Tutorial - Running a Workflow with Multiple Conditional Paths

In this tutorial, we will create a Workflow containing tasks with multiple predecessors and multiple successors, and specify different conditional paths for those tasks.

The Workflow will show that:

  • A successor task with multiple predecessor tasks needs only one of the predecessor tasks to be Successful in order to run.
  • Tasks are skipped if they are in conditional paths not taken.

Step 1

From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Tasks > Workflow Tasks and click New.

Step 2

In the Workflow Details, name the Workflow Multiple Paths and click the Save button.

Step 3

Click the Edit Workflow button to display the Workflow Editor.

Step 4

Add 10 tasks to the Workflow and specify connections for them, as shown below. (In this example, Email tasks have been added, but you can add any type of task except Timer tasks, since they have only one type of Conditional path: Success.)
By default, all connections define a Successful condition; if the predecessor task runs to Success, the successor task will run.

Step 5

Create a Failure condition between tasks #2 and #6, #3 and #6, and #6 and #9, as shown below:

Connections with Failure conditions displays as dotted lines.

Step 8

Launch the workflow.

Step 9

In the Automation Center navigation pane, select Task Instances > Activity to display the Activity Monitor.

Step 10

From the list of Task Instances, click Multiple Paths. The Workflow Monitor for that Workflow displays.

The Workflow Monitor shows that task #6 ran even though the conditions for two of its predecessor tasks (#2 and #3) specified that it was to run only if those two tasks failed, because the condition for its #5 predecessor task specified that it was to run if #5 ran successfully, which it did.
It also shows that tasks #9 and #10 were Skipped because the Controller took the Success path for task #6 and ran Tasks #7 and #8.