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Table of Contents

Universal Data Mover Gateway release - November 1720, 2023, contains the following high-level features. For a complete list of all the included features and fixes, please refer to Universal Data Mover Gateway 1.5.x Maintenance.





#34247Allow absolute paths in SFTP client requests

If the remote filename stub in the transfer request starts with a '/' it is considered an absolute path and will be used without prefixing with the transfer rule remote directory path. 

For example, the client transfer udmg-client transfer add -f localFile.txt -o /remotepath/remoteFile.txt -p SftpPartner -l remoteAccount -w send -r Rule1S will now send /remotepath/remoteFile.txt as the path in the SFTP request whereas before, the path would have been {rule remote_directory}/other/remoteFile.txt.

#34258Send transfer without pre-existing fileAllow a client send transfer to start even when the local file does not exist. It is now possible to start a send transfer even if the file to send does not yet exist, as long as it is created before the start of the data sending phase. Typically, this allows a user to start a transfer when the file is created by a Rule Pre-Task.






Standard Login Method with Authenticator App (TOTP) 2FA.

Local User accounts can now be configured to use 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) via a 3rd Party Authenticator App.

Image Modified

A user configured for Standard / Authenticator App (TOTP) must setup their Universal Data Mover Gateway account in their authenticator app during their initial login.

Image Modified

For subsequent logins, the “challenge” page will be presented during the login flow.

#34873Management of user sessions

The open sessions for the users of the UDMG Admin UI can be displayed and terminated from the user menu.
Requires the 'administration write' permissions.

Management of the 'Administration' permission for users
  • Ability to manage the 'Administration' permission from UI and CLI

  • 'superuser' shortcut is provided to create or convert a user to a superuser with all possible permissions, including the administration permissions
    udmg-client user update bob -r 'superuser' 
#33071Disable Rule Task type

Ability to globally disable each rule task type.

New udmg-server configuration parameters, in the [tasks] section, for each task type allow to disable the related task processing during any file transfer. For the following task types: COPY, COPYRENAME, MOVE, MOVERENAME, DELETE, RENAME, EXEC, EXECMOVE, EXECOUTPUT, TRANSFER, CHECKREGEX, PUBLISHEVENT, ICAP. 





#33063Environment customization

Customizable banner and system identifier on UDMG Admin UI,

  • "udmg.system_identifier": name of the system or the environment.
  • "udmg.banner.background_color": color of the banner background, as HTML color name ("Brown"), RGB code ("rgb(165,42,42)"), or hexadecimal code ("#A52A2A").
  • "udmg.banner.logo": company logo, optional picture to display next to the system identifier.

Example of a production environment with a brown banner and a development environment with an orange banner:

#31488Business Service as Tag

Improved the usability of Business Service : they can be used for tagging objects and not only to enforce security permissions. A Business Service without any User Group can be attached to an object as a way labeling it.

#34257Logging of rule tasks execution

New debug log messages:

  • TRANSFER: Programmed new transfer n°ID of file FILE, from/to PARTNER as ACCOUNT using rule RULE
  • COPY: Copied file FILEPATH to FILEPATH
  • DELETE: Deleted file FILEPATH
  • EXEC: Done executing command PATH ARGUMENTS
    and command output is sent to DEBUG log
  • EXECMOVE: Done executing command PATH ARGUMENTS
    and new file path is sent to DEBUG log
  • EXECOUTPUT: Done executing command PATH ARGUMENTS
    and command output is send to DEBUG log
  • RENAME: Changed target file to FILEPATH



Update of menu labels and ordering
  • Change order of the items in the Management and Administration menus, for logical grouping of entities.


  • Change the order of the options in the User Menu, logout is the now the last option.

#34214Label change for rule virtual path

Change label for rule parameter: "Path Directory" to "Virtual Path Directory"

#33930Label change for certificate records

Change the references to "Certificate" to "Certificate / Key" depending on the context.

Documentation for configuration filesComprehensive description and comments inside the sample configuration file, both in installation package and online documentation.
