Docker Containers
Downloading a Universal Agent Docker Image
Universal Agent Images are available based on the following RedHat Linux and Debian base images.
RedHat =
Debian = debian:latest
To download an image from the Docker Hub, run the following command:
docker pull stonebranch/universal-agent:latest
Available Tags
Description | Tags |
UA Redhat | latest, |
UA Debian | debian-latest, debian- |
UA Redhat | |
UA Redhat | |
UA Redhat | |
To list the downloaded images from the Stonebranch repository, run the following command:
docker images -a stonebranch/universal-agent
stonebranch/universal-agent | debian-latest | ae21b1fa64cc | 2 hours ag | 1.39GB |
stonebranch/universal-agent | latest | 157f01823f68 | 13 days ago | 1.54GB |
These images were created with the following
Docker Environment Variables
When you create a Universal Agent container, you can configure the Universal Agent by specifying the following environment variables:
Environment Variable | Description | Example |
OMSAUTOSTART | Specifies whether the Universal Broker starts an OMS server. Default = no | OMSAUTOSTART=yes |
UAGAGENTCLUSTERS | List of Universal Controller Agent Clusters to join automatically. Default = 'Opswise - Default Linux/Unix Cluster, Opswise - Default Windows Cluster' | UAGAGENTCLUSTERS='Agent Cluster 1,Agent Cluster 2' |
UAGAUTOSTART | Specifies whether the Universal Broker starts a UAG server. Default = yes | UAGAUTOSTART=no |
UAGENABLESSL | Specifies whether the SSL/TLS protocol is used for network communication between UAG and OMS. Default = no | UAGENABLESSL=yes |
UAGNETNAME | Sets the Agent ID to be used when the Universal Agent registers / connects to a Universal Controller Instance. Default = OPSAUTOCONF | UAGNETNAME=UADKR001 |
UAGOMSSERVERS | Specifies one or more OMS server addresses. Default = 7878@localhost | UAGOMSSERVERS=7878\@omsserver1,7878\@omsserver2 |
UAGTRANSIENT | Specifies whether the Agent is Transient and will be deleted or decommissioned when the Agent shuts down or goes offline. Transient Agents are suspended from any Agent Clusters that they may belong to. Note If the Agent is referenced in any task definitions, the dynamic delete will fail. It should be understood that Transient Agents should never be specified directly in any task definition. They are designed to accept work via an Agent Cluster, so when configuring a Universal Agent to operate in a containerized environment, you should ensure that the Agent registers with one or more Agent Clusters via the agent_cluster uags.conf configuration option. Valid values are:
Default = no. | UAGTRANSIENT=yes |
UEMAUTOSTART | Specifies whether the Universal Broker starts a UEM server. Default = yes | UEMAUTOSTART=no |
UBRMSGLEVEL | Specify the Universal Broker message level. Default = INFO | UBRMSGLEVEL=TRACE |
UAGMSGLEVEL | Specify the UAG Server message level. Default = INFO | UAGMSGLEVEL=TRACE |
UDMMSGLEVEL | Specify the UDM Server message level. Default = INFO | UDMMSGLEVEL=TRACE |
UCMMSGLEVEL | Specify the UCMD Server message level. Default = INFO | UCMMSGLEVEL=TRACE |
UAGLOGLEVEL | Specify the UAG Server Log Level. Default = I | UAGLOGLEVEL=T |
Docker Container Ports
The following ports may need to be mapped when running containers from the Universal Agent image.
Port | Description |
7887 | Universal Broker listening port |
7878 | OMS Server listening port |
Universal Agent Logs
The Universal Agent image configures the Universal Broker service to start in console mode, which writes all log data (unv.log and agent.log) to stdout. To view the log of a specific container, run the following command:
docker logs container-name
Running Universal Agent Docker Container Examples
To run a Universal Agent container that connects to Universal Controller (via an OMS server) with SSL/TLS enabled and registers with an Agent ID of UA001, run the following command:
docker run --detach --env UAGNETNAME=UA001 --env UAGOMSSERVERS=7878@uchost --name ua-test stonebranch/universal-agent: