UDM - Simple Copy Operation

UDM - Simple Copy Operation


At its core, UDM is meant to copy files from one system to another. This is done with the copy command.

The basic format of the copy command is:

The copy command copies the file specified on the server with the logical name corresponding to sourcelname to the server with the logical name corresponding to destlname.

If no destination file name is given, the source file name is used (absent the directory name, regardless of whether or not it was explicitly specified as part of the source file specification). Likewise, if only a directory is given for the destination file specification, the source file name is appended to the directory when writing the file.

If a destination file name or complete file name and directory are given for the destination file specification, that information is used in writing the destination file, regardless of the source file name.


The following example copies the file test.txt from a machine with the logical name src to a file called test.txt on the machine with the logical name dst:

The following example copies the test.txt file residing in c:\files from a machine with the logical name src to a file called test.txt on the machine with the logical name dst:

The following example copies test.txt from src to the root of drive C on dst. The destination file is also called test.txt:

The following example copies the file test.txt from src to a file called test.bak in the root of drive C on dst:

A Stonebranch Tip

If you want the destination file name to be the same as that of the source file name, you do not have to specify the destination system in the copy command.

The destination will be implied based on the logical name of the source (if the source is the primary server, the destination is assumed to be the secondary server, and vice versa).

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