Business Services

Business Services


The UDMG Business Services feature allows you to organize your data into groups of related information.

You can create Business Services that represent your organization and assign individual records of different record types to each Business Service. You can then sort and filter the lists of these record types based on the Business Services.

For example, you may want to place all records of different record types related to accounting in a Business Service named Accounting.

You also can take advantage of Business Services when you set up security by assigning permissions to groups for records that are members of specific Business Services.

Record Types for Business Services

You can assign any record of the following record types to one or more Business Services:

  • Server

  • Partner

  • Rule

  • PGP Key

Default Business Service

The default business service is Generic. It is assigned to any record type when no other business services are not explicitly assigned or when the last business service assignment is removed.

Creating Business Services

You must be assigned the ‘write user’ permission in order to perform this procedure.

Step 1

From the Administration navigation pane, select Business Services. The Business Services list displays.

 To the right of the list, Business Service Details for a new Business Service displays.

Step 2

Enter/select Details for a new Business Service, using the field descriptions below as a guide.

  • Required fields display an asterisk ( * ) after the field name.

  • Default values for fields, if available, display automatically.

Step 3

Click a Save button. The Business Service is added to the database

Business Service Details

The following Business Service Details is for an existing Business Service. See the field descriptions below for a description of the fields that display in the Business Service Details.

Business Service Details Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields, buttons, and tabs that display in the Business Service Details.

Field Name



This section contains detailed information about the Business Service.


Name used within the UDMG to identify this Business Service. It can contain a maximum of 1000 alphanumerics.


System-supplied; version number of the current record, which is incremented by the UDMG every time a user updates a record.


Description of this record. (Maximum = 1000 characters.)

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Task Details that let you perform various actions.


Saves the record in the database.


Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new record.


Deletes the current record.


You cannot delete a Business Service if it has been assigned to one or more records.


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.

Assigning records to Business Services

You can assign records to Business Services from the Partner, Server, Rule, or PGP record entry.

Step 1

Open the record.

Step 2

Click the Business Services tab.
For a Server, a list of all Business Services to which the server is assigned displays:


Step 3

  • Click Edit to display an Edit Business Services pop-up that allows you to assign the record to existing Business Services.

Step 4

To assign a record to a Business Service, move the Business Service from the Business Services window to the Selected window:

  1. To move a single entry, click it once and then click the > arrow.

  2. To move multiple entries, Ctrl-click them and then click the > arrow.

  3. To move all entries, click the >> arrow.

To unassign the record from a Business Service, move the Business Service from the Selected window to the Business Services window:

  1. To move a single entry, click it once and then click the < arrow.

  2. To move multiple entries, Ctrl-click them and then click the < arrow.

  3. To move all entries, click the << arrow.

Step 6

Click Save.

Business Service Membership Considerations for Create, Read, Update, Delete

When creating or updating a record, use the Business Services tab to select one or more Business Services for that record. This, in effect, assigns the record to that Business Service.

You cannot perform an operation (read, write, or delete) on a record that is a member of a Business Service if you do not have a Permission defined for that record type that includes that operation and Business Service membership.


When creating a record, the user must have Write permission that applies to the Business Service that the record is becoming a member of; otherwise, the operation will be prohibited. If no Business Service is provided during the creation then the default is “Generic” and th use must have Write permission for this one


When reading/viewing a record (for example, a list or record Details), the user needs only Read permission for one of the Business Services that the record is a member of.


When updating a record, the user must have write permission for both the original record and the updated record.

As long as an update is not changing the Business Service memberships of a record, the user needs only Update permission for one of the Business Services that the record is a member of.

If the update is adding or removing Business Service membership, further security constraints apply:

  • For any added Business Service, the user must have write permission for the modified record that applies explicitly for the Business Service being added.

  • For any removed Business Service, the user must have write permission for the original record that applies explicitly for the Business Service being removed.


When deleting a record that is a member of one or more Business Services, the user must have Delete permission that applies for each Business Service the record is a member of; otherwise, the operation will be prohibited.

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