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uctl {-help|-version}


There is a long form and, for most options, a short form available for specifying each option on the command line. The long form is not case-sensitive; the short form is case-sensitive.

Options must be prefixed with a dash ( - ) character. If an option value is specified, the option and its value must be separated by at least one space.

COMMAND {-start | -stop | -refresh } [-file | -encryptedfile [-key] ]

Long Form

Short Form


-start compname


Name of the component that is to be started.

-stop compid

-s compid

ID of the component that is to be terminated.

-refresh [compname]

-R [compname]

Name of the component to be refreshed. If no compname is specified, send a REFRESH command to a Universal Broker to instruct it to re-read its configuration parameters and re-read its component definitions.

-file file

-f file

Name of a file from which UCTL options are read.

-encryptedfile file

-x file

Name of an encrypted file from which UCTL options are read. Encrypted UCTL option files are creating using Universal Encrypt.

-key key

-K key

Key that was passed to Universal Encrypt when the UCTL option file was encrypted.

HOST -host [-port] [-hostname_retry_count] [-outboundip]

Long Form

Short Form


-host hostaddress

-i hostaddress

Host network address in dotted form ( or a host domain name.

-port port

-p port

Host port number on which Universal Broker is listening. Default is the Universal Broker default.

-hostname_retry_count count


Number of attempts to resolve the host name.

-outboundip host


Host network address to bind to for all outbound connections.

host format is dotted form ( or a host domain name.

LOCAL [-bif_directory] [-plf_directory] [-system_id]

Long Form

Short Form


-bif_directory directory U


Broker Interface File (BIF) directory where the Universal Broker interface file is located.

-plf_directory directory U


Program Lock File (PLF) directory where the program lock files are located.

-system_id ID Z


Local Universal Broker with which the UCMD Manager must register before the Manager performs any request.

U Available for use on UNIX operating systems only.

Z Available for use on z/OS operating systems only.

USER [-userid [-password] ]

Long Form

Short Form


-userid user

-u user

Remote user ID with which the command runs.

-pwd password

-w password

Remote user ID's password.

OPTIONS [ {-help | -version} | [-cmdid] [-crl] [-lang] [-level] [-delay] [-codepage] [-ctl_ssl_cipher_list] [-default_cipher] [-cert -private_key [-private_key_pwd] ] [saf_key_ring [-saf_key_ring_label] ] [-ssl_implementation] [-ca_certs [-verify_host_name] [-verify_serial_number] ]

Long Form

Short Form


-ca_certs file


Name of a PEM-formatted file containing the X.509 certificates for trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs).

-cert file


Name of a PEM-formatted file containing an X.509 certificate used to identify UCMD to the Broker.

-cmdid id

-C id

Identity of the started component.

-codepage <codepage>

-t <codepage>

Code page used to translate text on the local host.

-crl file / ddname


File name / ddname of the PEM-formatted file containing the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) issued by the trusted Certificate Authority.

-ctl_ssl_cipher_list ciphers


SSL/TLS cipher suites (one or more, in their preferred order) for control SSL/TLS connections. ciphers is a comma-separated list of cipher suite names.

Valid values are AES256-GCM-SHA384,AES256-SHA,AES128-GCM-SHA256,AES128-SHA,RC4-SHA,RC4-MD5,DES-CBC3-SHA.

-delay seconds

-d seconds

Maximum delay for transmitting data that may be expected due to network conditions.



Write help file.

-lang language

-L language

Message and text language.

-level level

-l level

Message level: error, warn, info, audit, or trace.

-private_key file


Name of a PEM-formatted file containing the RSA private key corresponding to the X.509 certificate specified by -cert.

-private_key_pwd password


Password for the private key file specified by -private_key.

-saf_key_ring name


SAF (RACF is a SAF implementation) certificate key ring name that Universal Control should used for its certificate.

-saf_key_ring_label label


Label of the certificate in the SAF (RACF is a SAF implementation) certificate key ring that Universal Control should use for its certificate.

-ssl_implementation option Z


SSL/TLS implementation to be used for network communications.

Valid values for option are:

  • openssl: OpenSSL SSL/TLS library is used.
  • system: z/OS system SSL library is used.

-verify_host_name host


Specification that the Broker's X.509 certificate must identify a host name that matches <host>.

-verify_serial_number number


Specification that the Broker's X.509 certificate must have a serial number that matches number. Hexadecimal format is specified with a prefix of 0x or 0X.



Write program version information and exit.

Z Available for use on z/OS operating systems only.

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