I-Activity Monitor - Data Table Icons

I-Activity Monitor - Data Table Icons

Data Table Icons

Each item in the Data table is preceded by an icon that indicates the status of that item. The following table identifies and describes these icons.

Tool Tips

Hover your cursor over any Data table icon to display a tool tip that describes the status represented by that icon.




Type of Alerts category icons.

Alert: An alert has occurred on the system specified in the item.

Jobs / Universal Jobs

Types of Jobs / Universal Jobs category icons.

Active: Job has not yet completed; all visible components (manager and servers) of the job are running.

Completed: At least one component of the job has completed without error.

Failed: Job has been cancelled or it has completed with an error status (return code is not 0).

Active Restart: Restarted job has not yet completed; all visible components (manager and servers) of the job are running.

Completed Restart: Restarted job has completed without error.

Failed Restart: Restarted job has been cancelled or it has completed with an error status (return code is not 0).


Types of Files category icons.

Active: Universal Data Mover file transfers that are active.

Completed: Universal Data Mover file transfers that have completed.

Failed: Universal Data Mover file transfers that have failed.

Systems / Agents

Types of System / Agents category icons.

Agent Running: Agent is up and responding.

Agent Unreachable: Agent cannot be reached by UEC.

Agent Not Initialized: Agent has not yet been polled by UEC.

Systems / SAP Systems

Types of Systems / SAP Systems category icons.

System Running: SAP system is up and responding.

SAP System Unreachable: SAP system cannot be reached by UEC.

SAP System Not Initialized: SAP system has not yet been polled by UEC.