UDMG File Transfer

UDMG File Transfer


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UDMG (Universal Data Mover Gateway) is a business-to-business MFT (Managed File Transfer) Solution. It provides the capabilities to securely manage File transfers with external business partners (i.e. Customers or Suppliers), and between any endpoint in today’s Hybrid-IT infrastructure, on-premises, or in the cloud (public and or private).

This Universal Extension provides the capability to perform file transfer where UDMG is the client and upload or download files to remote partners.

Version Information

Template NameExtension NameExtension Version
UDMG File Transferue-mft-transfer1.2.0

Refer to Changelog for version history information.

Software Requirements

This integration requires a Universal Agent and a Python runtime to execute the Universal Task.

Software Requirements for Universal Template and Universal Task

Requires Python 3.7.0 or higher. Tested with the Universal Agent bundled Python distribution.

Software Requirements for Universal Agent

Both Windows and Linux agents are supported.

  • Universal Agent for Windows x64 Version and later with python options installed.
  • Universal Agent for Linux Version and later with python options installed.

Software Requirements for Universal Controller

Universal Controller Version and later.

Network and Connectivity Requirements

Universal Agent requires connectivity towards the UDMG Server REST API.

Key Features

This Universal Extension provides the following key features:

  • Actions
    • GET: trigger a File Transfer on UDMG to download a file from a remote partner.
    • PUT: trigger a File Transfer on UDMG to upload a file to a remote partner.
    • MGET:trigger a Wildcard File Transfer on UDMG to download several files from a remote partner.
    • MPUT: trigger a Wildcard File Transfer on UDMG to upload several files to a remote partner. 
  • File Transfer Control
    • Capability to pause a partial transfer.
    • Capability to resume a paused transfer.
    • Capability to cancel a transfer (from planned, running, paused, or error status).
    • Capability to retry a failed transfer.
    • Synchronous mode: the task monitors the UDMG transfer and terminates when the transfer is completed (either with success or error).
    • Asynchronous mode: the task registers the UDMG transfer and terminates when the transfer request is acknowledged on UDMG.
  • Input/Output
    • Capability for the UAC task author, to retrieve the list of partners from UDMG for a given protocol.
    • Capability for the UAC task author, to retrieve the list of transfer rules from UDMG for a given partner.
    • Monitor of the transfer with periodic polling from UDMG and display to output-only fields and extension output.
  • Other
    • Support for SFTP, HTTPS, PeSIT, and PeSIT-TLS file transfer protocol.

Import Universal Template

To use the Universal Template, you first must perform the following steps.

  1. This Universal Task requires the Resolvable Credentials feature. Check that the Resolvable Credentials Permitted system property has been set to true.

  2. To import the Universal Template into your Controller, follow the instructions here.

  3. When the files have been imported successfully, refresh the Universal Templates list; the Universal Template will appear on the list.

Modifications of this integration, applied by users or customers, before or after import, might affect the supportability of this integration. For more information refer to IntegrationModifications.

Configure Universal Task

For a new Universal Task, create a new task, and enter the required input fields.

Input Fields

The input fields for this Universal Extension are described below.

FieldInput typeDefault valueTypeDescription
ActionRequiredPUTChoiceAction performed upon the task execution.
Available actions:
  • GET
  • PUT
  • MGET
  • MPUT
The transfer protocol.
Available values:
  • SFTP
  • HTTP
  • PeSIT


The protocol serves as a filter for the Partner list. The actual protocol for the file transfer is the one that is configured on UDMG for the selected Partner

MFT ServerRequired-TextUDMG Server URL. This is the URL for the REST API endpoint, the port is configured in the UDMG Server configuration file.
For example: http://udmg.stonebranch.com:8080/api
MFT CredentialsRequired-CredentialsUDMG Server Credentials. The Credentials definition should be as follows.
  • User Name as "Runtime User".
  • User Password as "Runtime Password".
The user must have read permissions for rules and partners, read/write permission for transfers
Source FileRequired-TextThe name of file,
  • local file for PUT
  • remote file for GET
  • wildcard pattern for local files
  • wildcard pattern for remote files

Target File

Introduced in version 1.1.0

Optional-TextThe name of file on the target system after the transfer,
  • remote file for PUT
  • local file for GET
  • not used for MGET and MPUT
PartnerRequired-Dynamic ChoiceDynamically fetched list of partner names.
The list is restricted to the partners that support the selected Protocol. The user can select the required partner name from a drop-down list.
RuleRequired-Dynamic ChoiceDynamically fetched list of transfer rules.
The list is restricted to the rules that are assigned to the selected Partner. The user can select the required rule from a drop-down list.
Partner AccountRequired-TextThe name of the account to use for the connection to the selected Partner.
The account credentials are configured on UDMG.

Wait for Transfer Completion

Introduced in version 1.2.0


By checking this field, the extension monitors the completion of the transfer on UDMG before completing its execution.

  • Actions PUT/GET: Wait for the single transferred to be completed.

  • Actions MPUT/MGET: Wait for the child file transfers to be completed or not. The extension will always wait for the parent process to be completed successfully, regardless of this configuration attribute.

Polling IntervalOptional5IntegerThe amount of time (in seconds) the task will wait before polling to check the transfer status.
Valid values from 0.

Max Files to Monitor

Introduced in version 1.2.0


The number of files, above which no monitor will be done, apart from the successful trigger of the file transfer.

In practice this means that for the actions MGET & MPUT, if a wildcard transfer results in more child transfers than the number indicated, the extension will not check the transfer status of these files, and proceed to completion with a special return code (see corresponding section in this document).

Task Examples

PUT a file to HTTPS partner

Example for sending a file to a HTTPS server.

The configuration on UDMG for the partner:

GET a file from an SFTP server

Example for downloading a file from an SFTP server.

The configuration on UDMG for the partner:

Task Execution

Dynamic Commands

Command NameAllowed Task Instance StatusDescription
PauseRUNNINGIssue the pause command on the UDMG transfer
ResumeRUNNINGIssue the resume command on the UDMG transfer


When the task instance is canceled on the Controller, a cancel command is issued on the UDMG transfer to attempt a graceful termination.

Task Output

Output Only Fields

The output fields for this Universal Extension are described below.

Transfer IDTextThe identifier of the transfer on UDMG
Transfer StatusText

The current status of the transfer

Used for Task instance Extension Status.

Transfer Start TimeTextThe date and time the transfer has started (UDMG Server time)
Transfer End TimeText

The date and time the transfer has ended (UDMG Server time)

For a wildcard transfer, this is when the listing of matching files and the registration of the child transfers is completed.

Transfer StepTextThe current processing step of the transfer

Transfer Progress

Modified in version 1.2.0

TextThe progress of the data transfer in human readable format
  • size in KB, MB, or GB for a Single Transfer,
  • "x out of y files" for a Wildcard Transfer
Error CodeText

The UDMG transfer error code.

See the table below.

Error MessageTextThe error message (if an error occurred)
Transfer Task NumberTextThe number of the task in the processing step.
Only for the Transfer Steps 'PRE TASKS', 'POST TASKS', and 'ERROR TASKS'
Local FileTextLocal file path
Remote FileTextRemote file path

Transfer UUID

Introduced in version 1.1.0

TextThe UUID of the transfer on UDMG

These fields are also available as task instance variables, with the ops_mft_ prefix:

UDMG Transfer Error Code

Error CodeDescription
TeOkThis is the code used by default. It indicates that there is no error
TeUnknownIndicates an unknown error (the details of the error can give more information).

Indicates that an internal error occurred in the UDMG Server (lost connection to the database, etc.)

TeUnimplementedIndicates that the partner wanted to use a valid functionality, but which is not implemented by the UDMG Server.
TeConnectionIndicates that the connection to a remote partner cannot be established. This is the most general error code. A more specific code, if available, should be used.
TeConnectionResetMeans "connection reset by peer"
TeUnknownRemoteIndicates that the requested remote partner is not known in the UDMG Server database. For security reasons, the external use of this error code (returning this error to a client) is discouraged for incoming connections in favor of TeBadAuthentication, at the risk of leaking information (here, the account exists, but authentication failed).
TeExceededLimitIndicates that the transfer cannot be processed because the defined limits have been reached (number of connections, number of transfers, etc.)
TeBadAuthenticationIndicates a connection error caused by incorrect authentication data (user, password, certificate, etc. Details of the error can provide more information).
TeDataTransferIndicates that an error occurred during data transfer. This is a general error and a more specific code, if available, should be used.
TeIntegrityIndicates that the integrity check has failed.
TeFinalizationIndicates that an error occurred during the finalization of the transfer.
TeExternalOperationIndicates that an error occurred during the execution of pre-transfer, post-transfer, or error processing.
TeStoppedIndicates that the transfer was stopped.
TeCanceledIndicates that the transfer was cancelled.
TeFileNotFoundIndicates that the requested file was not found.
TeForbiddenIndicates that the remote partner is not allowed to perform an action.
TeBadSizeIndicates an error related to the size of the file (it exceeds a quota, there is not enough space left on the destination disk, etc.)
TeShuttingDownIndicates that the UDMG Server is shutting down

Exit Codes

The exit codes for this Universal Extension are described below.

Exit CodeStatus Classification CodeStatus Classification DescriptionStatus Description
0SUCCESSSuccessful ExecutionSUCCESS
1FAILFailed ExecutionFAIL: < Error Description >
2AUTHENTICATION_ERRORBad credentialsAUTHENTICATION_ERROR: Account cannot be authenticated.
3AUTHORIZATION_ERRORInsufficient PermissionsAUTHORIZATION_ERROR: Account is not authorized to perform the requested action.
10CONNECTION_ERRORBad connection data or connection timed outCONNECTION_ERROR: < Error Description >
11CONNECTION_ERRORExtension specific connection errorCONNECTION_ERROR: 404 page not found
20DATA_VALIDATION_ERRORInput fields Validation ErrorDATA_VALIDATION_ERROR: 400 bad request:
21TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeUnknown
22TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeInternal
23TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeUnimplemented
24TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeConnection
25TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeConnectionReset
26TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeUnknownRemote
27TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeExceededLimit
28TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeBadAuthentication
29TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeDataTransfer
30TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeIntegrity
31TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeFinalization
32TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeExternalOperation
33TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeWarning
34TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeStopped
35TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeCanceled
36TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeFileNotFound
37TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeForbidden
38TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeBadSize
39TRANSFER_STATUS_ERRORTransfer Execution ErrorTRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR: Transfer failed with error code: TeShuttingDown

Extension Output

In the context of a workflow, subsequent tasks can rely on the information provided by this integration as Extension Output.

The Extension output contains attribute result. Attribute result contains the following sub-attributes:

mft_transferobjectThe details of the main transfer record (the single transfer or the parent transfer in case of Wildcard Transfer).
mft_transfer.transfer_idstringThe identifier of the transfer on UDMG.
mft_transfer.statusstringThe current status of the transfer
mft_transfer.startstringThe date and time the transfer has started (UDMG Server time)

The date and time the transfer has ended (UDMG Server time).

For a wildcard transfer, this is when the listing of matching files and the registration of the child transfers is completed.

mft_transfer.stepstringThe current processing step of the transfer
mft_transfer.transfer_progresstextThe progress of the data transfer in human readable format
  • size in KB, MB, or GB for a Single Transfer,
  • "x out of y files" for a Wildcard Transfer.
mft_transfer.error_codestringThe error code of the transfer (if an error occurred).
mft_transfer.error_msgstringThe error message (if an error occurred).
mft_transfer.task_numberstringThe number of the task in the processing step.
Only for the steps 'PRE TASKS', 'POST TASKS', and 'ERROR TASKS'.
mft_transfer.local_filestringLocal file path.
mft_transfer.remote_filestringRemote file path.


Introduced in version 1.1.0

stringThe UUID of the transfer on UDMG.


Introduced in version 1.1.0


The transfer information fields. 

Set of metadata associated to the transfer on UDMG Server.

The fields with udmg_ prefix are set internally by UDMG server.

The fields with udmg_ue prefix are set by the UDMG File Transfer task.


Introduced in version 1.2.0

stringThe UUID of the UDMG File Transfer task.
It can be used to easily correlate the UC task executions and the corresponding UDMG file transfers.


Introduced in version 1.2.0


Indicator that this is a wildcard transfer.

Only for MPUT and MGET.


Introduced in version 1.2.0


A list of UDMG transfer IDs that are created in the context of this file file transfer. For each file matched the filename input, one file transfer process is created in UDMG.

Only for MPUT and MGET.


Introduced in version 1.2.0


The list of files that matched the user input. Each of these files is transferred with a separate file transfer execution, which transfer ids can be found in “udmg_xfer_childIDs“ list.

Only for MPUT and MGET.


Introduced in version 1.2.0

objectSummary counters
mft_transfer_files_summary.donenumberNumber of file transfers with success.
mft_transfer_files_summary.errornumberNumber of file transfers in error state.
mft_transfer_files_summary.cancellednumberNumber of file transfers that are cancelled.


Introduced in version 1.2.0

arrayList of errors for the child transfers.

An example of the Extension Output for an single download from SFTP is presented below.

 Click here to expand...
    "exit_code": 0,
    "status_description": "Task executed successfully",
    "invocation": {
        "fields": {
            "credentials_user": "admin",
            "credentials_password": "****",
            "action": "GET",
            "protocol": "sftp",
            "mft_server": "http://udmg.stonebranch.com:8080/api",
            "file": "readme.txt",
            "output": null,
            "partner": "rebex",
            "rule": "rebex_receive_example",
            "user": "demo",
            "wait_for_completion": true,
            "transfer_date": null,
            "polling_interval": 5,
            "max_file_to_monitor": 100,
            "ue_task_uuid": "16835525405027449004GAT04TVODUWH"
    "result": {
        "mft_transfer": {
            "transfer_id": "478",
            "start": "2023-05-11 10:04:36.433385+00:00",
            "stop": "2023-05-11 10:04:40.908049+00:00",
            "status": "DONE",
            "step": "StepNone",
            "transfer_progress": "405  Bytes",
            "task_number": null,
            "error_code": "TeOk",
            "error_msg": null,
            "local_file": "/data/in/readme.txt",
            "remote_file": "/pub/example/readme.txt",
            "transfer_uuid": "1656601189657083904",
            "transfer_info": {
                "udmg_file_computed_extension": ".txt",
                "udmg_file_computed_mimetype": "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
                "udmg_sftp_client_version": "SSH-2.0-Go",
                "udmg_sftp_config_ciphers": [
                "udmg_sftp_config_kex": [
                "udmg_sftp_config_mac": [
                "udmg_sftp_failed_auth_methods": [
                "udmg_sftp_hostkey_algo": "ssh-rsa",
                "udmg_sftp_kex_algo": "curve25519-sha256@libssh.org",
                "udmg_sftp_read_algos": {
                    "cipher": "aes128-gcm@openssh.com",
                    "compression": "none",
                    "mac": ""
                "udmg_sftp_server_version": "SSH-2.0-RebexSSH_5.0.8466.0",
                "udmg_sftp_sucessful_auth_methods": "password",
                "udmg_sftp_write_algos": {
                    "cipher": "aes128-gcm@openssh.com",
                    "compression": "none",
                    "mac": ""
                "udmg_ue_task_uuid": "16835525405027449004GAT04TVODUWH",
                "udmg_xfer_log": "/config/logs/478.log"
        "mft_transfer_files_summary": {
            "done": 1,
            "error": 0,
            "cancelled": 0
        "errors": []

An example of the Extension Output for an wildcard download from SFTP with 3 matching files is presented below.

 Click here to expand...
    "exit_code": 0,
    "status_description": "Task executed successfully",
    "invocation": {
        "fields": {
            "credentials_user": "admin",
            "credentials_password": "****",
            "action": "MGET",
            "protocol": "sftp",
            "mft_server": "http://udmg.stonebranch.com:8080/api",
            "file": "m*.png",
            "output": null,
            "partner": "rebex",
            "rule": "rebex_receive_example",
            "user": "demo",
            "wait_for_completion": true,
            "transfer_date": null,
            "polling_interval": 5,
            "max_file_to_monitor": 100,
            "ue_task_uuid": "168355254050277290080KCA7YT971DJ"
    "result": {
        "mft_transfer": {
            "transfer_id": "479",
            "start": "2023-05-11 10:44:30.493303+00:00",
            "stop": "2023-05-11 10:44:31.144255+00:00",
            "status": "DONE",
            "step": "StepNone",
            "transfer_progress": "3 out of 3 files",
            "task_number": null,
            "error_code": "TeOk",
            "error_msg": null,
            "local_file": "/data/in/m*.png",
            "remote_file": "/pub/example/m*.png",
            "transfer_uuid": "1656611231072518144",
            "transfer_info": {
                "udmg_sftp_client_version": "SSH-2.0-Go",
                "udmg_sftp_config_ciphers": [
                "udmg_sftp_config_kex": [
                "udmg_sftp_config_mac": [
                "udmg_sftp_failed_auth_methods": [
                "udmg_sftp_hostkey_algo": "ssh-rsa",
                "udmg_sftp_kex_algo": "curve25519-sha256@libssh.org",
                "udmg_sftp_read_algos": {
                    "cipher": "aes128-gcm@openssh.com",
                    "compression": "none",
                    "mac": ""
                "udmg_sftp_server_version": "SSH-2.0-RebexSSH_5.0.8466.0",
                "udmg_sftp_sucessful_auth_methods": "password",
                "udmg_sftp_write_algos": {
                    "cipher": "aes128-gcm@openssh.com",
                    "compression": "none",
                    "mac": ""
                "udmg_ue_task_uuid": "168355254050277290080KCA7YT971DJ",
                "udmg_xfer_childIDs": [
                "udmg_xfer_files": [
                "udmg_xfer_log": "/config/logs/479.log",
                "udmg_xfer_wildcard": true
        "mft_transfer_files_summary": {
            "done": 3,
            "error": 0,
            "cancelled": 0
        "errors": []


STDERR provides additional information to User about the task instance execution. Verbosity is increased with the Task Log Level, The Debug level can lead to extensive details and is only recommended for troubleshooting.

The populated content can be changed in future versions of this extension without notice. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed.

STDOUT provides a summary report of the child file transfers for a wildcard transfer (only for MPUT and MGET, and only if Wait For Transfer Completion is set). Backward compatibility is not guaranteed.

idThe identifier of the transfer on UDMG

The current status of the transfer

localFilepathThe path of the file on the local disk
startThe date and time the transfer has started (UDMG Server time)

The date and time the transfer has ended (UDMG Server time)

filesizeThe size of file in byte (or -1 when unknown)
progressThe progress of the data transfer in bytes
remoteIDThe UUID of the transfer on UDMG
errorCodeThe UDMG transfer error code.
errorMessageThe error message (if an error occurred)


The current processing step of the transfer
taskNumberThe number of the task in the processing step.
Only for the Transfer Steps 'PRE TASKS', 'POST TASKS', and 'ERROR TASKS'
remoteFilepathThe path to the file on the remote partner
ruleThe name of the trasnfer rule
isSendIndicates whether the transfer is a send (true) or a receive (false)
requestedThe name of the server/partner that requested the transfer
requesterThe name of the account that requested the transfer

An example of the STDOUT for an wildcard download from SFTP with 3 matching files is presented below.

 Click here to expand...
  id  status    localFilepath                    start                             stop                                filesize    progress             remoteID  errorCode    errorMsg    step      taskNumber    remoteFilepath                       rule                   isSend    requested    requester
----  --------  -------------------------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------------------  -----------  ----------  --------  ------------  -----------------------------------  ---------------------  --------  -----------  -----------
 480  DONE      /data/in/mail-editor.png         2023-05-11 10:44:30.493303+00:00  2023-05-11 10:44:40.853704+00:00       16471       16471  1656611233584906240  TeOk                     StepNone                /pub/example/mail-editor.png         rebex_receive_example  False     rebex        demo
 481  DONE      /data/in/mail-send-winforms.png  2023-05-11 10:44:30.493303+00:00  2023-05-11 10:44:50.856191+00:00       35414       35414  1656611233622654976  TeOk                     StepNone                /pub/example/mail-send-winforms.png  rebex_receive_example  False     rebex        demo
 482  DONE      /data/in/mime-explorer.png       2023-05-11 10:44:30.493303+00:00  2023-05-11 10:45:00.860761+00:00       49011       49011  1656611233656209408  TeOk                     StepNone                /pub/example/mime-explorer.png       rebex_receive_example  False     rebex        demo

Integration Modifications

Modifications applied by users or customers, before or after import, might affect the supportability of this integration. The following modifications are discouraged to retain the support level as applied for this integration.

  • Python code modifications should not be done.
  • Template Modifications
    • General Section

      • "Name", "Extension", "Variable Prefix", "Icon" should not be changed.
    • Universal Template Details Section

      • "Template Type", "Agent Type", "Send Extension Variables", "Always Cancel on Force Finish" should not be changed.
    • Result Processing Defaults Section

      • Success and Failure Exit codes should not be changed.
      • Success and Failure Output processing should not be changed.
    • Fields Restriction Section
      The setup of the template does not impose any restrictions, However with respect to "Exit Code Processing Fields" section.

      1. Success/Failure exit codes need to be respected.
      2. In principle, as STDERR and STDOUT outputs can change in follow-up releases of this integration, they should not be considered as a reliable source for determining success or failure of a task.

Users and customers are encouraged to report defects, or feature requests at Stonebranch Support Desk.

Document References

This document references the following documents.

Document LinkDescription
Universal TemplatesUser documentation for creating, working with and understanding Universal Templates and Integrations.
Universal TasksUser documentation for creating Universal Tasks in the Universal Controller user interface.
CredentialsUser documentation for creating and working with credentials.
Resolvable Credentials Permitted PropertyUser documentation for Resolvable Credentials Permitted Property.


ue-mft-transfer-1.2.0 (2023-05-09)

Deprecations and Breaking Changes

  • Breaking Change: Transfer Progress output only field is changed to text value (#32195)


  • AddSupport Wildcard Transfer (#32198, #32195, #32201)
    1. New actions "MPUT" and "MGET" for wildcard transfers:
      • support for wildcard in source file parameter,
      • creation of wildcard transfer on UDMG,
      • monitoring of child transfers on UDMG,
      • tabular report on STDOUT with final child transfer status,
      • short summary report in EXTENSION output,
      • PAUSE, RESUME, and CANCEL commands are propagated to child transfers
    2. "Transfer Progress" output field is redefined to show human readable value
      • size in KB, MB, or GB for single transfer,
      • "x out of y files" for wildcard transfer
    3. "Max files to monitor" parameter: limit the number of child transfers that are monitored by the task instances, 100 by default.
    4. "Wait for transfer completion" parameter: task instance only returns when the transfer is completed (with DONE or CANCELLED status) on UDMG.
      For wildcard transfers, only returns when all child transfers are completed. Activated by default.
  • Add: Refresh task instance output with re-run (#32463)
  • AddKeep UC task instance ID in UDMG file transfer metadata field udmg_ue_task_uuid (#30931)

ue-mft-transfer-1.1.0 (2023-01-31)

Deprecations and Breaking Changes

  • Breaking Change: minimum universal agent version set to 7.3


  • Addset target filename (rename file) (#31174)
  • Add: transfer status as UC 7.3 extension status field. (#31041)
  • Add: retry failed transfer with Task Re-run. (#29599)
  • Add: show UUID. (#30733)
  • Add: show transfer info fields. (#30930)
  • Add: support for PeSIT and PeSIT-TLS protocols (#31051)


  • Fix: optimize number of API calls. (#29247)

ue-mft-transfer-1.0.0 (2022-06-30)

  • Initial version

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