private key:

$ sftp -i stonebranch-02 -P 4101 stonebranch-02@
Connected to
sftp> ls

Disable a Shared Account

Step 1

From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Shared Accounts. The Shared Accounts list displays.

Select the FTPES user stonebranch-10.

Step 2

Click the Disable button ().

Step 3

The account is disabled and cannot be used for login with any of the assigned local servers.


Use the Disable and Enable buttons to change the status.

The Disabled toggle button only to shows the status of the account. 

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