Tutorial - Creating and Promoting a Bundle

Tutorial - Creating and Promoting a Bundle

In this exercise, we will create a bundle (group) of Controller records and promote (copy) them from a source machine (a Controller cluster node) to a target machine.

Specifically, we will:

  • Create a Bundle.
  • Add records to a Bundle.
  • Create a promotion target record for the bundle promotion.
  • Map Agents on the source machine to Agents on the target machine.
  • Promote the bundle to the target.

Create a Bundle

In this procedure, we will create a Bundle record to which other records can be added.

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Bundles. The Bundles list displays.

Step 2

Click the New button to display Bundle Details for a new Bundle.
Enter a Bundle Name.

Step 3

Click the Save button to create (and close) the Bundle record, which now appears on the Bundle list. You now can add records to the Bundle.

Add Records to the Bundle

In this procedure, we will add records to the Bundle record that you just created.

Step 1

Open the Bundle record you just created.

Step 2

Click the Triggers tab to display an empty Triggers list.

Step 3

Click the Edit button to display a list of all Trigger records.

Step 4

Select the Trigger records that you want to add to the Bundle and click the Save button. Those records then display in the Triggers list under the Triggers tab.

Step 5

Repeat Steps 2-4 for any other record types you want to add to the Bundle.

Step 6

Click the Bundle tab, the Update button, and the Close button. You now must create a record identifying the target (Controller cluster node) to which the Bundle will be promoted.

Create a Promotion Target Record for the Bundle

In this procedure, we will create a record identifying the target machine (a Controller cluster node) to which you will promote the Bundle.

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Promotion Targets. The Promotion Targets list displays.

Step 2

Click the New button to display Promotion Target Details for a new promotion target.

Step 3

Enter a name and the URI for the promotion target.


By default, the URI of the cluster node that you are logged into displays. You must change this to the URI of a target cluster node, using the default URI format.


Step 4

Click the Save button. You now must map Agents on your source machine to Agents on the target machine.

Map Source Machine Agents to Target Machine Agents

In this procedure, we will map Agents on your source machine to Agents on the selected target machine.

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Promotion Targets. The Promotion Targets list displays.

Step 2

Right-click the Promotion Target record that you just created to display an Action menu.

Step 3

Click Refresh Target Agents to display a Refresh Target Agents pop-up dialog.

Step 4

Enter the User and Password credentials for the target machine (if they are not provided) and click Submit.

Step 5

Open the Promotion Target record and click an Agent Mappings tab for which there are Agents listed.

Step 6

Click the Details icon next to a Target Agent name to display Agent Mapping Details for that Target Agent.

Step 7

Click the Add-Remove Multiple icon next to the Source field to display a list of all Agents on the source machine.

Step 8

Select the source machine Agent(s) that you want mapped to the selected target machine Agent, and then click Save.

Step 9

Repeat Steps 6 to 8 for every Target Agent under all Agent Mappings tab(s) for which there are Agents listed.

Promote the Bundle

In this procedure, we will promote the Bundle that you created to the selected Promotion Target machine.

Step 1

On the Bundles list, right-click the Bundle to be promoted and click Promote Bundle... on the Action menu to display a Promote Bundle... pop-up dialog.

Step 2

Click Submit. The source machine Controller logs in to the target machine specified in the URI field of the Promotion Target record and copies the bundled records to the target machine Controller. Based on the specified Agent mapping, the target Agent replaces the source Agent where required.

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