Universal Command Server for IBM i - Component Definition

Universal Command Server for IBM i - Component Definition


All Universal Agent components managed by Universal Broker have a component definition. The component definition is a text file of options containing component-specific information required by Universal Broker.

The syntax of a component definition file is the same as a configuration file.

UCMD Server for IBM i component definition is located in the component definition file of the Universal Broker. The default location for Universal Broker component definition files is UNVPRD511/UNVCOMP. The UCMD Server component member is UCMD.

Component Definition Options

The following table identifies all of the options that comprise the UCMD for IBM i component definition. Each Option Name is a link to detailed information about that option.

Option Name



Specification for whether or not UCMD Server starts automatically when Universal Broker is started.


Name by which the clients know the UCMD Server


Name of the UCMD Server configuration file


Maximum number of UCMD Servers that can run simultaneously


Full path name of the UCMD Server program


Directory used as the working directory of the UCMD Server