UDM - Setting Return Codes

Return Codes in set (Set) Command

You can use the set command to manage UDM's return code and UDM's action based on this return code. The set command lets you set any of the following return code values (integer or convenient) in both the _halton variable and the _rc variable:

  • 0 / none
  • 4 / warn
  • 8 / error
  • 16 / fatal

The following example sets the value of _rc to 0 and the _halton condition to error:

A Stonebranch Tip

Issuing the set command by itself, with no parameters, will display the values of all of the UDM Manager's internal variables that can be set by the user.

The set command also can be used to set other UDM Manager variables.


You cannot use the set command to set the _lastrc variable.

Issuing the set Command

  1. If the set command is issued without any parameters (variables), all of the global variables and their current values are displayed.
  2. If the set command is issued with variable names but no following equal signs ( = ), the values to which the variables resolve are displayed.
  3. If the set command is issued with variable names followed by an equal signs ( = ) but no values, the values are set to an empty string.

Return Codes in return (Return) Command

You also can use the return command to set the return code value (integer only) in the _rc variable.