I-Management Console Menu Bar

I-Management Console Menu Bar

Most of the menu items on the I-Management Console menu bar (see Using I-Management Console) are enabled only as appropriate for the task being performed.

The following table identifies the items on each menu of the menu bar and provides a link to the task associated with each item.

Menu / Item


File / New

Create a new Profile. (See Creating a Profile.)

File / Close

Close a displayed Profile. (See Closing a Profile.)

File / Save

Save modified Profile configurations. (See Saving Profile Configurations.)

File / Save As

Copy and save a modified Profile as another Profile. (See Saving Profile Configurations as another Profile.)

File / Edit Configuration List

Add and/or remove configuration in a Profile. (See Adding & Removing Configurations in a Profile.)

File / Edit Agent List

Add and/or remove Agents in a Profile. (See Adding & Removing Agents in a Profile.)

File / Delete

Delete a Profile. (See Deleting a Profile.)

File / Log Off

Log off I-Management Console. (See I-Management Console User Tasks.)

Edit / Undo

Undo one or more entries in a table. (See Modifying Agent Configurations and Modifying Profile Configurations.)

Edit / Redo

Redo one or more entries in a table. (See Modifying Agent Configurations and Modifying Profile Configurations.)

Edit / Load Value

Load actual or default value into an Agent configuration option field. (See Modifying Agent Configurations.)

View / Agent Update

Display the Agent Update screen. (See I-Management Console Agent Update.)

View / Mass Update

Display the Mass Update screen. (See I-Management Console Mass Update.)

View / Commit Queue

Display the Commit Queue screen. (See I-Management Console Commit Queue.)

UACL / Add

Add rules for a new UACL entry in a Configuration Options Table or Profile Configurations Options Table.

UACL / Edit

Edit rules of a UACL entry in a Configuration Options Table or Profile Configurations Options Table.

UACL / Delete

Delete a UACL entry in a Configuration Options Table or Profile Configurations Options Table.

UACL / Move Up

Move up a UACL entry in a Configuration Options Table or Profile Configurations Options Table.

UACL / Move Down

Move down a UACL entry in a Configuration Options Table or Profile Configurations Options Table.

Actions / Commit

Commit a modified configuration. (See Committing Agent Configurations and Committing Profile Configurations.)

Actions / Validate

Validate a modified configuration. (See Validating Agent Configurations (without Committing) and Validating Profile Configurations (without Saving).)

Actions / Cancel Commit

Cancel a committed (by not yet competed) configuration. (See Cancelling a Commit.)

Help / About

Display information about the logged in version of I-Management Console. (See I-Management Console User Tasks.)

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