Record Lists

Record Lists


A record list is a:

  • Listing of records of the same type, such as server, user, or transfer.

When you click a record type in the Services, a list of currently defined records for that record type displays.

List Task Bar

A task bar displays at the top of every list. For example, the Server list:

The following table describes the different elements that can appear on a list and the function of each element: 

Task Bar Element


Allows you to refresh the list.

Allows you to apply a full text filter to the records on the list. Click the lens to show the input box.

Open the column picker that allows to select which columns are displayed.

Expand the panel to cover all the page, hiding the side by side view.

Shrink back the panel and restore the side by side view.

Allows you to apply a filter to the records on the list. The default selection is to show all Business Services. Click the down arrow to display a list of available Business Services to select from.

Allows you to apply a filter to the records on the list. The default selection is No quick filter (no Filter is applied). Click the down arrow to display a list of existing filters.

Only on the Activity area (Transfer and History lists).

Allows you to apply a filter to the records on the list. The default selection is Last 48 hours. Click the down arrow to display a list of existing filters.

Only on the Activity area (Transfer and History lists).

Specifies the higher level entity, here the account owner, to only list the records that are attached to it.

Only on the Local Accounts and Remote Accounts lists


By default, lists are sorted by <record type> Name in ascending, alphanumeric order (0-9, a-z).

You can sort a list in ascending or descending order of the entries in the displayed columns that shows an arrow when hovering on the column title.

To sort a list:

  • Click a column header; the list is sorted in ascending order of the entries in that column. A small arrow appears to the left of the column name to indicate the direction of sort. An up arrow indicates ascending alphanumerical order; a down arrow indicates descending alphanumerical order. Re-click the header to reverse the direction of sort.

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