
Available Integrations

The following table identifies the Integrations that are available for Universal Controller.

The Name of each Integration is a link to a separate page containing detailed information about that Integration.



Latest Version

Release Date

What's New
Amazon S3: Cloud Storage Bucket File Transfer

Securely transfers files from, to and between AWS S3 cloud storage buckets and folders.




- Feature: New Operation "Move" for Action: copy-object-to-bucket
- Feature: New "Upload Write Options": Always Timestamp
- Feature: New "Download Write Options": Always Timestamp

Amazon SQS: Message

Send an AWS SQS message towards an existing queue.

1.1.123/08/09Fixed: Field 'Proxy Type' raised a data validation error on Controller and later.
Amazon SQS: Monitor

Monitor AWS SQS messages from an existing queue and run job(s) and/or workflows accordingly.



- Fixed: Field 'Proxy Type' raised a data validation error on Controller and later.
- Fixed: Error handling when launching a UAC task in case of a successfully monitored message.

Ansible: Execute and Manage Playbooks

Manage Ansible task execution through the Universal Controller user interface.


Apache Airflow

Integrate with Apache Airflow and use it as part of your end-to-end Universal Controller workflow, allowing high-level visibility and orchestration of data-oriented jobs or pipelines.



- Added support for Google Cloud Composer Airflow
- Added support for passing JSON configuration parameters on "Trigger Dag Run" Action

Deprecations and Breaking Changes:

- Breaking Change: Stop supporting Universal Agent/Controller Support Universal Agent/Controller 7.1.0 or higher

Apache Kafka: Event Monitor Monitor events (messages) from topics in Kafka.1.1.023/05/10


- Added support for Client authentication over SSL


- Improve robustness of application

Apache Kafka: Publish EventPublish events (messages) to topics in Kafka.1.2.023/04/28- Added: Support for SSL Security Protocol and Client authentication over SSL.
- Added: Extension Output result upon successful task instance execution.
AWS BatchSubmit new AWS Batch Jobs as well as read the status for an existing AWS Batch Job.1.3.124/02/01Fixed: Revert `certifi` as requirement.
AWS CLIStart running commands that implement functionality equivalent to that provided by the browser-based AWS Management Console from the command prompt in your terminal program.1.0.024/04/10Initial Version

AWS EC2: Create Instances

Create an EC2 instance with parameters, either in task form, or by simply creating an EC2 instance from the existing AWS launch template.

AWS EC2: Start, Stop, and Terminate Instances

Start, stop, terminate, and manage AWS EC2 instances on demand, simply by providing one or more instance IDs as input.


In Amazon Elastic Container Service (AWS ECS), an ECS task is a running instance of a task definition. Tasks use case is ideal for one-time or short-lived jobs. For example:

  • Batch Jobs: Suitable for batch processing, data transformations, and other workloads that complete after a certain period.

  • Task Scheduling: Useful for scheduled tasks, such as cron jobs, where you need to run a task at specific intervals.

  • Manual Execution: Good for tasks that you want to run on-demand or manually trigger through an event or user action.

This integration provides the capability to run ECS Tasks allowing the above use-cases to be fulfilled through UAC, where UAC has the role of an orchestrator.

1.0.024/08/14Initial Version
AWS EMRThis integration provides the ability the start and optionally monitor (by polling at specified intervals) notebook executions as supported by AWS EMR. Additionally the user can optionally specify various configuration options relating to the notebook execution.1.0.024/06/06Initial Version
AWS Glue

Provides the capability to submit a new AWS Glue Job.

2.1.024/08/29- Added new field - Endpoint URL.
- Proxy Type field has been removed (hidden) as it no longer needs to be filled by users on task definition.
AWS Lambda

Extends other AWS services with custom logic or creates your own back-end services that operate at AWS scale, performance, and security.

1.2.024/01/04Provide the capability to use a custom Lambda service endpoint.
AWS Mainframe ModernizationAllows migrating and modernizing on-premises mainframe workloads to a managed runtime environment on AWS.1.4.023/02/14


- JCL Files can be selected dynamically from UI.
- Support was added for Blu Age Batch jobs
- Engine Type (Micro Focus / Blu Age) is added to application names in order to provide visibility on their type

AWS Step FunctionsExecute AWS Step Functions from Universal Controller2.0.023/09/01

- Breaking Change: This version supports Universal Agent and Universal Controller from version 7.2 onwards. Customers that used older versions of this integration on Universal Controller and Universal Agent of versions <= 7.2 are required to upgrade to use the new functionality introduced by 2.0.0.
- Added: A suffix is added to the Execution Name before AWS Service is called. That suffix represents the execution count for a specific task instance, therefore providing uniqueness of the Execution Name.
- Fix: The Extension Output attribute “fields.invocation.execution_name” is corrected to represent the user input after the resolution of UC Functions and variables

Azure AZ CLIThe Azure command-line interface (Azure CLI) is a set of commands used to create and manage Azure resources.1.0.023/02/10Initial Version
Azure Batch Provides the capability to add Azure Jobs, add Azure Batch Tasks to existing Azure Jobs, and optionally monitor Azure Task execution for completion (successful or failed).1.0.023/03/20Initial Version
Azure Blob: Manage File TransfersSecurely transfers files from, to and between Azure Blob Storage container and folders.1.0.0
Initial Version
Azure Data Factory: Schedule, Trigger, and Monitor

Schedule, trigger, and monitor the Azure Data Factory pipeline process directly from Universal Controller.

Azure Logic Apps: Schedule, Trigger, and Monitor Workflows

Trigger and monitor the execution of Azure Logic workflows and retrieve the execution of Azure Logic workflow output.

Azure Synapse

Run, monitor, and re-start Azure Synapse Pipelines from the Universal Automation Center.1.2.024/05/29Enhancement: Json Output is provided for further processing of the output in, e.g. Workflows
Azure Virtual Machines: Start, Stop, and Terminate Instances

Utilize Azure Virtual Machine (VM) name, resource group, subscription ID, and access token as inputs for the start, stop, terminate, list, and check status of Azure VMs.

Databricks: Automate Jobs and Clusters

Perform end-to-end Orchestration and Automation of Jobs & Clusters in Databricks environment, either in AWS or Azure.

1.3.323/04/28Fixed: Retry Interval and Max Retry parsing secured. It was failing for actions that don't use these values.


Manage and transform data in a reliable and scalable manner.1.0.123/10/18Fixed: Include integration icon on Universal Template
Docker Compose: Support to Build, Up, Down, Start, Stop Docker Compose FunctionsUniversal Task for Docker Compose Functions, Build, Up, Down, Start, Stop Functions.1.0.1

Docker Container: Support for Create, Start, Stop, Remove Containers and Run a Command in a Running ContainerUniversal Task to manage Docker Containers, Run, Create, Start, Stop and Remove Functions.

Docker Image: Support to Build, Remove, Pull, Push and Tag Image FunctionsUniversal Task to manage Docker Images, Build, Remove, Pull, Push, and Tag Functions.

E-Mail: SMTP and IMAP Integration

Send and retrieve E-Mails and E-Mail attachments, as well as download mail attachments to a mail folder.

FivetranFivetran is a cloud-based data integration platform that helps businesses automate the process of extracting data from various sources, transforming it, and loading it into a data warehouse for analysis.1.0.123/10/18Fixed: Execute the integration with a Python installation, other than the Agent-bundled one
GitGit is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.1.1.0

GitHub: Automated Import/Export

Perform server operations, such as importing/exporting Universal Automation Center objects and integrating with GitHub, as well as allowing the import/export of Universal Automation Center objects using the Universal Controller script library.

Google BigQuery: Schedule, Trigger, Monitor, and Orchestrate Operations

Schedule, trigger, monitor, and orchestrate the Google BigQuery process directly from Universal Controller.


Fixed: Usage for the Double quotes for the _scriptPath

HashiCorp: TerraformAn infrastructure as code tool that lets you define both cloud and on-prem resources in human-readable configuration files that you can version, reuse, and share. You can then use a consistent workflow to provision and manage all of your infrastructure throughout its lifecycle.1.0.122/07/19Fixed: Credentials can now be passed from Credential field to the variable script.
Hitachi Vantara: Pentaho Data IntegrationProvides powerful ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) capabilities. Universal Controller is integrated to orchestrate the jobs and transformations within Pentaho Data Integration platform via Carte webservice calls.

IBM InfoSphere DataStage Jobs

Allows users to schedule, trigger, monitor, and orchestrate the InfoSphere DataStage jobs directly from Universal Controller via the InfoSphere DataStage Command-line Interface (CLI). It also helps to set up dependencies between DataStage jobs and other applications or platforms using UAC workflows and trigger DataStage Jobs from UAC either time-based or event-based.1.0.023/07/28Initial Version
Informatica Cloud

Informatica Cloud is a cloud‑native data management platform that enables organizations to integrate, transform, and orchestrate data across on‑premises and multi‑cloud environments. This integration enables users to trigger and control Informatica Cloud Taskflows, Processes and Jobs from the Controller.

Note: This Integration replaces an older Integration called Informatica Cloud: Schedule Control, and Manage

1.0.025/02/27Initial Version
Informatica PowerCenter: Schedule, Control, and Manage

Schedule Informatica PowerCenter Workflows and Tasks, including retrieval of the workflow and session log.

Inter-Cloud Data MonitorMonitor files/directories from across different cloud storages, as well as local or distributed file systems. Additionally and upon successful monitor, this extension publishes Local Universal Events.2.0.025/02/06

Deprecations and Breaking Changes:
- Breaking Change: Replaced multiple event templates (1 per action) with one template having the "event_type" attribute. 
- Breaking Change: Changed extension prefix to ue_cloud, offering the ability to use the same configuration with Cloud Data Transfer. 

- Rclone is now bundled with the extension.
- Automatically attempt to refresh OneDrive Credentials when the field Update Credentials is set. 

- Monitor On Change Index Error on file creation.
- Issue with setting Recursion Depth value greater than 1 when files in different directories have the same name.

and more.

Inter-Cloud Data TransferProvides the capability to manage and synchronize files from across different cloud storages, as well as local or distributed file systems.4.1.125/02/19

- Introduced the ability to authenticate on remotes of type OneDrive using Client Credentials
- Added the option to toggle SSL Certificate Verification when attempting to Update Credentials on UC.

- List commands were not displaying the complete object name when it contained whitespace.
- Running the task with any local user is now supported with Agent versions where issue D-13034 is resolved.
- Extension Output Improvements

and more.

Jenkins: Start and Trigger Workflows

Improves the functionality of Jenkins when orchestrated from Universal Controller.

Jira Service Management - Cloud (Jira Service Desk)Create requests, create new customers, add customers to a service desk project and remover customers form a service project in Jira Service Desk straight from the Universal Controller.1.0.024/02/28

Initial Release: Basic Functionality for Jira Service Management Cloud

JScape: Managed File TransferManage and integrate JSCAPE Managed File Transfer Server processes within UAC automation processes and workflows.

Kubernetes: Automate Container Operations

Kubernetes List (Get), Create,  Delete and Replace Functions.


Microsoft Power BIAllows users to connect to and combine data from multiple data sources through a secure interface, creating Power BI datasets. Additionally, users may combine and transform collections of tables into a data pipeline, creating Power BI dataflows. Provides the capability to perform refresh actions on Microsoft PowerBI Datasets and Dataflows.1.0.024/08/14Initial Version
Microsoft SQL: Schedule SSRSCall a script to deploy a report on the Reporting Services Webserver.

Microsoft SQL Server Agent JobsSchedule and execute tasks within the SQL Server environment.1.0.024/07/03Initial Version
Microsoft SQL: SSIS Package Execution

Allows users to list and select the SSIS Folder, Project, Environment Reference, and SSIS Package while creating the job. It also can trigger the SSIS package execution in the Microsoft SQL server, monitor the SSIS Package execution, and fetch SSIS logs to Universal Controller when the SSIS package execution has completed.

1.0.423/05/17Fixed: Environment Reference ID is optional and when there is no value, the extension fails.
Microsoft Teams: Monitor ChannelMonitor a Microsoft Teams channel for uploaded files and run job(s) and/or workflows accordingly.1.0.324/03/07Added support for Python 3.11
Microsoft Teams: Send and Receive Notifications

Send messages to an existing channel of Microsoft Teams, allowing you to integrate this solution in UAC to notify users for UAC result or send approval notifications on Microsoft teams.


Microsoft Teams: Send Message with AttachmentPost messages with attachments on a Microsoft Teams channel.

NTT Data: UniKixProvides the capabilities for submitting JCL Requests to UniKix Batch Processing Environment by using BPESUB CLI Command with additional capabilities like fetching the logs and output files, validating successful execution and running a profile environment script before running the command.1.0.024/03/04Initial Version
Oauth2: Get TokenEnables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service.

Oracle EBS RequestProvides the capabilities for submitting Oracle EBS Concurrent Requests by using CONCSUB CLI Command with additional capabilities like fetching the logs and output files, validating successful execution and running EBS environment script before running the concurrent request.1.0.624/01/10
Oracle Job SchedulerDirectly schedule, trigger, monitor, and orchestrate jobs and job chains within the Oracle Scheduler through the Python module cx_Oracle in Universal Controller.1.0.024/08/08Initial Version
PagerDuty: Manage Alerts

Notify PagerDuty (Incident management platform) in the event of job Failure or long run of a job or early finish of a job or any other event in Universal Controller.

Prefect CloudPrefect is an open-source workflow management system designed to orchestrate data pipelines in Python. This integration provides the capability to trigger from UAC a Prefect Flow Run and monitor its execution providing useful metadata.1.0.125/01/23Enhanced log messages for API calls and added SSL configuration analysis messages.
Qlik SenseA Business Intelligence (BI) Tool that lets users connect and combine data from hundreds of data sources by defining data pipelines as applications. Data can then be visualized via custom dashboards on a Qlik Sense Cloud instance (Business or Enterprise edition) or by using a Desktop application (Enterprise Windows edition).1.1.022/09/29Introduced a new Wait for success or failure functionality, where the user gets the reload app status after reloading the app.
Red Hat: OpenShift CLIRun any OpenShift command from the Universal Agent. OpenShift CLI (oc) is bundled within this integration and does not require separate installation1.0.024/05/16Initial Version
Acts as an interface to OpenShift CLI (oc) enabling users to trigger the execution of OpenShift Jobs from the Universal Controller. OpenShift CLI (oc) is bundled within this integration and does not require separate installation.1.2.024/08/29Added ability to retrieve container logs after running a job.
Salesforce: Create Contact and Lead Object

Create contact and lead objects in Salesforce, as well as execute Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) queries.

SAP: Batch Input MapSchedule and execute batch input sessions in SAP.

SAP: Business Object Data ServicesExecute an SAP Data Services “ETL” Job using the “AL_RWJobLauncher.exe”.1.1.1122/04/25Added: Search pattern by pattern
SAP: Business Objects Scheduling Web Intelligence Documents and Crystal Reports

Schedule Crystal Reports and Webi reports, supporting multiple prompts and different output formats such as PDF, EXCEL, and Webi.

SAP: Calendar Import

Import the SAP Factory Calendar and the related Holiday Calendar into the Universal Controller.

- Added: Support Variables for all Credentials and SAP Connection
- Added: Support for Universal Controller SAP connection
- Added: Keep manually created Custom Days when re-importing the calendar from SAP
SAP Cloud Data Service (CPI DS)Schedule, trigger, monitor, and orchestrate the SAP CPI DS (Cloud Data Services) Tasks directly from Universal Controller1.0.024/08/08Initial Version
SAP: Event History Monitor

Queries the SAP Event history table for a selected SAP Event & Parameter. If the Event is found, it gets confirmed, so that it is not triggered again. Optionally, a task can be launched based on the occurrence of an Event & Parameter.


- Added: Support Variables for all Credentials and SAP Connection
- Added: Support for Universal Controller SAP connections

SAP: Extract Job Definition

Export SAP Job definitions from SAP into one flat file for each Job selected for extraction.

SAP HANA XSAProvides the capability to schedule SAP HANA extended application services Jobs (SAP HANA XSA Jobs) from the Universal Automation Center. 1.0.223/12/21Support for copying Input Parameters from an existing Job Schedule definition
SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP)Helps to integrate SAP Integrated Business Application (IBP) application and orchestrate the schedule and launch of SAP IBP jobs from UAC. The dependencies of the IBP jobs with other platforms or applications can also be managed via UAC workflows.1.0.123/08/24Bugfix: Issue during import due to incompatibility of the extension name
ServiceNow: Event

Detect, analyze, and respond to various events in real-time in the ServiceNow Platform.


- Added support for all ServiceNow Event fields.

- This integration is no longer importable on Universal Controller 7.2 or runnable on Agent version 7.2.

ServiceNow: IncidentAllow customers to create incident tickets in ServiceNow straight from the Universal Controller.2.3.224/11/07- Fixed table name when creating attachments.
Slack BotProvides Slack Commands that let a user gain information about reports, agents and task instances, or even alter the latter.1.0.222/12/15Bugfix: Extension is available for 7.1 and 7.2 UC versions
Slack: Send and Receive Notifications and Approvals

Sends job status notifications to a Slack channel and enables users to send interactive messages in Slack for Universal Controller manual task approvals.



- Introduced a new field name called Message (large textbox) for sending additional messages to slack channels as notifications
- Color codes in Slack messages for different UAC job status

Snowflake: Schedule, Trigger, Monitor, and Orchestrate Operations

Orchestrate, schedule, trigger, and monitor the Snowflake load and unload process from different data sources (cloud storage or local VM’s) directly from Universal Controller.


Addition of key pair Authentication


Integrate with ODBC-compliant database, by running single or multiple SQL commands and retrieving the resulting data. While it is designed to work with any ODBC-compliant database, it is thoroughly tested against MySQL, MSSQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SAP HANA databases.3.0.124/11/14


- Refined database message handling
- Resolved issue which would occasionally cause values of consecutively published events to be incorrectly mapped

Tableau: Refresh Data SourcePerform instant refresh to the Tableau Data sources worksheet and schedule refresh tasks in sync with the source systems to provide real time analytics.1.0.323/04/24Minor bug fixes
Talend CloudProvides the capabilities for running API commands of Talend Cloud related to executing and managing various tasks and plans within your Talend environment, with additional functionalities like monitoring execution statuses and handling dependencies.1.0.424/06/21

Temenos (T24)

Monitoring of the triggered COB (Close of Business) process from UAC by COB execution stages with an intuitive interface providing the centralized Dashboard and reporting features and notify in case of COB failures or any SLA violations in the course of COB execution.1.1.423/05/05

Temenos COB Monitor

Allows UAC to Schedule, trigger & Monitor the Daily Close of Business (COB) process in the T24 System automatically and it also helps to build your own COB workflow including the COB Pre and post-COB conditions which might be critical for the COB execution process.1.0.023/05/05Initial Version

Universal Extension allows sending SMS/WhatsApp/Voice message to a list of recipients.

1.0.022/11/22Initial Version
UAC Solution Pack: Dynamic Container File Monitoring and File TransferDynamic File Monitoring and File Transfer solution for containerized applications running in any container management solution.1.0.0
Initial Version
UAC Utility: Command ExecutionThis Universal Task enables command execution on Windows and on Linux as if it is invoked directly from a user's shell.1.0.024/10/31Initial Version
UAC Utility: CSV ToolProcess input data in Comma-Separated Value (CSV), Delimited Separated Value (DSV), or Tab Separated Value (TSV) formats1.0.023/08/04Initial Version
UAC Utility: EmailSend emails through SMTP and Microsoft Graph API, offering configurable options for recipients, message content, and file attachments.1.0.024/12/19Initial Version
UAC Utility: File CompressionCompress and decompress a file, with or without password encryption.1.3.024/07/19

- Added ability to specify an output directory when using 7zip.

- Windows paths containing spaces are now correctly evaluated.

UAC Utility: For-Each-Input LoopAutomate the processing of input data by reading it from a flat file in Windows/Linux or a UAC script data repository.1.1.025/01/16

- Supports a Controller with the "Task Field Resolution Required" system property enabled
- Virtual Resource priority can be specified for the launched Task

UAC Utility: GnuPGGnuPG (GPG) is a command line tool implementing the OpenPGP standard. GPG allows for encryption, decryption and signing of data and communications. This integration provides the capability to perform file encryption and decryption, based on GnuPG.1.1.024/11/07

- When Task is configured to run in DEBUG mode, gnupg is run in DEBUG mode as well to provide more information on STDERR.
- Environment variable UE_GNUPG_VERBOSE_OUTPUT is dropped and functionality of it is embedded when task is run on DEBUG log level for better user experience. 
- Updated documentation to include guidance on handling older GPG keys.

UAC Utility: HTTP DownloadDownload content from an HTTP server and store it on the Universal Agent's File System for later processing. Downloading content from an HTTP server is a common operation in various scenarios, including File Transfer, Data Synchronization, Web Scraping, Data Analysis, and more.1.0.024/06/06Initial Version
UAC Utility: Jobs As Code (JaC)Regardless of whether you create your Universal Automation Center (UAC) job definitions using the drag-and-drop designer or as code in a development environment, the UAC jobs-as-code solution provides guidance and tools to integrate those definitions with a Git repository.2.1.025/01/03-Added: New choice Definition Name (Wildcard) for Selection MethodThis option can significantly improve performance in cases where the queried UC resources natively support wildcard filtering.
UAC Utility: JSON ToolHandle input data in JSON format from different sources. This tool is utilized for reading, filtering and applying light transformations on JSON data.1.0.024/04/11Initial Version
UAC Utility: Powershell

Universal Task to Run Powershell Scripts.


UAC Utility: Remote Controller

Run Task or Workflow on a Remote Universal Controller.


UAC Utility: Run a Command/Script on a Remote SSH Server

Allows users to run a command or Stonebranch Universal Controller (UC) data script on a remote SSH server. It enables the execution of commands and scripts from the UC script library on a remote Unix/Linux or Windows SSH server



- Fixed: Invalid file format when copied to a different OS

- Fixed: incorrect version name printed from within the script was corrected

UAC Utility: System MonitorTrack system metrics, such as CPU usage, memory consumption, disk activity, and network performance from both Linux and Windows hosts. By leveraging OpenTelemetry, these metrics can be seamlessly published to observability platforms, enabling real-time infrastructure monitoring.1.0.024/12/19Initial Version
UAC Utility: UC Report

Run a Universal Controller report and deliver output to a specified server and file location.


UAC Utility: UDMG File Transfer Provides the capability to perform file transfer where UDMG is the client and upload or download files to remote partners.1.4.124/07/25

Maintenance Changes:
- Refactored the extension.
- Documentation update: added compatibility with Python 3.11 with Universal Agent 7.6

- Fixed error "Partner Account: Field is required" when saving a task after selecting "Dynamic Retrieval of Partner Account Options" on Universal Controller 7.6

UAC Utility: UDMG OpenPGPSecurely manage File transfers with external business partners (i.e. Customers or Suppliers) and between any endpoint in today’s Hybrid-IT infrastructure, on-premises, or in the cloud (public and or private). It also comes up with a keystore for PGP public and private keys.2.0.124/05/02Fixes:
- Resolved compatibility issues with Linux systems utilizing glibc version 2.17.
- Error Code 101 now correctly corresponds to a task failure.
UAC Utility: Web ServiceProvides the capability to call endpoints of foreign APIs.1.5.025/01/23

Added: Enabled Credential Variable for Credential Fields applicable from version 7.6 onwards.

UiPath: Schedule, Trigger, and Monitor Processes

Schedule, trigger, and monitor the UiPath (RPA) process directly from the Universal Controller.


Universal Connector for PeopleSoftThe Universal Connector for PeopleSoft integrates PeopleSoft systems with local administrative tools and enterprise system management infrastructures.

Universal Connector for SAPCertified by SAP for the latest versions of SAP HANA and NetWeaver, the Universal Connector for SAP automates IT and business processes across your entire IT ecosystem.

VMware: vSphere IntegrationOrchestrate VMware vCenter Server operations from the Universal Controller. It encourages collaboration by enabling automated deployment and management of Virtual machines on the EXSi hosts connected to the vCenter Server.1.1.2