Customizing the Banner

Customizing the Banner


You can customize the UDMG Admin UI banner that displays across the top of the page by changing the banner logo, background color, and system identifier.

This is configured with the settings section block for each login service in the UDMG Authentication Proxy configuration file.

The file is /opt/udmg/etc/udmg/auth_proxy/config.toml on Linux or C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\config.toml on Windows

# Service Settings - this affects the UDMG Admin UI display
# The property name "udmg.xxx" must be enclosed in double quotes
# Name of the system or environment
"udmg.system_identifier" = "Your Company UDMG"
# Color of the banner background, as HTML color name ("Brown"), RGB code ("rgb(165,42,42)"), or hexadecimal code ("#A52A2A")
"udmg.banner.background_color" = "Plum"
# Company logo, optional picture to display next to the system identifier (size should be 32x32 pixels), the path is relative to web server root directory
"udmg.banner.logo" = "/assets/yourcompany.png


If you update any of the service settings in the configuration file, restart the UDMG Authentication Proxy for the changes to be applied on the next user login. After changing the logo, it may be needed to clear the browser cache as well.

Changing the System Identifier

To change the System Identifier, enter a new value in the "udmg.system_identifier" property.

Changing the Banner Background Color

To change the background color of the banner, enter a new HTML color name ("Brown"), RGB code ("rgb(165,42,42)"), or hexadecimal code ("#A52A2A") value in the "udmg.banner.background_color" property.

Step 1

Copy the logo file that you want to use in the banner to the assets directory directly under your NGINX application root directory (/opt/udmg/var/www/udmg on Linux or C:\UDMG\nginx\udmg on Windows). Valid logo file extensions are .png, .jpg, and .gif. The logo should be exactly 32px x 32px. Any logo larger than these dimensions will be scaled automatically; however, keeping the logo within these dimensions is recommended.

  • If you have a High Availability system, you must copy the logo to each cluster node with a UDMG Admin UI instance in the system.

Step 2

Edit the UDMG Authentication Proxy configuration file and update the "udmg.banner.logo" property to the path of the logo file (excluding NGINX root path) that you copied to the assets directory, for example: /assets/logo.png

Step 3

The logo will be deployed automatically to the UDMG Admin UI. 

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