Personal Access Token

Personal Access Token


Personal Access Tokens allow users to invoke Web Service APIs by authenticating with a token rather than using their credentials (username and password). Additionally, it provides access to Web Service APIs for users provisioned through Single Sign-On, rather than locally provisioned, or provisioned through LDAP synchronization.

Creating a Personal Access Token 

Step 1

On the User task bar, click the User Actions drop-down list arrow to display a menu of user actions.

Step 2

Click Edit Profile. The User Details dialog pops up. 

Step 3At the bottom of the dialog window is the Personal Access Tokens section. Enter an application/token name, optionally specify an expiration, then click Generate.
Step 4

Copy the token immediately as there is no way to retrieve it again once the user details form is refreshed. Copy the token by selecting the text manually and using Ctrl+C, or by clicking the  icon next to the displayed token. 

Personal Access Token Details 


Specifies the name of the application that will access the Universal Controller Web Service APIs using the personal access token.

The name can be no more than 100 characters.


Specifies when the personal access token expires. If left unspecified, the token never expires.

Required if Web Service Personal Access Token Maximum Expiration In Days system property is defined. 

The date value will appear bold and red when the token is expired.

Last Used

Specifies when the personal access token was last used for Web Service API authentication.


Specifies when the personal access token was created.

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