(For Web Service output, see 20152753 Web Service Functions.)
Note |
A prerequisite for the use of these functions is that Automatic Output Retrieval and Wait For Output are selected at task level, with the exception of the EXTENSION output type. |
Note |
When using String functions that accept a String value parameter directly, you should be aware of expectations with respect to escape characters and escape sequences (see 20152753 Escape Sequences, below). |
For String functions that accept a variable name parameter, the fully resolved value of the variable by the specified name will be used as the String value argument. The variable must be fully resolvable and must not contain an unresolved function.
Description | Randomly generates a String with a specified length. |
Syntax | ${_randomString(length[, 'excludeCharacters', 'defaultCharacters']) }
Parameters | length Required; String length.excludeCharacters Optional; String containing characters to exclude from the default character set.defaultCharacters Optional; String for overriding default character set.
Note |
| The following characters are included in the default character set, in addition to the space character. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890`-=~!@#$%^&*()_+[]\{}|;':",./<>? |
Example |
Panel |
${_randomString(24, '', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890@#$%*')} --> 5*L8T1RN#$AQWEKPA@BQ19JD |
Description | Resolves to the IP address of the machine running the Controller. |
Syntax | ${_ipaddress}
Parameters | (none) |
Resolve to the Sibling SYS_ID
Description | Resolves to the sys_id of the first task instance found within the same workflow specified by the sibling name. |
Syntax | ${_siblingid('sibling_name') }
Parameters | sibling_name Required; Sibling name.
Example |
Panel |
${_siblingid('Timer 60')} --> 5dbaaab943d26172015e10ab3e894e10 |
Description | Resolves the variable specified by the variable_name parameter and substitutes the default value if the variable cannot be resolved. |
Syntax | ${_resolveadv('variable_name', 'default_value', [use_default_if_blank]) }
Parameters | variable_name Required; Variable name.default_value Required; Default value to use if the variable cannot be resolved.use_default_if_blank Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not to use the default value if the variable is empty or blank. (If use_default_if_blank is false, _resolveadv behaves like 20152753 _resolve.)
Anchor |
| Universal Task Functions |
| Universal Task Functions |
Universal Task Functions