z/OS USS Installation - 7.1.x Upgrade, Existing CSI

Universal Agent 7.1.x for z/OS USS Upgrade, Existing CSI

The Universal Agent 7.1.x for z/OS USS Upgrade, Existing CSI installation process describes how to upgrade an existing Universal Agent 7.1.x package in an existing SMP/E CSI.


Before the Universal Agent 7.1.x for z/OS USS package can be upgraded, you first must upgrade the Universal Agent 7.1.x for z/OS package to Universal Agent 7.2.x.

The installation JCL referenced by the installation steps is created by the #SETUP member in the Universal Agent INSTALL library.

Each step consists of running a batch job. The batch job must end with the appropriate return code before proceeding to the next step.

The user ID used to run the installation jobs must have a valid OMVS segment defined and have READ access to the BPX.FILEATTR.APF profile in the FACILITY class.

StepĀ 1

Submit the JCL in member UNVUN02. The JCL performs an SMP/E RECEIVE of the product FMIDs and available PTFs from the distribution data sets. All steps must end with a return code 0.

StepĀ 2

Submit the JCL in member UNVUN03. The JCL performs a SMP/E APPLY of the USS product FMIDs and any received PTFs. Step APYFMID must end with a condition code of 0.
Step APYPTFS is considered successful under any of the following conditions:

  • Step ends with condition code 0.
  • Step ends with condition code 4, and message GIM42001W is written in ddname SMPOUT.
  • Step ends with condition code 12, and message GIM24801S is written in ddname SMPOUT.
    The user ID used to run the job must have READ access to BPX.FILEATTR.APF profile in the FACILITY class in order to set the APF attribute on the UDM file when it is created in the z/OS UNIX directory by the APPLY command.

StepĀ 3

Submit the JCL in member UNVUN04. The JCL member performs a SMP/E ACCEPT of the USS product FMIDs and any applied PTFs. Step ACCFMID must end with a condition code of 0. Step ACCPTFS is considered successful under any of the following conditions:

  • Step ends with condition code 0 or 4.
  • Step ends with condition code 12, and message GIM24801S is written in ddname SMPOUT.

StepĀ 4

Submit the JCL in member UNVUN05. The JCL copies sample configuration members to the configuration library. All steps must end with a return code 0.