Sample Universal Connector for SAP Job Definition File with Temporary Variants

Sample Job Definition File with Temporary Variants

The following figure illustrates a sample job definition file that uses inline variant statements to define temporary variants.

This file will define a two-step job. Each job step runs ABAP report RSUSR002. The inline variant content statement is used to set the USER parameter of a temporary variant that will be created for RSUSR002. The inline content statement for the first job step specifies a value of STONE*. The inline content statement for the second job step specifies a value of OPS*.

Additional inline variant content statements can be added as needed.

 ** Description
 ** -----------
 ** This sample demonstrates the use of inline variants.

 /* Job Header statement */
 JOBNAME     = "SAMPLE - Inline Variants"
   JOB_CLASS = "C" 

 /* ABAP_STEP Step statement */
 ABAP_STEP            = "***STEP 1***"
   /* STEP_NUMBER     = "1" */

 /* User */
   KIND   = "S"
   SIGN   = "I"
   OPTION = "CP"
   LOW    = "STONE*"
   HIGH   = ""

 /* ABAP_STEP Step statement */
  ABAP_STEP          = "***STEP 2***"
   /* STEP_NUMBER    = "2" */

 /* User */
   KIND   = "S"
   SIGN   = "I"
   OPTION = "CP"
   LOW    = "OPS*"
   HIGH   = ""
 /******** END SAMPLE ********/