TRACE_FILE_LINES - UCMD Manager configuration option
The TRACE_FILE_LINES option specifies the maximum number of lines to write to the trace file.
(The average size of a trace file line is 50 characters.)
A trace file is generated when the MESSAGE_LEVEL option is set to a value of trace. The trace file will wrap around when the maximum number of lines has been reached and start writing trace entries after the trace header lines.
The trace file is written to the UNVTRACE ddname.
TRACE_FILE_LINES has no effect if the UNVTRACE ddname has allocated a JES SYSOUT file.
Method | Syntax | IBM i | UNIX | Windows | z/OS |
Command Line, Short Form | n/a | ||||
Command Line, Long Form | -tracefilelines lines | | | | |
Environment Variable | UCMDTRACEFILELINES=lines | | | | |
Configuration File Keyword | trace_file_lines lines | | | | |
STRUCM Parameter | TRCLINES(lines) | |
lines is the maximum number of lines to write to the trace file.
Default is 500,000,000.