Role Name | Available Functions | Contains Roles |
| All functions; this is the Universal Controller administrator role. The easiest way to assign full permissions to a user is to add the user to the Administrator Group, which by default is assigned the ops_admin role. Note |
| The ops_admin role contains all other roles. If a user is assigned the ops_admin role, no other roles need to be assigned to that user, and unassigning any other role from the user will not revoke that role. |
| - ops_agent_cluster_admin
- ops_audit_view
- ops_bundle_admin
- ops_dba
- ops_email_admin
- ops_filter_global
- ops_filter_group
- ops_forecast_view
- ops_imex
- ops_ldap_admin
- ops_multi_update
- ops_oms_admin
- ops_peoplesoft_admin
- ops_promotion_admin
- ops_property_admin
- ops_report_admin
- ops_restore_version
- ops_sap_admin
- ops_server_operation_admin
- ops_service
- ops_snmp_admin
- ops_sso_admin
- ops_universal_event_template_admin
- ops_universal_template_admin
- ops_user_admin
- ops_webhook_admin
- ops_widget_admin
Anchor |
| ops_agent_cluster_admin |
| ops_agent_cluster_admin |
ops_agent_cluster_admin | Create, read, update, and delete agent clusters. (Also see Agent Cluster Permissions, below.) |
Anchor |
| ops_audit_view |
| ops_audit_view |
ops_audit_view | Read all Audits.
Anchor |
| ops_bundle_admin |
| ops_bundle_admin |
ops_bundle_admin | |
Anchor |
| ops_dashboard_global |
| ops_dashboard_global |
ops_dashboard_global | Create, update, and delete Dashboard Details with Everyone visibility; updating includes updating Dashboard visibility. |
Anchor |
| ops_dashboard_group |
| ops_dashboard_group |
ops_dashboard_group | Create, update, and delete Dashboard Details that are visible for a group in which this user is a member; updating includes updating Dashboard visibility. |
| Create, update, delete Database Connections. (Also see Database Connection Permissions, below.) |
Anchor |
| ops_email_admin |
| ops_email_admin |
ops_email_admin | Create, read, update, delete Email Connections. (Also see Email Connection Permissions, below.) |
Anchor |
| ops_filter_global |
| ops_filter_global |
ops_filter_global | Create Filters with Everyone visibility. |
Anchor |
| ops_filter_group |
| ops_filter_group |
ops_filter_group | Create Filters that belong to a group of which this user is a member. |
Anchor |
| ops_forecast_view |
| ops_forecast_view |
ops_forecast_view | Read Forecast Calendar, Forecasts List, and Forecast Details. Note |
| Users also can read forecast information, without being assigned this role, if they have Read permission for the Task specified in the Forecast Details. |
| List Import/Export XML. |
Anchor |
| ops_ldap_admin |
| ops_ldap_admin |
ops_ldap_admin | Read and update LDAP Settings. |
Anchor |
| ops_multi_update |
| ops_multi_update |
ops_multi_update | Update multiple records. |
ops_oauth_admin | Create, read, update, and delete OAuth Clients. |
Anchor |
| ops_oms_admin |
| ops_oms_admin |
ops_oms_admin | Create, update, and delete OMS Servers. |
Anchor |
| ops_peoplesoft_admin |
| ops_peoplesoft_admin |
ops_peoplesoft_admin | Create, read, update, and delete PeopleSoft Connections. (Also see PeopleSoft Connection Permissions, below.) |
Anchor |
| ops_promotion_accept_bundle |
| ops_promotion_accept_bundle |
ops_promotion_accept_bundle | Accept bundles being promoted to a target server. (The Accept Bundle command is executed on the target server automatically as part of the Promote and Promote Bundle commands and does not involve user interaction.) |
Anchor |
| ops_promotion_admin |
| ops_promotion_admin |
ops_promotion_admin | Note |
| By default, the ops_promotion_admin role also grants Read permission for any type of definition that can be added to a Bundle, given the expectation that a promotion administrator would review the content of a Bundle before promoting it. To change this default behaviour, see the Promotion Read Permission Required Universal Controller property. |
(Also see Bundle Permissions and Promotion Target Permissions, below.) | - ops_promotion_accept_bundle
Anchor |
| ops_property_admin |
| ops_property_admin |
ops_property_admin | Read, update, and delete Universal Controller system properties and Password Settings. |
Anchor |
| ops_report_admin |
| ops_report_admin |
ops_report_admin | - Create, read, update, and delete any report, regardless of visibility, in addition to the roles granted by the ops_widget_admin role.
- Create, update, and delete Dashboard Details with Everyone visibility and Dashboard Details that are visible for a group in which this user is a member; updating includes updating Dashboard visibility.
The Strict Report Create Constraints Universal Controller system property specifies whether or not to restrict report creation only to users with the ops_admin, ops_report_admin, ops_report_group, or ops_report_global role. The Strict Dashboard Create Constraints Universal Controller system property specifies whether or not to restrict Dashboard creation only to users with the ops_admin, ops_report_admin, ops_dashboard_group, or ops_dashboard_global role. | - ops_dashboard_global
- ops_dashboard_group
- ops_report_global
- ops_report_group
- ops_report_publish
- ops_widget_admin
Anchor |
| ops_report_global |
| ops_report_global |
ops_report_global | Create global reports. |
Anchor |
| ops_report_group |
| ops_report_group |
ops_report_group | Create reports that belong to a group to which this user is a member. |
Anchor |
| ops_report_publish |
| ops_report_publish |
ops_report_publish | Publish reports. (This role was applicable only to the Controller 5.x release.) |
Anchor |
| ops_restore_version |
| ops_restore_version |
ops_restore_version | Restore old versions of records. |
Anchor |
| ops_sap_admin |
| ops_sap_admin |
ops_sap_admin | Create, read, update, and delete SAP Connections. (Also see SAP Connection Permissions, below.) |
Anchor |
| ops_server_operation_admin |
| ops_server_operation_admin |
ops_server_operation_admin | Run Server Operations. |
| |
ops_simulation_view | Read Simulation records. |
Anchor |
| ops_snmp_admin |
| ops_snmp_admin |
ops_snmp_admin | Create, read, update, and delete SNMP Managers, to which the Controller sends SNMP notifications. (Also see SNMP Manager Permissions, below.) |
Anchor |
| ops_sso_admin |
| ops_sso_admin |
ops_sso_admin | Read and update Single Sign-On Settings. |
Anchor |
| ops_universal_template_admin |
| ops_universal_template_admin |
ops_universal_event_template_admin | Create, read, update, and delete Universal Event Templates. | - ops_universal_event_template_view
Anchor |
| ops_universal_template_view |
| ops_universal_template_view |
ops_universal_event_template_view | Read Universal Event Templates. |
Anchor |
| ops_universal_template_admin |
| ops_universal_template_admin |
ops_universal_template_admin | Create, read, update, and delete Universal Templates (including Universal Template Event Templates). | - ops_universal_template_view
Anchor |
| ops_universal_template_view |
| ops_universal_template_view |
ops_universal_template_view | Read Universal Templates (including Universal Template Event Templates). |
Anchor |
| ops_user_admin |
| ops_user_admin |
ops_user_admin | Create, read, update, and delete users and groups. | |
Anchor |
| ops_user_impersonate |
| ops_user_impersonate |
| ops_user_impersonate | Allows an authenticated user to impersonate another user by using the X-Impersonate-User HTTP header on a Web Service request. |
ops_webhook_admin | - Create, read, update, and delete Webhooks.
- Enable, Disable, and Assign Execution User for Webhooks.
| |
ops_webhook_view | Read Webhooks. |
Anchor |
| ops_widget_admin |
| ops_widget_admin |
ops_widget_admin | Create, update, and delete Widgets. |