Windows Directory Listing Using a Batch File - Default Directory

Windows Directory Listing Using a Batch File - Default Directory

Windows Directory Listing Using a Batch File - Default Directory

This example demonstrates using UCMD Manager via the UDM Manager exec command to provide a directory listing using a batch file.

The output from the batch file is redirected to the file stdout.txt. If this is not done, the output from the listing is output via UDM along with the Transaction Log. UDM creates the stdout.txt file in UDM's default directory, Files\Universal\UCmdHome\joe.


The last directory in the path corresponds to the user ID under which the command is executed. No open state is used, and the remote host on the exec command is specified using the IP address.

set echo=yes
exec cmd="C:\wrk\xmp\win\winxmp.bat > stdout.txt" user=joe pwd=abcdefg

The winxmp.bat batch file simply does a dir command against the directory in which the batch file resides.

dir "C:\wrk\xmp\win"

Output sent to stdout.txt.

C:\Program Files\Universal\UCmdHome\mamos>dir "C:\wrk\xmp\win"
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 3030-176B

 Directory of C:\wrk\xmp\win

07/27/2011  03:27 PM    <DIR>           .
07/27/2011  03:27 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/27/2011  10:08 AM                20 winxmp.bat
07/27/2011  03:46 PM               106 winxmpbat.udm
               2 File(s)            126 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  13,453,979,648 bytes free

The transaction log is shown in this first example for those not used to seeing output from UDM.

2011.07.27 UNV2800I Universal Data Mover 5.1.0 Level 1 Release Build 105 started.
2011.07.27 Processing script: winxmpbat.udm
2011.07.27 exec cmd="C:\wrk\xmp\win\winxmp.bat > stdout.txt" user=joe pwd=\*
2011.07.27 quit
2011.07.27 Finished processing script: winxmpbat.udm
2011.07.27 UNV2801I Universal Data Mover 5.1.0 Level 1 Release Build 105 ended successfully.

UDM exec Command Parameters

The exec command parameters used in this example are:




Command to execute on the remote system using command type cmd (command).


Remote user ID with which to authenticate and execute the command on the remote system.


Password with which to authenticate the user ID on the remote system.


Universal Data Mover Manager for Windows

Universal Command Server for Windows