IBM i Installation - Transferring to IBM i

IBM i Installation - Transferring to IBM i

Currently, IBM i runs Workload Automation 5.1.1.   These pages provide information for that version.

Workload Automation for IBM i - Transferring Workload Automation to IBM i

In order to install Workload Automation for IBM i, you must first transfer the Workload Automation Licensed Program for IBM i to the IBM i operating system.

The transfer is comprised of three procedures:

  1. Download the product distribution file from the Stonebranch Customer Portal (see IBM i Installation - Distribution File) to Windows, UNIX, or IBM i shell with tar and zcat utilities.
  2. Extract all files from the distribution file.
  3. Transfer the IBM i Save File (the Workload Automation Licensed Program) to a library on an iSeries.

This page provides separate transferring procedures for:

  • Transferring for a Full Release
  • Transferring for a Maintenance Release

Transferring for a Full Release

To transfer a full release package to IBM i — whether for a new installation of a full release or an upgrade installation to a new release — perform the following steps:

Step 1

Download the distribution file to a computer running a supported version of Windows or UNIX.

Step 2

Extract the installation files from the distribution file:

  • To extract the installation files on UNIX, QShell, or PASE shell, run:

    zcat *.Z | tar xvf -


    The space and the - character after xvf must be included.

  • To extract the installation files on Windows, use a utility capable of extracting files from a .Z file.
     The files will be extracted to the specified location.

Step 3

Create a save file on the target IBM i system in library QGPL.

On the IBM i command line, execute the following command:


Step 4

If needed, FTP the SAVF file extracted in Step 2 to the save file created in Step 3.


The following example assumes that the SAVF file resides in: c:\temp\Workload Automation for as400

ftp your_as400
Name: your_name
Password:  your_password
ftp> cd QGPL
ftp> bin
ftp> lcd "c:\temp\Workload Automation for as400"
ftp> put UNV511.SAVF UNV511
ftp> quit

Transferring for a Maintenance Release

To upgrade Workload Automation from a currently installed 5.1.1 release to 5.1.1 maintenance release, cumulative PTFs are used. These cumulative PTFs are distributed as IBM i Save Files and can be downloaded from the Stonebranch Customer Portal. PTFs should be installed as user QSECOFR or a user with equivalent authority.

To transfer a maintenance release package to IBM i, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Download the distribution file to a computer running a supported version of Windows or UNIX.

Step 2

Extract the distribution file:

  • To extract the *.tar.Z file on UNIX, run:

    zcat *.Z | tar xvf -


    The space and the - character after xvf must be included.

  • To extract the distribution file for Windows, use a utility capable of extracting files from a .Z file.
    The files will be extracted to the specified location.

Step 3

Create a save file on the target IBM i system in library QGPL.
On the IBM i command line, execute the following command:


Step 4

FTP the .SAVF file extracted in Step 2 to the save file created in Step 3.
For example:

ftp your_as400
Name: your_name
Password:  your_password
ftp> cd QGPL
ftp> bin
ftp> lcd c:\temp
ftp> put CUMUNV511 CUMUNV511
ftp> quit