Auto-Start Components

Auto-Start Components

Agent Component Start-Up

To ensure proper start-up behavior, the Agent components responsible for obtaining license information from Universal Controller must be started in an orderly fashion. (Prior to releases, where the order in which auto-start components were started did not matter.)


An auto-start component is one in which the AUTOMATICALLY START (auto_start) option value is set to yes in that component’s Component Definition, thus specifying that the component starts automatically when the Universal Broker is started.

An OMS Server must exist to enable message exchange between the Controller and Agent. An OMS Server does not have to run on every Agent installation, but the OMS Server must start first for those Agents that do have auto_start set to yes.

Next, if UAG Server is installed and has an auto_start option set to yes, it must start after the OMS Server in order to register with the Controller and receive its license information.

After OMS Server and/or UAG Server (if necessary) start – and valid license information is available to the Universal Broker – the order in which Universal Broker starts any remaining auto-start components is not important.

The Universal Broker will start OMS Server first, provided:

  1. OMS Server is defined for the Agent’s platform (OMS is not available for z/OS).

  2. The auto_start option in the OMS Server Component Definition is set to yes.

If OMS Server starts as expected, the Universal Broker will start the UAG Server, provided:

  1. UAG Server is installed (the Windows system install allows it not to be installed.d

  2. The auto_start option in the UAG Server Component Definition is set to yes.

Finally, the startup of all other auto-start components will occur in an indeterminate order.

Starting an OMS Server

When the Universal Broker starts, it attempts to start a component whose Component Definition component_name value is oms. This is the OMS Server component.

The OMS Server may not be be available on the current Agent platform. For example, OMS Server is not implemented for z/OS and it may not have been selected to be installed on Windows. For such situations, Universal Broker will not find the OMS Server Component Definition.

If an OMS Server Component Definition exists, the value of its auto_start option determines whether the Universal Broker will attempt to start the OMS Server.

  • If auto_start is set to yes, the Universal Broker will try to start the OMS Server. If OMS Server fails to start, the Universal Broker will issue error message UNV0257E and will stop.
  • If auto_start is set to no, the Universal Broker will proceed with its start-up processing.

Starting a UAG Server

When the Universal Broker starts, it attempts to start a component whose Component Definition component_name value is uag. This is the UAG Server component.

The UAG Server may not be be available on the current Agent platform. For example, UAG Server may n ot have been selected to be installed on Windows. For such situation, Universal Broker will not find the UAG Server Component Definition.

If a UAG Server Component Definition exists, the value of its auto_start option determines whether the Universal Broker will attempt to start the UAG Server.

  • If auto-start is set to yes, Universal Broker will try to start the UAG Server. If the UAG Server fails to start, the Universal Broker will issue error message UNV0257E and will stop.

Starting All Other Auto-Start Components

After starting the OMS Server and, if necessary, the UAG Server, Universal Broker will start all other auto-start components.

The order in which Universal Broker starts these components does no matter.

If any of these components fail to start, the Universal Broker will issue error message UNV0257E. However, Universal Broker does not stop if any of these components fail to start.

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