Import and Export Functions

Import and Export Functions


The command line syntax for each execution of the CLI command, uagcmd, must specify a single CLI function, required / optional Global parameters, and required / optional function-specific parameters. You must use the required Global parameters to connect to OMS Servers and to log on to a Controller (User ID and Password).

Universal Controller supports the following CLI functions for Imports and Exports, which are listed alphabetically on this page.

  • Export Bulk
  • Export Trigger
  • Import Bulk
  • Import Trigger

Syntax, parameters, and examples for each function are provided.


It is strongly recommended that you do NOT use the Import and Export functions for modification of Universal Controller records. API functions are available if you need to programmatically update, copy, insert, or otherwise manipulate Universal Controller records.

Export Bulk


Performs a bulk export of all records in your Controller database.
The location of the export is specified by the Export Path (opswise.export.path) Universal Controller system property.
The default directory, where $CATALINA_HOME is the base Tomcat installation directory, is either:

  • $CATALINA_HOME/opswise_export
  • $CATALINA_HOME\opswise_export

Each export creates a sub-directory under the specified path in the following format:

  • WWW: 3-Letter Weekday
  • MMM: 3-Letter Month
  • DD: Day
  • HH: Hour
  • MM: Minute
  • SS: Second
  • TZ: Time Zone
  • YYYY: 4-Digit Year


Export Bulk performs a similar function as the Bulk Export Server Operation, but not Bulk Export with Versions.


uagcmd ops-export-bulk global parameters


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


uagcmd ops-export-bulk -c config.cfg

Export Trigger


Performs an export of the specified trigger(s) and all the associated record(s). For example, if you export one trigger, the CLI also exports the calendar used in the trigger and all tasks launched by the trigger. The CLI creates a separate XML file for each record type and generates the output directory and file names using a date and timestamp, plus an internal record identifier generated by the Controller.
All exported XML definition files will be saved to a timestamped directory under the path defined by the Export Path Universal Controller system property. The following illustrates a sample output directory and exported data:



uagcmd ops-export-trigger global parameters trigger-name=name [trigger-type=type]


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • trigger-name=
    Required; Name of one or more triggers. Wildcards are supported.
  • trigger-type=
    Optional; If you used a wildcard in trigger-name, you can use trigger-type to narrow down the selection to a specific type of trigger. Allowable values are (not case sensitive): cron, time, file_trigger, temporary, task_monitor, manual, application_monitor.


This example exports all triggers whose name begins with SF:

uagcmd ops-export-trigger -c config.cfg trigger-name=SF* 

Import Bulk


Performs a bulk import of records into your Controller database.
The location from where records are imported is specified by the System Default CLI Bulk Import Path (opswise.bulk_import.path.default) Universal Controller system property.
The default directory, where $CATALINA_HOME is the base Tomcat installation directory, is either:

  • $CATALINA_HOME/opswise_import
  • $CATALINA_HOME\opswise_import


The data being imported must have been exported using the Export Bulk command.


uagcmd ops-import-bulk global parameters


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


uagcmd ops-import-bulk -c config.cfg

Import Trigger


Imports into your Universal Controller database the trigger records in the path specified in the import-file= parameter.


uagcmd ops-import-trigger global parameters import-file=file


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • import-file=
    Required; Path containing one or more XML files that were exported via ops-export-trigger or via the Universal Controller user interface using the Export -> XML feature.


    This is the path on the Controller server where the XML files are stored, not a local path to where the command is run.


uagcmd ops-import-trigger --c config.cfg import-file=ops\import

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