Job Control Language

Job Control Language


Mainframe scheduler transitions are, by nature, large and complex, but more importantly, there is always a second component that must be converted: JCL, Job Control Language.

This language uses many variables, some of which are provided by the scheduler, operating system, or otherwise. When doing transitions, this information must somehow be made available to UAC.

Since JCL libraries tend to be large, an automated solution is available in the Xpress Conversion Toolkit.

Each JCL member must be:

  1. Translated to a new member that UAC can handle.
  2. Parameters must be added to existing or new z/OS tasks.

How to Perform a JCL Transition

  1. Make sure to review all available options in the Options pane. If you plan to use the API, make sure you enter a valid user/password combination.
  2. File Menu, Open JCL directory or Open JCL file.

After processing the input data, you will be given a choice:

  • Update the database with parameters/variables found in the JCL (Yes)
  • Do not update (No)


The Xpress Conversion Toolkit will write all jobs to new a new directory called @output, created in the input directory.

The content of the JCL members will be translated to UAC JCL.

Scheduler-specific variables will be translated, as much as possible, and created as parameters on the z/OS task via the web API.