Universal Write-to-Operator

Universal Write-to-Operator

Universal Write-to-Operator

The Universal WTO (UWTO) utility is a command line utility for the z/OS UNIX System Services (USS) environment.

Universal WTO issues two types of messages to z/OS consoles:

  1. Write-To-Operator (WTO) messages
  2. Write-To-Operator-with-Reply (WTOR) messages

Universal WTO either:

  • Writes a message to the z/OS console, and then ends (WTO).
  • Writes a message to the z/OS console and waits for a requested reply (WTOR).

The type of message to be written (WTO or WTOR) is specified via the REPLY option. If WTOR is specified, the message is written to the console as a WTOR message and Universal WTO waits for a reply. The message reply is written to stdout.

Return Codes

The UWTO command ends with specific return codes indicating the success of the requested action.

The following table describes these return codes.

Return Code



Process was successful.


Message was written to the console, but a warning was issued regarding a requested option. A detailed message is written to standard error.


WTOR request timed out waiting for an operator reply.


Error occurred when attempting to write the message. No message was written to the console.


Error in the command line options was detected. No processing occurred.

Command Line Syntax

The following figure illustrates the syntax - using the long form of command line options - of Universal WTO.



message] [


{yes|no} [-timeout seconds] ] [


id | -consolename name ] [


{trace|audit|info|warn|error}] [


keyname] uwto {





Detailed Information

The following pages provide additional detailed information for Universal Write-to-Operator:

Universal Write-to-Operator Examples

For examples of how to use Universal Write-to-Operator, see Creating Write-to-Operator Messages.

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