VSCode Plugin

VSCode Plugin

This document will demonstrate how the code completion and debugging functionalities of the UIP VSCode Plugin can be used to speed up the Extension development process. 

It is highly recommended to first go through Extension Development before following the tutorials in this document.

The debugging functionality is shown in the following pages:

Debugging CapabilitiesIntroduction to the plugin's debugging capabilities.
Downloading/Installing DependenciesEnsuring all the plugin's dependencies are downloaded and available for use.
Setting Up Initial Debugging ConfigurationCreating the initial debugging configuration for a dynamic_choice_command.
Debugging a dynamic_choice_commandTesting out the initial debugging configuration.
Editing and Testing Debugging ConfigurationModifying the configuration and testing it.
Dynamically updating configurations.ymlDynamically updating configurations.yml in response to a change in template.json
Debugging extension_startAdding a configuration entry for extension_start and testing it.
Simulating Extension CancelDemonstrating the Cancel functionality during a debug session.
Changing Universal Extension API LevelShowing the ability to change API level for quick testing.
Full ReferenceContains detailed documentation of the debugging functionality for reference.

The context aware code completion functionality is shown in the following pages:

Code Completion CapabilitiesIntroduction to the plugin's code completion capabilities.
Demo RequirementsList of required items to follow along with the demo.
extension_start Fields Code CompletionDemonstrating code completion for extension_start fields.
dynamic_choice_command Fields Code CompletionDemonstrating code completion for dynamic_choice_command fields.
dynamic_command Fields Code CompletionDemonstrating code completion for dynamic_command fields.

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