MQ Connector Publish Operation


The MQ Connector Publish operation is an asynchronous operation that places an MQ message and its payload on the specified destination MQ queue.

UAC returns a message indicating whether the MQ message was successfully placed on the queue.

System Flow

The following figure illustrates the system flow for an MQ publish operation using the Universal Command Agent for SOA: MQ Connector.

System Flow Description

The following list describes the steps (1 - 4) identified in the illustration above:

Step 1

Universal Command is executed requesting the MQ workload. The command options for Universal Command Agent for SOA: MQ Connector are read in from a script file specified with the SCRIPT_FILE option and the message payload is read in via STDIN. UCMD then sends the workload request to Universal Command Agent for SOA, specifically the UAI component.

Step 2

Universal Command Agent for SOA receives the request from UCMD Server via STDIN. The UAI component validates the command options and existence of the message payload, sends the request to UAC, and blocks. UAC builds the workload execution message for the target workload.

Step 3

Universal Command Agent for SOA: MQ Connector publishes the workload execution message to the specified queue.

Step 4

UAC returns a success message if the message was placed on the queue with no error, or an error message if there was an error. This reply is generated by UAC, not the MQ Broker.