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Stonebranch provides product maintenance in the form of updated product installation packages. This document lists the product installation package maintenance history for Universal Controller 7.1.x.


For Universal Controller 7.1.x, applying maintenance refers to the increase from a currently installed supported version of the Controller to a later 7.1.x version of the Controller (for example, increase Controller to Controller

Product Packaging

A package maintenance level is incremented when the package changes or the package installation changes.

Stonebranch changes product version, release, or modification identifiers at its discretion when it deems an appropriate number of enhancements or capabilities have been introduced to warrant the change.


Package version numbers are comprised of four numeric identifiers: version, release, modification level, and maintenance level. 

For example, for Universal Controller

  • 7 = Version 7
  • 1 = Release 1
  • 2 = Modification Level 2
  • 0 = Maintenance Level 0

Packaging Methods

The Universal Controller 7.1.x packages are provided in formats appropriate for the target platforms.

See Installation, Upgrade, and Applying Maintenance for information on installing, upgrading, and applying maintenance to the Universal Controller.

Package Maintenance Levels

This section identifies the changes included in Universal Controller 7.1.x.

Release - April 28, 2023

Change IDDescription




Library dependencies updated due to vulnerabilities.
D-11153Cross Site-site scripting vulnerability.
D-11161Virtual resource not freed after task successful completion.
D-11208Controller does not pause for trial license.
D-11259Exported Universal Template should have an accurately computed minReleaseLevel.
D-11290Field Restrictions: Template restriction not applied for all fields associated with Exit Code Processing Fields category.
D-11321Time trigger with Day style as 'Every' is not working properly.

Release - October 28, 2022

Change IDDescription
D-10650Defect with execution user when using recurring tasks.
D-10952Activity: Sorting by Workflow causing rogue query.

Release - June 24, 2022

Change ID


B-15981Make the timeout for email notification output configurable.
B-15969Upgrade SmartGWT library dependencies (2022-06-16).
B-15965SAP Task: Modify -event_select_state configuration option to use short form "N", "C", and "A".
B-15792Update spring library dependencies.
B-15783Remove the axis2-spring-1.7.4.jar dependency.
B-15641Remove the spring-webmvc dependency.

Replace Log4j 1 library with Reload4j library.

D-10807Business Service Visibility Restricted property not honored by 'businessservice/list' Web Service.
D-10760Information leakage through the 'audit/list' Web Service.
D-10678User without appropriate role can read a group through Web Service.

Release - January 14, 2022

Change ID



Import Template: Allow disabling fail on unknown properties for JSON parser.

B-14648Web Service: Sort Audit List response by Created On DESC rather than ASC for consistency with user interface.
B-14709Virtual Resource order check short-circuit optimization.
B-14754Upgrade Log4j 2 from 2.16.0 to 2.17.1.
B-14756MySQL: Update character set of foreign key columns for proper index usage.
D-10479The prefix "UAC" should not be allowed in the Name when Copy Universal Template 
D-10485Component is always enabled when added to enabled Composite trigger with restrict times.
D-10503"global" label on Filter form should be "Global".
D-10513List Component Events: Server should check trigger Read permission.
D-10517Web Service - Recurring Task - "intervalStartTime" & "intervalEndTime" are not in the GET XML Response.
D-10518Global Filters - Not Showing up in Universal Tasks.
D-10520UAC login.jsp/login_change_pwd.jsp Cross-site Scripting (XSS).
D-10528Webservice Task Form Missing SOAP Version Field if Protocol = SOAP.
D-10529Web Service - PeopleSoft Task Create/update - NullPointerException when create/update a PeopleSoft task with Command=Schedule Process/Schedule Job and Process Type=null.
D-10537File Transfer Task - Retry Exit Codes Not Visible When Transfer Protocol UDM.
D-10546Window header close button does not check for form changes before closing the window.
D-10557Database Connection Pool max/min connection properties not being accepted.

Release - December 15, 2021

Change ID



Upgrade Log4j 2 from 2.14.1 to 2.16.0.

Release - October 4, 2021

Change ID


B-04453Add Notes to Triggers.
B-04700Upgrade to the new Log4j 2 library.
B-06955Copy a trigger of another type to a temporary trigger.
B-09493Ability to disable the “Promote By Business Service Membership”.
B-09504Provide an option for tasks to fail if a variable doesn't resolve.
B-10292Web Service API - Universal Template - Icon Set/Restore
B-12330Global Filters.
B-12364WebService API : New Task Definition List API Option to Return Full Definition
B-12365WebService API : New Trigger List APIs Option to Return Full Definition
B-12371WebService API : New Variable List API Option to Return Full Definition.
B-12388WebService API : New Agent List API Option to Return Full Definition
B-12389WebService API : New Virtual Resource List API to Return Full Definition
B-12444Session Fixation Protection.
B-12459Include new fields "Suspended On" and "Resumed On" in GUI, for Agent Clusters.
B-12465List Trigger History
B-12483Web Service API : Server Operation Pause and Resume Cluster Node
B-12508Change default maximum hover hint width.
B-13174Web Service API : Task Read - Add All Read Only fields.
B-13179Add initiating user as cc in failure notification for scheduled promote.
B-13197Add Variable Description field to "Launch Task With Variables..." and "Trigger Now..." command dialogs.
B-13238Allow for options in a task monitor to ignore the dependency if not found within the time scope defined.

New resolvable credential token field for passing larger tokens/keys.

B-13276Grey out tabs 'Step Conditions' and 'Restart Criteria' Tabs when update the Exit Code Processing and Auto Restart Option.
B-13296Prevent Target Task from being deleted while Recurring Task Instance is active.
B-13298Allow using wildcard in selecting a task to be monitored within the Task Monitor.

UIP: Universal Extension - Web Service API - Upload/Download/Delete Extension Archive

B-13802UIP: Universal Extension - Web Service API - Import/Export Template.
B-13804Immediately mark all agents associated with a OMS server as Offline when the OMS Server is suspended.
B-13817Run Command on Filtered for Triggers.
B-13842User Experience: Customized form tab ordering.
B-13845User Experience: Filter Toolbar & Drop-down Enhancements.
B-13883Allow Launch Task command to use unsaved modifications on the form without saving.
B-13916Action URL to Open Workflow Monitor / Editor Directly.
B-13923Specify Date adjustments on the Complex, Custom Day and Holiday options of a Task Run Criteria.
B-13933User Experience: Make base instance or definition "buttons" available from all tabs.
B-13936UC Increase All description field lengths to 255.
B-13937WebServcies API : Implement Monitoring API (Prometheus Metrics).
B-13941Run Criteria :  Allow Multiple Select for Complex Noun and Qualifier.
B-13955UC : Remove "Interact with Desktop" option from Windows Tasks.
B-13958Change MySQL UTF8 alias (currently for deprecated UTF8MB3) to UTF8MB4 to avoid ambiguity.
B-13965Always use the same Statistics Thread for a particular task definition.
B-13967OMS Java Client - Support configuration of service timeout option from UC.
B-13968Combine First Time Ran and Last Time Ran update into statistics event with other statistics updates.
B-13975Configurable slush bucket (picker window) limits (i.e adding Virtual Resource to a task).
B-13977Increase Variable Value Length.
B-13993Allow preserving OMS Server suspended flag on List/Bulk Import when definition does not already exist.
B-14001Add User Defined Fields to Triggers.
B-14003Align email field length for ops_user_group "email" to meet up with the length value of user.
B-14007Change response to not include "active" wording in passive response html data.
B-14010SonarQube: Boxed "Boolean" should be avoided in boolean expressions specifically pertaining to our validate method signature.
B-14011Add trigger "Run Command on Filtered" support for "Add To Bundle" and "Promote" commands.
B-14017Allow specifying a fixed list of self-service variable value options for Launch Task / Trigger with Variables.
B-14020Default Promotion Target to unspecified/blank instead of defaulting to first option.
B-14026UIP: Universal Extension - Double (Forced) Cancel.
B-14027UIP: Universal Extension - Dynamic Commands - Execution Option (Out Of Process, In Process).
B-14037Make deletion message more specific.
B-14045Configure database connection pool to prevent resetting auto commit when connections returned.
B-14075Add Expiration Action to other monitor types that support a Time Scope.
B-14077Add Task Monitor field hints for Task Name Condition and Workflow Name Condition.
B-14095UAC UI ability to hide IP of the agent.
B-14142 Web Service Task : Option to ignore verifying the SSL certificate.
B-14199SonarQube: "String#replace" should be preferred to "String#replaceAll" (java:S5361).
B-14200SonarQube: Replace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator ("<>") in com.stonebranch.opswise.shared.* packages.
B-14205User Experience: Agent Definition - Add Description
B-14228File Transfer Task Increase Local and Remote Filename Field Lengths.
B-14264UIP: Universal Template - Field Default Value Enhancements.
D-10046Actions on transient instance Status of Cancel Pending unsupported.

List export from Properties list does not export files when a filter is applied.


z/OS Task - Unable to find 'ops_zos_task' record Warning message when modify Exit Code Processing and Auto Restart Option from Task Instance Tab using Update & View.


Scheduled Bundle Promotion - db.DatabaseException- Data too long for column 'status_description'

D-10247Inserting task within a deleted workflow instance not handled gracefully.
D-10277Offline agent does not receive license update on heartbeat reconnect.

Web Service - Server Operation Temporary Property Change does not validate the name and value


Web Service - OMS Server Update web service allows OMS Server Address to be blank

D-10305Modifying the Log Level and Heartbeat Interval should not be permitted from a passive node.

Web Service API: Unable to update Universal Task with empty Float field value.


Universal Template Import should not allow multi-select on the file explorer

D-10332Controller - Date Picker - Year selection in date list - add dates - not allowing to select future Years.
D-10345Cannot Unskip sub-workflow with Execution Restrictions.
D-10349Task - "Add To Bundle.." is disabled under "Run Command on Filtered".
D-10357Promote Members of Business Services Check All/Uncheck All buttons not clearing/setting the Visible To field appropriately.
D-10360Task Form - fails to detect changes when an OpswiseListGridItem is modified.
D-10362NullPointerException - when a trigger with an invalid uuid reference to a task.
D-10364 Business Services Check All button not working after Refresh button clicked on Form.

Missing label for Custom Day Category column for scheduled report on Calendar Custom Days table.


Cannot promote an unmodified Universal Template between various Controller releases without Allow Universal Template Changes.

D-10452Universal Task Log Level has incorrect value when promoted from UC and UC
D-10464Dynamic Command should fail if OMS associated with the agent is offline.
D-10466Cannot promote an unmodified Universal Template with Extension Archive without Allow Universal Template Changes.
D-10469Checksum violation ignored if name contains global variable with invalid checksum and "Resolve Name Immediately" is checked.

Prior Maintenance

See Universal Controller 7.0.x Maintenance for changes previously included in 7.0.x maintenance releases that also are included in the 7.1.x releases.

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