Audit Web Services

Audit Web Services


Universal Controller supports the following RESTful-based web service for Audits.

Users with the ops_admin role or ops_audit_view role can use Audit Web Services for all Audit records. 

If  Audit Owner Read Permitted system property  = true, users without either the ops_admin role or the ops_audit_view role can use Audit Web Services to view their own audits.

Formatting specifications for the web service, including details about parameter requirements, are provided.

List Audit Records

URI http://host_name/uc/resources/audit/list
Description Retrieve the audit details using a specific filter.

HTTP Method


Example URI

Authentication HTTP Basic
Consumes Content-Type application/xml, application/json
Produces Content-Type application/xml, application/json

List Audit Records: XML and JSON Examples

List Audit Records: Example Request

XML Request

JSON Request


    < auditType>create</ auditType>
    < updatedTimeType >offset</ updatedTimeType >
    < updatedTime>-10d</ updatedTime>
    < status>*</ status>
    < createdBy >ops.system</ createdBy >
    < tableRecordName>Administrator</ tableRecordName>
    < tableName>ops_user</ tableName>
    < source >Web Service</ source >
    < tableKey >51b13fca5b8541418cd17cdd97c95b87</ tableKey >
    < includeChildAudits>false</ includeChildAudits>


    "auditType" : "9",
    " updatedTimeType " : "offset",
    "updatedTime" : "-10d",
    "status" : "*",
    " createdBy " : "ops.system",
    "tableRecordName" : "Administrator",
    "tableName" : "ops_user",
    " source " : "Web Service",
    " tableKey " : "51b13fca5b8541418cd17cdd97c95b87",
    "includeChildAudits" : "false"

List Audit Records: Request Properties


UI Field Name




Mutually Exclusive With


Audit Type Audit type to filter the data.

Valid values: One of the following (not case sensitive):

  • As String = Create, As Value = 1
  • As String = Update, As Value = 2
  • As String = Delete, As Value = 3
  • As String = Command, As Value = 4
  • As String = Server Operation, As Value = 5
  • As String = CLI, As Value = 6
  • As String = Restore Version, As Value = 7
  • As String = Delete Version, As Value = 8
  • As String = User Login, As Value = 9
  • As String = z/OS Auto-Restart, As Value = 10
  • As String = Delete Override File, As Value = 11
  • As String = Import, As Value = 12
  • As String = Export, As Value = 13
  • As String = Email, As Value = 14


Source Audit source type

Valid values: One of the following (not case sensitive):

  • As String = User Interface, As Value = 1
  • As String = Command Line, As Value = 2
  • As String = Web Service, As Value = 3
  • As String = System Operation, As Value = 4
  • As String = Set Variable Action, As Value = 5
  • As String = Task Instance, As Value = 6
  • As String = Agent Message, As Value = 7
  • As String = Scheduled, As Value = 8
  • As String = Stored Procedure, As Value = 9
  • As String = System Processing, As Value = 10
  • As String = Email Notification, As Value = 11


n/a If updatedTimeType = Offset; -offset period.

Valid values:

  • mn (minutes)
  • h (hours)
  • d (days)

Default is d.
Examples: -5d (last 5 days), -30mn (last 30 minutes), -6h (last 6 hours), -7 (last 7 days).
If updatedTimeType is Since; date/time value (yyyy-MM-dd [HH:mm:ss])
If updatedTimeType is Today; updatedTime is ignored.

(if updatedTimeType
is Offset, Since,
or Older Than.)


n/a Type of updateTime.

Valid values:

  • As String = Today, As Value = 1
  • As String = Offset, As Value = 2
  • As String = Since, As Value = 3
  • As String = Older Than, As Value = 4


Created By

Name of the person created the record.