Universal Automation Center Agent 7.5.x Reference Guide

Universal Automation Center Agent 7.5.x Reference Guide

Universal Automation Center Agent

Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) provides agent services for Universal Controller, the Stonebranch workload automation solution that performs job scheduling, file transfer, and event monitoring across all server platforms in an enterprise.

UAG enables the Controller to schedule workload, transfer files, and monitor events on the Universal Agent system, integrating with the Controller to provide distributed, workload automation throughout the enterprise.


Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) automatically starts when the Universal Broker starts and stops when the Universal Broker stops. In order for UAG to register with the Controller, UAG network configuration options must be appropriately defined for your local deployment.

UAG and the Controller communicate using the Universal Message Service (OMS) server. The OMS server provides for secure, reliable, asynchronous message oriented communications over TCP/IP sockets.


UAG must be configured with the TCP/IP addresses of the OMS servers. An OMS server address is the TCP/IP port number and host name or IP address. A comma-separated list of OMS server addresses may be specified that represent an OMS server High Availability cluster.

For detailed information on the configuration options, see Universal Automation Center Agent Configuration Options.

Component Definition

The Component Definition is a text file of options that defines UAG-specific information required by the Universal Broker.

For detailed information on the Component Definition options, see Universal Automation Center Agent Component Definition Options.

Universal Access Control List

Universal Access Control Lists (UACLs) provide an additional layer of control over how work is executed by UAG. UAG is deployed on all Agents to perform services, such as executing tasks or monitoring files, on behalf of the Controller. Where the Controller provides a secure, central point of control for all enterprise workload, UACLs provide an additional layer of security control on the systems running UAG. The UACLs provide the ability to customize security controls as required by the local security policy that governs a system.

UAG can execute tasks with or without user credentials. The task credentials define the user account (and password) with which the task executes.

The UACLs provide two capabilities in regards to task execution:

  1. Restrict the user accounts with which the Controller tasks execute. Specific user accounts can be denied or allowed access.
    For example, a UACL entry can deny access to any task request executing as root, or allow only specific user accounts to be used for task execution and deny all others.
  2. Disable user authentication. User authentication is performed by UAG with the user account and password provided in the Controller credentials before UAG executes the requested task. For tasks executed from the Controller using specific user accounts, UACL entries can disable authentication so that passwords for these accounts do not have to be managed in the Controller. The task executes with the requested user account as if authentication was successfully completed.


    This is available only on UNIX and Linux platforms.

UACL Entries

The syntax of a UACL entry file is the same as the UAG configuration file.

For detailed information about each UACL entry, see Universal Automation Center Agent UACL Entries.

Detailed Information

The following pages provide additional detailed information for UAG:

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