Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Universal Controller maintains a record of all system activity, including:

The Data Backup / Purge feature allows you to configure automatic backups and/or purges of some or all of the Controller activity data. Depending on your organization's needs, you should schedule regular data backups. Depending on the volume of your installation, the amount of data in your Controller database could become unwieldy if you do not schedule regular purges of old data.

The data is written to XML files in the directory you specify.


For instructions on how to purge user-created Controller records, see Purging Old Versions of Records.

Purge Rules for Task Instances
Purge Rules for Task Instances
Purge Rules for Task Instances

The following rules apply for the purging of task instances.

Task Instance Status
Task Instance Status
Task Instance Status

A task instance (including a workflow task instance) can be purged only if it is in a status greater than 99:

  • 110 (In Doubt)
  • 120 (Start Failure)
  • 125 (Confirmation Required)
  • 130 (Cancelled)
  • 140 (Failed)
  • 180 (Skipped)
  • 190 (Finished)
  • 200 (Success)

A task instance within a workflow cannot be purged until its workflow task instance has been purged.

A workflow task instance cannot be purged if one or more of its task instances is in a status other than Skipped, Finished, or Success, because that will cause the workflow to be in a status which will not qualify it to be purged (for example: Running, Running/Problems), and therefore none of the task instances within the workflow will qualify for purge.

Purging by Retention Duration
Purging by Retention Duration
Purging by Retention Duration

If Purge By Retention Duration has been specified for a trigger or a task, and the Purge By Retention Duration checkbox has been selected in the Data Backup / Purge Details, all task instances launched by the trigger or task are eligible to be purged from the database as soon as the retention duration time specified in the trigger or task has been met.

When a purge is run, any task instances eligible to be purged by retention duration will be purged regardless of the Days Older Than value specified in the Purge Details.


The Trigger Level (Purge By Retention Duration) feature is used for selectively purging instances earlier than the System Level (Days Older Than) purge and not intended for retaining instances longer than the System Level purge.  The System Level purge will not take into consideration the Retention Duration and, therefore, setting a trigger Retention Duration longer than the configured System Level purge will not retain those instances longer.

Creating a Data Backup / Purge Record
Creating a Data Backup / Purge Record
Creating a Data Backup / Purge Record

Step 1

From the Administration navigation pane, select Configuration > Data Backup / Purge. The Data Backup / Purge list displays.
To the right of the list, Details for a new Data Backup / Purge record displays.

Step 2

Enter / select Details for a new Data Backup / Purge record, using the field descriptions below as a guide.

  • Required fields display an asterisk ( * ) after the field name.
  • Default values for fields, if available, display automatically.

To display more of the Details fields on the screen, you can either:

  • Use the scroll bar.
  • Temporarily hide the list above the Details.
  • Click the  button above the list to display a pop-up version of the Details.

Step 3

If you want the backup / purge to run automatically, enable the Schedule field and specify how often and what time it should run. Otherwise, you can run it manually.

Step 4

Click a  button to save the record. The record is added to the database, and all buttons and tabs in the Data Backup / Purge Details are enabled.


To open an existing record on the list, either:

  • Click a record in the list to display its record Details below the list. (To clear record Details below the list, click the  button that displays above and below the Details.)
  • Clicking the Details icon next to a record name in the list, or right-click a record in the list and then click Open in the Action menu that displays, to display a pop-up version of the record Details.
  • Right-click a record in the a list, or open a record and right-click in the record Details, and then click Open In Tab in the Action menu that displays, to display the record Details under a new tab on the record list page (see Record Details as Tabs).

Data Backup / Purge Details
Data Backup / Purge Details
Data Backup / Purge Details

The following Data Backup / Purge Details is for an existing Data Backup / Purge record.

Depending on the values that you enter / select for these fields, more (or less) fields may display. See the field descriptions, below, for a description of all fields that may display in the Data Backup / Purge Details.

For information on how to access additional details - such as Metadata and complete database Details - for Data Backup / Purge records (or any type of record), see Records.

Data Backup / Purge Details Field Descriptions
Data Backup / Purge Details Field Descriptions
Data Backup / Purge Details Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields, buttons, and tabs that display in the Data Backup / Purge Details.

Field Name



This section contains detailed information about the record.


Include Page
IL:Name - Backup
IL:Name - Backup


Include Page


Include Page

Days Older Than
Days Older Than
Days Older Than

Include Page
IL:Days Older Than
IL:Days Older Than


Include Page

Export Path
Export Path
Export Path

Include Page
IL:Backup Export Path
IL:Backup Export Path


Include Page

Purge By Retention Duration
Purge By Retention Duration
Purge By Retention Duration

Include Page
IL:Purge By Retention Duration - DB Backup-Purge
IL:Purge By Retention Duration - DB Backup-Purge


Include Page

Next Scheduled Time

Include Page
IL:Next Scheduled Time - Backup - 6.4.2
IL:Next Scheduled Time - Backup - 6.4.2

Every # Days

Include Page
IL:Every No. Days
IL:Every No. Days


Include Page
IL:Time - Backup - 6.4.2
IL:Time - Backup - 6.4.2

System Notification

Specification for whether or not to receive system notifications for Data Backup / Purge operations.
Options are:

Html bobswift
<li> --None --
<li> Operation Failure
<li> Operation Success/Failure
<li> Operation Success


In order to receive system notifications, you must provide an email address in the Administrator Email Address system property and select the Use for System Notifications field on an Email Connection.


This section contains Metadata information about this record.


Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Data Backup / Purge Details that let you perform various actions.


Saves a new record in the Controller database.

Save & New

Saves a new Data Backup/Purge record in the Controller database and redisplays empty Details so that you can create another Data Backup/Purge record.

Save & View

Saves a new Data Backup/Purge record in the Controller database and continues to display that record.


Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new record.


Include Page
IL:Update button
IL:Update button


Include Page
IL:Enable Backup button
IL:Enable Backup button


Include Page
IL:Disable Backup button
IL:Disable Backup button


Include Page
IL:Run button
IL:Run button


Terminates a running Data Backup/Purge operation.


Include Page
IL:Delete button
IL:Delete button


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.


For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of this record.


This section identifies the tabs across the top of the Data Backup / Purge Details that provide access to additional information about the record.


Lists audits created for all scheduled runs of this data backup / purge operation.

Running a Data Backup / Purge Manually
Running a Data Backup / Purge Manually
Running a Data Backup / Purge Manually

If you want to manually run a data backup or purge, either:

  • On the Backups list, right-click the Name of the Data Backup / Purge that you want to run and click Run.
  • Display the Details of the Data Backup / Purge that you want to run and click the Run button.

Importing Backed Up / Purged Data into Controller
Importing Backed Up / Purged Data into Controller
Importing Backed Up / Purged Data into the Controller

If you want to import any of the XML files created by a Data Backup / Purge, you can copy the XML file(s) into the bulk export output path and run bulk import. See Running an Import.

Returning Virtual Resources for Purged Task Instances in Failure Status

Task instances that have their Hold Resources on Failure field enabled will hold their renewable virtual resources if the task instance is in Failed status.

However, when these task instances are purged, the virtual resources are returned.