Message Payload for SOAP - Windows and UNIX

Message Payload for SOAP - Windows and UNIX

Message Payload for SOAP

The following figure illustrates an example of a basic message payload for SOAP.

<tns:ValidateZip xmlns:tns="http://webservicemart.com/ws/">

The first line contains:

  • Name of the operation (in this case, ValidateZip)
  • Location of the web service providing the operation (in this case, http://webservicemart.com/ws/).

The second line contains:

  • Tag for the value ZipCode.
  • Actual value, 30004, that the web service needs to operate.

The third line is the closing tag for the operation named in the first line (in this case, ValidateZip).

The other items, such as tns and xmlns, are namespace identifiers. In most cases, the application developers will provide you with the message payload.

SOAP Response

The following figure illustrates the SOAP response that the ValidateZip operation returns.

<result code="200"><item zip="30004" state="GA" latitude="34.11917"

The first line indicates the type of data being returned (in this case, string data).

The second line contains the response from the ValidateZip web service operation. It includes:

  • result - root element and indicates the start of the response data
  • code - success or error code from the HTTP transaction. A value of "200" indicates success.
  • item - Element that defines the attributes returned in response to the ZipCode value submitted.
  • zip - ZIP code that was submitted as part of the request.
  • state - State in which the ZIP code is located.
  • latitude - Latitude of the ZIP code submitted.
  • longitude - Longitude of the ZIP code submitted.

The third line is the closing tag for the response message.


Universal Command Agent for SOA

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