SNMP Notification Actions

SNMP Notification Actions


You can create one or more SNMP notifications for any Universal Controller task. For workflow tasks, you can also specify whether you want the SNMP notification to be triggered by the workflow itself, the workflow and/or its tasks, or by the tasks only.

You can trigger the notification based on one or more of the following events associated with the task instance to which you attach the notification:

  • Status or statuses of the task instance
  • Exit code(s) generated by the program (along with at least one status)
  • Late start
  • Early or late finish

In order to generate SNMP notifications, there must be an SNMP Manager defined, which provides the server name and other pertinent information of the SNMP Manager that will receive the notification.

You also can generate notifications based on the status of Agents and Agent clusters, Cluster nodes, and OMS Servers.

Creating an SNMP Notification

Step 1

Display the Task Details of the task for which you are creating the SNMP Notification.

Step 2

Click the Actions tab. A list of any defined Actions for that task displays.

Step 3

Click the  button that displays on the SNMP Notifications row. The SNMP Notification Details pop-up displays.

Step 4

Using the field descriptions, below, as a guide, complete the fields as needed.

Step 5

Click the  button to save the record in the Controller database.

Step 6

If appropriate, repeat these steps for any additional Email Notifications you want to create.

SNMP Notification Details Field Descriptions

The table below describes the fields and buttons that display in the SNMP Notification Details.

Field Name


Action Criteria

This section contains criteria for performing the action.

Action Inheritance

For Workflow tasks only; the records that this action applies to.


  • Self
    The action applies only to the workflow; it is not inherited by its children tasks. For example, if the action is defined for the Defined status, when the workflow where the action is specified transitions into the Defined status, the action will run for the workflow. When children tasks within this workflow transition into the Defined status, the action will not run.
  • Self/Children
    The action applies to the workflow and any children under the workflow (it is as if each child under the workflow had the action specified on itself). For example, if the workflow or any of its children transition into the Defined status, the action will run.
  • Children
    This action applies only to the children under the workflow and not the workflow itself. For example, if any child of this workflow transitions into the Defined status, the action will run. However, when the workflow where this action is specified transitions into the Defined status, this action will not run.


The status of this task, by itself or together with an exit code, that will trigger this SNMP Notification action. You can specify as many statuses as needed.

Exit Codes

Specifies one or more exit codes that will trigger the event. If you specify an exit code, you must also specify at least one status. Use commas to separate multiple exit codes; use a hyphen to specify a range. Example: 1, 5, 22-30.

On Late Start

Generates the action or notification if the task started late, based on the Late Start Time specified in the task.

On Late Finish

Generates the action or notification if the task finishes late, based on the Late Finish time specified in the task.

On Early Finish

Generates the action or notification if the task finishes early, based on the Early Finish Time specified in the task.

On Projected Late

Execute the Action when the task instance is projected to be late based on critical path projected end times. Only applicable when a Late Start Time, Late Start Duration, or Late Finish Time is specified for the task instance.


This field displays in the Details only if the Controller is configured for critical path calculations with an enabled Critical Path Calculations Permitted Universal Controller system property.


Description of this action.

Action Details

This section contains additional details about the action.

SNMP Manager

The SNMP Manager that will receive the SNMP notification. Enter the name of an existing SNMP Manager, select an existing SNMP Manager from the drop-down list, or clear the SNMP Manager field and click the Details icon to create a new SNMP Manager.

Notification Severity

Severity of this notification.

  • Normal (1)
  • Warning (2)
  • Minor (3)
  • Major (4)
  • Critical (5)


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Action Details that let you perform various actions.


Saves a new Action record in the Controller database.

Save & New

Saves a new record in the Controller database and redisplays empty Details so that you can create another new record.

Save & View

Saves a new record in the Controller database and continues to display that record.


Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new record.


Saves updates to the record.


Deletes the current record.


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.


Closes the Details pop-up of this action.


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