UDMG for Windows Installation

UDMG for Windows Installation

For the UDMG Web Transfer Client, please refer to UDMG Web Transfer Client for Windows Installation.

Upgrading Universal Data Mover Gateway

Upgrading UDMG refers to the increase of a currently installed pre-1.5.x Version, Release, or Modification level of UDMG (1.3.x, 1.2.x, 1.1.x, 1.0.x) to UDMG 1.5.x.


If you are upgrading an installation of UDMG from any release prior to, you must uninstall the older version before installing the new version.
The binaries, services, configuration parameters, and environment variables have changed and this does not allow for a standard upgrade.

CategoryPrior releasesRelease 1.3
UDMG Admin UI assetsC:\UDMG\nginx\mftC:\UDMG\nginx\udmg
Environment variables

It may be required to modify the work and data directories ownership or access rights and to update UDMG Server transfer rules to use new paths.

The configuration files must be reviewed and compared between the old and new versions.

Special attention is required for the AESpassphrase parameter for UDMG Server. It must be the path for the file that was used by the previous release and must be accessible by the new service user. It is recommended to set an absolute path in the configuration file.

Pre-Installation / Upgrade Backups

Make sure to have a backup of the configuration files as it will optimize the time it takes you to get up and running after upgrading.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\server.ini
C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\config.toml
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent\agent.toml
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client\client.toml

Release Migration

The UDMG release version is stored in the database to ensure the data structure is compatible with the version of the UDMG components.

After upgrading the component binaries and before starting the UDMG server it is required to perform the release migration step.

The udmg-server "migrate" command handles the necessary database updates and the setting of the internal version.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Server>udmg-server migrate /?
  udmg-server [OPTIONS] migrate [migrate-OPTIONS] [version]

Help Options:
  /?                Show this help message
  /h, /help         Show this help message

[migrate command options]
      /c, /config:  The configuration file to use
      /d, /dry-run  Simulate the migration but does not commit the changes
      /l, /list     List Migrations
      /f, /file:    Writes the migration commands into a file instead of sending them to the database
      /v, /verbose  Show verbose debug information. Can be repeated to increase verbosity

[migrate command arguments]
  version:           The version to which the database should be migrated

The configuration file is the one that will be used for the server mode, with the parameter for accessing the target database.

To get the list of supported target version, use the list parameter. The last version is the release version of the udmg-server.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Server>udmg-server migrate /c "C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\server.ini" /list 

It is recommended to set the verbose parameter (3 times) to follow the progress. If not specified on the command line, the target version is the latest release number.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Server>udmg-server migrate /c "C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\server.ini" /v /v /v
[INFO ] Migration: Starting upgrade migration...
[INFO ] Migration: Applying migration 'Bump database version to 1.5.0'

After the migration, the service for UDMG Server can be started.

Upgrading Universal Data Mover Gateway for Windows

Step 1

Contact your Stonebranch representative or the Customer Support to receive the software binaries.

Step 2

Perform the recommended backup of configuration files.

Step 3

Stop the components services.

The exact steps depend on the system architecture and the deployed components, for example:

C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe stop
C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\udmg-auth-proxy-service.exe stop
C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\udmg-server-service.exe stop
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client\udmg-agent-client-service.exe stop
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent\udmg-agent-server-service.exe stop

Step 4

Upgrade the UDMG component binaries by copying the release files to their target location:

copy udmg-server.exe "C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\udmg-server.exe"
copy udmg-client.exe "C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\udmg-client.exe"
copy icap-client.exe "C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\icap-client.exe"
copy udmg-auth-proxy.exe "C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\udmg-auth-proxy.exe"
copy udmg-agent-client.exe "C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client\udmg-agent-client.exe"
copy udmg-agent-server.exe "C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent\udmg-agent-server.exe" 

Upgrade the UDMG Admin UI:

C:\UDMG\nginx> move udmg udmg_BACKUP

C:\UDMG\nginx> cd udmg

C:\UDMG\nginx\udmg> tar -x -f "udmg-admin-ui- build.4.zip"

Step 5

Review the component configuration files.
Refer to each component installation section below for the list of parameters.
C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\server.ini
C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\config.toml
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent\agent.toml
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client\client.toml

Step 6Perform the release migration.
Step 7

Start the components services.

The exact steps depend on the system architecture and the deployed components, for example:

C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\udmg-server-service.exe start
C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\\udmg-auth-proxy-service.exe start
C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe start
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client\udmg-agent-client-service.exe start
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent\udmg-agent-server-service.exe start

Installing and Configuring the Components


  • Extract the zip file for UDMG Admin UI, under the directory that was created during the NGINX installation.

C:\UDMG\nginx\udmg> tar -x -f udmg-admin-ui-<version>.zip

  • The zip file can now be deleted.
  • Validate that the service is working properly with the 'curl' command:

C:\>curl.exe http://localhost:80 -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.23.0
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2022 17:53:09 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 7788
Last-Modified: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 13:58:15 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "62befd77-1e6c"
Accept-Ranges: bytes

or with the browser: 

UDMG Server

  • Create a directory C:\UDMG\UDMG Server

  • Copy the binaries as udmg-server.exe and udmg-client.exe

  • Create the configuration file C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\server.ini with the following parameters:


The lines starting with a colon ';' or a hash '#' are comments, describing the option or showing the default value.

The parameters must be adapted to your environment, in particular:

  • global section: GatewayHome
  • log section: LogLevel, LogTo, LogPath
  • admin section: Host, Port
  • database section: Type, Address, Name, User, Password


DEBUG and TRACE log levels are not recommended for production environments.


There are several ways to write a file or folder Windows path that are compatible with the supported INI format by udmg-server.

Valid syntaxes:

LogPath = "C:/UDMG/UDMG Server/logs"
LogPath = "C://UDMG//UDMG Server//logs"
LogPath = "C:\\UDMG\\UDMG Server\\logs"
LogPath = C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\logs
LogPath = C:/UDMG/UDMG Server/logs

The first one, with the quotes and the forward slash, is recommended.
The following is an invalid syntax and will raise an error message: cannot load server config: failed to parse the config file: cannot parse configuration: :<line number>: invalid syntax
LogPath = "C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\logs"

# (c) Copyright 2023 Stonebranch, Inc., All rights reserved.
# Stonebranch, Inc.
# Universal Data Mover Gateway Server Configuration File
# This configuration file specifies global options for the
# udmg-server program.
# The configuration file is organized with the grouping of options under
# different section that are marked by brackets: [section_name]
# This organization should be maintained when modifying the file.
# The file syntax is:
# - Lines starting with a # or a ; are comments.
# - Blank lines are ignored.
# - Option lines are 'keyword = value' format.
# - keywords are not case sensitive.
# - keywords can start in any column.
# - Case sensitivity of the value depends on the value being specified.
# For example, a yes or no option is not case sensitive, but a file
# or directory name is.
# - Values must be enclosed in quotations marks (") or apostrophes (')
# if the value contains a space or tab.
# - File or folder path on Windows platform must be written with one of the following syntaxes:
# LogPath = "C:/UDMG/UDMG Server/logs"
# LogPath = "C://UDMG//UDMG Server//logs"
# LogPath = "C:\\UDMG\\UDMG Server\\logs"
# LogPath = C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\logs
# LogPath = C:/UDMG/UDMG Server/logs


; The name given to identify this UDMG Server instance. If the database is shared between multiple servers, this name MUST be unique across these servers.
GatewayName = sb-mft-01

; Default OS permission for created files
; FilePermissions = 770

; Default OS permission for created directories
; DirPermissions = 770

; The root directory of the UDMG Server. By default, it is the working directory of the process.
; GatewayHome = "C:/UDMG/UDMG Server"

; The directory for all incoming files.
; DefaultInDir = in

; The directory for all outgoing files.
; DefaultOutDir = out

; The directory for all running transfer files.
; DefaultTmpDir = tmp

; All messages with a severity above this level will be logged. Possible values are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL.
Level = INFO

; The path to the file where the logs must be written. Special values 'stdout' and 'syslog' log respectively to the standard output and to the syslog daemon
; LogTo = stdout

; If LogTo is set on 'syslog', the logs will be written to this facility.
; SyslogFacility = local0

; The directory for the log files of the local servers, partners, and transfers.
; No default, if not provided then the detailed log feature is disabled. If not present, the directory is created with DirPermissions.

LogPath = "C:/UDMG/UDMG Server/logs"

; The address used by the admin interface.
Host =

; The port used by the admin interface. If the port is 0, a free port will automatically be chosen.
Port = 18080

; Path of the TLS certificate for the admin interface.
; TLSCert =

; Path of the key of the TLS certificate.
; TLSKey =

; Password for the key of the TLS Certificate (if key is encrypted).
; TLSPassphrase =

; API rate limiter: number of allowed requests per client IP, per second. After that HTTP code 429 is returned. Disabled if 0 or not provided.
; RateLimit = 0

; Type of the RDBMS used for the UDMG Server database. Possible values: sqlite (default), mysql, postgresql, oracle, mssql
Type = postgresql

; Address (URL:port) of the database. The default port depends on the type of database used (PostgreSQL: 5432, MySQL: 3306, MS SQL: 1433, Oracle: 1521, SQLite: none).
Address = localhost:5432

; The name of the database
Name = udmg

; The name of the database user
User = udmg_user

; The password of the database user
Password = udmg_password

; Path of the database TLS certificate file. (only supported for mysql, postgresql)
; TLSCert =

; Path of the key of the TLS certificate file (only supported for mysql, postgresql).
; TLSKey =

; The path to the file containing the passphrase used to encrypt account passwords using AES. Recommended to be a full absolute path, if the file does not exist, a new passphrase is generated the first time.
; AESPassphrase = "C:/UDMG/UDMG Server/passphrase.aes"

; Maximum number of database connections, the default is 0 (unlimited)
; MaxConnections = 0

; The frequency at which the database will be probed for new transfers
; Delay = 5s

; The maximum number of concurrent incoming transfers allowed on the UDMG Server (0 = unlimited).
; MaxTransferIn = 0

; The maximum number of concurrent outgoing transfers allowed on the UDMG Server (0 = unlimited).
; MaxTransferOut = 0

; The frequency at which the heartbeat will be updated
; Heartbeat = 10s

; The deadline to determine if this instance will be active
; Deadline = 5m0s

; The heartbeat to determine if this instance will be probed
; HeartbeatCheck = 20s

; Set to true to allow legacy and weak cipher algorithms: 3des-cbc, aes128-cbc, arcfour, arcfour128, arcfour256
; AllowLegacyCiphers = false

; Set to true to disable the COPY task.
DisableCopy = false

; Set to true to disable the MOVE task.
DisableMove = false

; Set to true to disable the COPYRENAME task.
DisableCopyRename = false

; Set to true to disable the MOVERENAME task.
DisableMoveRename = false

; Set to true to disable the DELETE task.
DisableDelete = false

; Set to true to disable the RENAME task.
DisableRename = false

; Set to true to disable the CHECKREGEX task.
DisableCheckRegex = false

; Set to true to disable the PUBLISHEVENT task.
DisablePublishEvent = false

; Set to true to disable the ICAP task.
DisableIcap = false

; Set to true to disable the TRANSFER task.
DisableTransfer = false

; Set to true to disable the EXECMOVE task.
DisableExecMove = false

; Set to true to disable the EXECOUTPUT task.
DisableExecOutput = false

; Set to true to disable the EXEC task.
DisableExec = true


AESPassphrase file is generated on first run if it does not exist.

Make sure to set verify the file location during upgrade and to have a backup. Without the correct AESPassphrase file, the passwords, the keys and the certificates will not be usable.

UDMG Authentication Proxy

  • Create a directory C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy

  • Copy the binary as udmg-auth-proxy.exe

  • Create the configuration file C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\config.toml with the following parameters:

# The proxy section configures the
# UDMG Authentication Proxy
# Port, default "5000"
port = "5000"
# Network interface, default ""
inet = ""
# Fine-tuning parameters,
# beware that this can affect the security or the performance
# Enable recover on panic, default true, should be true for production environment
recover = true
# Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), should be true for production environment
cors = true
# CORS domain: List of origins that may access the resource. Optional. Default value "*"
domain = "*"
# Enable CSRF protection, default false (set to true only if NGINX uses SSL/TLS)
csrf = false
# Enable request Track ID, default true
tracker = true
# Enable request logguer, default true
logger = true
# Rate limit IP request over 1 second, default 0 (unlimited)
limit = 0
# Enable the Prometheus metric endpoint '/metric', default false
metrics = false

# The [service.*] subsections define the different services
# and authentication provider for target udmg-servers.
# There must be at least 1 service.
# The local authentication provided is enabled for all services.
# The service name is diplayed on UDMG Admin UI login page.
# It is implicitely defined by the section titles:
# [service.SERVICE_NAME]
# [[service.SERVICE_NAME.targets]]
# [service.SERVICE_NAME.settings]
# [service.SERVICE_NAME.auth.ldap]
# [service.SERVICE_NAME.auth.credentials]
# [service.SERVICE_NAME.auth.google]
# [service.SERVICE_NAME.auth.saml]
# [service.SERVICE_NAME.auth.openid]
# [service.SERVICE_NAME.auth.oauth]
# Example of a service configuration for local authentication
# protocol for the UDMG Server REST API, either http or https
protocol = "http"
# switchover policy, only if several udmg-server instances can be reached by the authentication proxy instance
policy = "failover"

# address of a target udmg-server instance, note the double square brackets
hostname = "localhost"
port = 18080

# Service Settings - this affects the UDMG Admin UI display
# The property name "udmg.xxx" must be enclosed in double quotes
# Name of the system or environment
"udmg.system_identifier" = "UDMG"
# Color of the banner background, as HTML color name ("Brown"), RGB code ("rgb(165,42,42)"), or hexadecimal code ("#A52A2A")
"udmg.banner.background_color" = "transparent"
# Company logo, optional picture to display next to the system identifier (size should be 32x32 pixels), the path is relative to web server root directory
#"udmg.banner.logo" = "/assets/logo.png

# Example of a service configuration for SSO
#protocol = "http"
#policy = "failover"
#hostname = "localhost"
#port = 18080
# Google SSO Provider
#file = "/path/to/config.json"
# SAML SSO Provider
#file = "/path/to/config.json"
# OpenID SSO Provider
#file = "/path/to/config.json"
# OAuth2 SSO Provider
#file = "/path/to/config.json"

# Example of a service configuration for LDAP
#protocol = "http"
#policy = "failover"
#username = "ldap_sync"
#password = "ldap_password"
#hostname = "localhost"
#port = 18080
#file = "udmg-ldap-config.json"

Please refer to Authentication Methods for the LDAP and SSO authentication options.

UDMG Agent Proxy

Agent Proxy Server Configuration

  • Create a directory C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent

  • Copy the binary as udmg-agent-server.exe

C:\> ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -N "" -f "C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent\agent_key"

If OpenSSH is not installed or not available, the PuTTY tool can be used instead.

Use PuTTYgen to generate a key pair for the agent, more detailed instructions can be found here: Using public keys for SSH authentication

After generating the key, export it with OpenSSH format:

  • Create a configuration file as C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent\agent.toml


The Windows paths in the TOML configuration file must be specified either in UNIX-style, using forward slashes '/', or with double backslashes '\\'.

For example: 

ssh_key = "C:/UDMG/UDMG Agent/agent/agent_key"

ssh_key = "C:\\UDMG\\UDMG Agent\\agent\\agent_key" 

# Listen IP Address
hostname = ""
# Listen Port
port = "2222"
# SSH Priv Key
ssh_key = "C:/UDMG/UDMG Agent/agent/agent_key"
# SSH Public Key
ssh_key_pub = "C:/UDMG/UDMG Agent/agent/agent_key.pub"

# Service User
username = "mft"
# Service Password
password = "61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089"

The password key will be used for the client authentication.

Agent Proxy Client Configuration

  • Create a directory "C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client"

  • Copy the binary as udmg-agent-client.exe

  • Create a configuration file as "C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client\client.toml"

# UDMG Agent Proxy Hostname or IP
hostname = "localhost"
# UDMG Agent Proxy Listen Port
port = "2222"

UDMG Agent Service User and password
username = "mft"
password = "61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089"

# Default TTL to Connection Retry

# UDMG Agent Client Admin API
# Listen Port

# UDMG Server
# UDMG Server Hostname or IP
hostname = "localhost"
# UDMG Server Port
port = "18080"
# UDMG Server Username/Password
username = "admin"
password = "admin_password"

The password key will be used for the client authentication.

Setup the Windows Services

The UDMG components can be installed as Windows service with the WinSW tool.

NGINX Server

  • Download WinSW and copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\nginx with the following name: nginx-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: nginx-service.yml

name: NGINX Service
description: Runs the nginx.exe as a service
executable: C:\UDMG\nginx\nginx.exe
stopexecutable: C:\UDMG\nginx\nginx-stop.cmd
logpath: C:\UDMG\nginx\logs
logmode: roll

  • Create a stop script: nginx-stop.cmd

@echo off

cd /D %~dp0

if not exist logs\nginx.pid GOTO skip
nginx.exe -s quit
del logs\nginx.pid


taskkill /f /IM nginx.exe

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:20:20,724 INFO - Installing service 'NGINX Service (NGINX)'...
2022-10-07 10:20:20,777 INFO - Service 'NGINX Service (NGINX)' was installed successfully.

C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe status

C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:20:40,213 INFO - Starting service 'NGINX Service (NGINX)'...
2022-10-07 10:20:41,327 INFO - Service 'NGINX Service (NGINX)' started successfully.

C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe status

UDMG Server

  • Download WinSW and copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\UDMG Server with the following name: udmg-server-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: udmg-server-service.yml

Here is the minimal version of the file with the required configuration parameters, make sure that the paths are correct

id: UDMG Server
name: UDMG Server
description: UDMG Server
executable: C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\udmg-server.exe
startArguments: server -c "C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\server.ini"
workingdirectory: C:\UDMG\UDMG Server
priority: Normal

Here is another version with the full set of parameters and their description, it can be used as a template for tweaking the service settings.

## UDMG server service configuration
## references:
## https://github.com/winsw/winsw/blob/v2.11.0/doc/yamlConfigFile.md
## https://github.com/winsw/winsw/blob/v2.11.0/examples/sample-allOption.yml

id: UDMG Server
name: UDMG Server
description: UDMG Server

## SECTION: Installation
## These options are being used during the installation only.
## Their modification will not take affect without the service re-installation.
## service account can be given during the installation with /p parameter
## and then providing username
    action: restart
    delay: 10 sec
    action: restart
    delay: 60 sec
    action: none
    #resetFailure: 01:00:00

## SECTION: Executable management
executable: C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\udmg-server.exe
arguments: server -c "C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\server.ini"
workingdirectory: C:\UDMG\UDMG Server
priority: Normal

#stopTimeout: 15 sec
#stopParentProcessFirst: true

## SECTION: Service management
#startMode: Automatic
#delayedAutoStart: true

## SECTION:Logging
## Note: disabled due to WinSW bug https://github.com/winsw/winsw/issues/1016
# mode: roll-by-size-time
# sizeThreshold: 10240
# keepFiles: 8
# pattern: yyyyMMdd
# autoRollAtTime: 00:00:00

## SECTION: Environment setup

## SECTION: Extensions
## This configuration section allows specifying custom extensions.
## More info is available here: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/v2.11.0/doc/extensions/extensions.md


The rollover of the service log file is disabled as it causes a bug of the WinSW application, see https://github.com/winsw/winsw/issues/1016.

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\UDMG Server>udmg-server-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:07:48,385 INFO  - Installing service 'UDMG Server (UDMG Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:07:48,449 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Server (UDMG Server)' was installed successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Server>udmg-server-service.exe status

C:\UDMG\UDMG Server>udmg-server-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:08:19,297 INFO  - Starting service 'UDMG Server (UDMG Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:08:20,418 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Server (UDMG Server)' started successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Server>udmg-server-service.exe status

Be sure that the UDMG Server API listen port (18080 by default) and network interface are reachable by UDMG Authentication Proxy and UDMG Agent Client. Refer to Ports Configuration for more information.

UDMG Authentication Proxy

  • Download WinSW and copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy with the following name: udmg-auth-proxy-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: udmg-auth-proxy-service.yml

id: UDMG Auth Proxy
name: UDMG Auth Proxy
description: UDMG Auth Proxy
executable: C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\udmg-auth-proxy.exe
priority: Normal
workingdirectory: C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy
    value: 'C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\config.toml'

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy>udmg-auth-proxy-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:09:45,618 INFO  - Installing service 'UDMG Auth Proxy (UDMG Auth Proxy)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:45,683 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Auth Proxy (UDMG Auth Proxy)' was installed successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy>udmg-auth-proxy-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:09:52,852 INFO  - Starting service 'UDMG Auth Proxy (UDMG Auth Proxy)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:54,053 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Auth Proxy (UDMG Auth Proxy)' started successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy>udmg-auth-proxy-service.exe status

Be sure that the UDMG Authentication Proxy API listen port (5000 by default) and network interface are reachable by NGINX Server. Refer to Ports Configuration for more information.

UDMG Agent Proxy

Agent Proxy Server Service

  • Download WinSW and copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent with the following name: udmg-agent-server-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: udmg-agent-server-service.yml

id: UDMG Agent Server
name: UDMG Agent Server
description: UDMG Agent Server
executable: C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent\udmg-agent-server.exe
priority: Normal
workingdirectory: C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent
  value: 'C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent\agent.toml'

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent>udmg-agent-server-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:09:45,618 INFO  - Installing service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:45,683 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)' was installed successfully.
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent>udmg-agent-server-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:09:52,852 INFO  - Starting service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:54,053 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)' started successfully.
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent>udmg-agent-server-service.exe status

Be sure that the UDMG Agent Proxy Server listen port (2222 by default) and network interface are reachable by UDMG Agent Client. Refer to Ports Configuration for more information.

Agent Proxy Client Service

  • Download WinSW and copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client with the following name: udmg-agent-client-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: udmg-agent-client-service.yml

id: UDMG Agent Client
name: UDMG Agent Client
description: UDMG Agent Client
executable: C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client\udmg-agent-client.exe
priority: Normal
workingdirectory: C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client
  value: 'C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client\client.toml'

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client>udmg-agent-client-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:09:45,618 INFO  - Installing service 'UDMG Agent Client(UDMG Agent Client)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:45,683 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Agent Client (UDMG Agent Client)' was installed successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client>udmg-agent-client-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:09:52,852 INFO  - Starting service 'UDMG Agent Client (UDMG Agent Client)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:54,053 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Agent Client(UDMG Agent Client)' started successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client>udmg-agent-client-service.exe status

Ports Configuration

See Network Requirements.


This document references the following documents.



PostgreSQL Client Authentication

PostgreSQL Password Authentication

Guide on setting up Nginx as a service on Windowshttps://github.com/sheggi/win-service-nginx

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