Amazon S3: Cloud Storage Bucket File Transfer
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Storing data in the cloud becomes an integral part of most modern IT landscapes. With Universal Automation Center, you can securely automate your AWS, Azure, Google and MinIO File Transfers and integrate them into your existing scheduling flows.
As security is one of the key concerns when moving to the cloud, the provided solution supports multi-level of security:
Credentials for Amazon S3 (Access Key, Secret Access key and Region) are stored in an encrypted form in the database
IAM Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is supported
Communication to Amazon is done via the HTTPS protocol
A Proxy Server connection to Amazon S3 with basic authentication is supported
Secure access to Amazon S3 buckets using AWS bucket policies can be configured in the AWS console
Restrict sending files only to specific buckets using Amazon S3 End Points can be configured in the AWS console
This Universal Task focuses on the AMAZON AWS S3 file transfer, including support for MinIO. MinIO is an Open Source object storage server for private cloud environments based on Amazon’s S3 API. All file transfer scenarios supported for AMAZON AWS S3 are also supported for MinIO. The scenarios described in this documentation are also valid for MinIO.
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