Universal Controller 7.7.x Maintenance


Stonebranch provides product maintenance in the form of updated product installation packages. This document lists the product installation package maintenance history for Universal Controller 7.7.x.

Product Packaging

A package maintenance level is incremented when the package changes or the package installation changes.

Stonebranch changes product version, release, or modification identifiers at its discretion when it deems an appropriate number of enhancements or capabilities have been introduced to warrant the change.


Package version numbers are comprised of four numeric identifiers: version, release, modification level, and maintenance level.

For example, for Universal Controller

  • 7 = Version 7
  • 7 = Release 7
  • 0 = Modification Level 0
  • 0 = Maintenance Level 0

Packaging Methods

The Universal Controller 7.7.x packages are provided in formats appropriate for the target platforms.

See Installation and Applying Maintenance for information on installing, upgrading, and applying maintenance to the Universal Controller.

Package Maintenance Levels

This section identifies the changes included in Universal Controller 7.7.x.

Release - December 10, 2024

Change IDDescription


Credential Key Location and Passphrase field Labels, Hints and User Documentation out-of-date.


IBMi> Web service API doesn't validate IBMi agent for unsupported task types


IBM i Task Instance: no Retrieve Output... menu in workflow monitor.


Cannot setup Hidden Broadcast Cluster Variable default for Universal Template.


Set Priority should not be visible for IBM i Task Instance from the user interface.


Database Connection Pool leaks connections if query fails on processing results.


Listadv Task Instances>Mismatch between xml and json response when passing instanceOutputType in request

Release - November 12, 2024

Change IDDescription


IBM i Task: Submit Job (SBMJOB) Command Type (UC)


SAP User Name Restrictions for SAP Enhanced View.


IBM i Task: End Severity Option


Library dependencies updated due to vulnerabilities.


UAC - Property Changed sets before value attribute incorrectly after web service update


Field hint for Promotion Target Name is incorrect.


Run Report API with visibility specified could pick up a wrong report when only one report is visible to the execution user.


Run Report API: Exception when reports found with same title, but no report found with the specified visibility group.


Data Truncation When Exporting Reports With Special Characters


Condition Expression tree not properly indenting operator widget for subexpression after reparenting


Create Agent Cluster API with retainSysIds "true": Can create cluster with agents exceeds limit.


User: Deleted User is not removed from Allowed Impersonation Users util next update, and therefore causing Edit Profile failure.


TrustStore Settings node should only show up for user with ops.admin role.


Add Hints to the z/OS Monitor form fields


Bundle form should not show Custom Days tab if global Custom Days are not permitted


Activity Widget throws warning when adding a composite status multiple times


Composite Trigger NOT using Special Restriction Correctly


Webhooks>List import is broken and it errors about "Event Member of Business Services" and "Event Business Service Criteria"


Webhooks>creation of events should be disabled since only system events are allowed


Task in instance wait with no prior instances in abnormal state.


Report table picktree should list All Components (ops_trigger_component) first under Triggers...>Components...


External z/OS Monitor Stays In "Running" Status Using Unsupported Agent


Universal Template Choice Field doesn't show updated items

Release - October 1, 2024

Change IDDescription

External z/OS Monitor

  • B-10831: External z/OS Monitor Task
  • B-18658: External z/OS Monitor Trigger
  • B-18659: External z/OS Monitor Trigger - Composite Trigger Integration


  • B-18570: IBM i Native Task Type
  • B-18571: IBM i Agent Type
  • B-18574: IBM i Agent Type, and Extension-based Universal Template/Task Integration
  • B-18576: IBM i Agent Cluster Type
  • B-18577: IBM i Agent Type License Option

Secrets Management

  • B-16769: Credential Provider - HashiCorp Vault
E-01975B-03308 & B-20301: Workflow - Boolean / Condition Expression


  • B-12929: SonarQube: Use another cipher mode or disable padding.
  • B-17037: Add Content-Security-Policy header.
  • B-19945: Pentest analysis and mitigation (external).
  • B-20214: Server-side request forgery analysis, and mitigation.
  • B-20368: Pentest analysis and mitigation (internal).
  • D-12789*: SonarQube: Critical and Blocker Bug and Vulnerabilities mitigation.
E-02013OpenAPI / Swagger Integration

Dashboard, Report, and Filter Visibility

  • B-18649: Dashboard Visibility Multiple Group Assignments
  • B-18650: Report Visibility Multiple Group Assignments
  • B-18651: Filter Visibility Multiple Group Assignments

UIP - Field Variable Support

  • B-17082: Universal Template - Script Variable Fields
  • B-17083: Universal Template - Database Connection Variable Fields
  • B-20282: Universal Template - SAP Connection Variable Fields
  • B-20256: Universal Template - Static (Non-dynamic) Choice Field Variable Support


  • B-18680 & B-20305: OAuth2 - Single Sign-On & API Bearer Token
  • B-20450: Allow manually provisioned user to be updated by SSO provisioning.
B-10815Permissions: Allow Multiple Selection of Commands
B-17885Add Simulate to Trigger Definition
B-18349Increase Length of ops_task_file_monitor.'scan_text'
B-18517Support Negative Exit Codes for Windows based Workloads
B-18566User Preference / System Property "Navigation Bar Auto Collapse".
B-18637Web Service API - User Preferences
B-18690Web Service API : Trigger Set Skip Count
B-18740New Task Instance Built-in Variable for Execution User Email Address
B-19941*Populate 'uc_license_monthly_executions_used' metric even when licensed monthly executions Unlimited.
B-19944Add Optional Universal Event Publication to Simulated Tasks
B-20394*SAP Task : Built in Variables for SAP Credential Name and UUID
B-20491Trigger Now should launch task in asynchronous process.
B-20633*Provide one time use property to allow maintenance to be run even with exceptions.


Library dependencies updated due to vulnerabilities.
D-11113*Agent File Monitor does not select new agent from cluster if preferred agent is decommissioned
D-11146"Set As Default Layout" doesn't work for WF>Forecast>List view.
D-11288*Universal Task Publisher dropdown in Universal Monitor task does not work correctly when Event Type=Local
D-11340*Dates show wrong value on RPC requests when Server Timezone is ahead of client browser Timezone.
D-11425*Tab: Record Details Tab should not be marked with Auto = checked.
D-11457*UUID in the Utility Agent field of File Transfer and UCMD task when create a new task from z/OS agent Tasks list.
D-11741*User with no reporting role should NOT be allowed to open new report form when system property "strict report create constraints = true"
D-11859Log message "Universal Task not found for id" should only be informational because Universal Task Publisher is optional. 
D-11888*Forecast - The field name Simulation in the Forecast Details is confusing
D-11931*Launch Modified not calculating the Average Estimated End Time correctly
D-12228*Application Versions Cannot Be Deleted
D-12229*Application Versions Don't Store Description Changes
D-12266*UT Credential Fields Restriction: Should not be restricted when Credentials Variable = true and Credentials (Text) empty.
D-12287*REST API > Returns HTTP Status Code 500 when a reference (i.e. task/listadv agent reference) cannot be identified in the system
D-12293*Report - Filtering on Application Monitor Trigger - Application Type(s) does not work properly.
D-12337*Filtering issue on a Multi-Select field.
D-12342Extension task stays in Queued status while extension deployment is very slow
D-12347No mention of users or file permissions in controller installation doc
D-12359Universal Template: No validation for agent from web service API
D-12486*Custom Day can be removed from Calendar when reference field has multiple items selected.
D-12495*Trigger Web Service API not sorting the Date Noun(s)/Qualifier(s) and Restriction Noun(s)/Qualifier(s) field values.
D-12513*List Import should ignore credential_var_checked_fieldN and credential_var_fieldN if Credential Field N is unmapped.
D-12528Workflow Critical Endpoints: when the property is false, UI is still allowing to add the endpoints
D-12531*PeopleSoft tasks are slow to change status after agent sends response
D-12532*Task Instance Simulate field not displaying as Yes/No.
D-12549*Memory Leak Warning in Log4J when tomcat is shut down
D-12561*Support for double-digit Version, Release, Modification Level, and Maintenance Level.
D-12587*Promotion Of Universal Template With Script Field 3 And 4 Is Successful
D-12612*Uploading a Task Definition File with no sysId but retainSysIds = true does not create an object, but does not fail
D-12653*Trigger fires due to Calendar change when there is no change in the Trigger's schedule
D-12662*UDM: Cannot resolve Agent Built-In Variables in Primary/Secondary UDM Agent field.
D-12685*Promoting bundles to an invalid release level provides the wrong error message
D-12686*XSS vulnerability in Launch confirmation dialog.
D-12687*Task API, failed to create task when adding email notifications
D-12688*Custom TrustStore not configured prior to use by UC database connection.
D-12693*Unicode characters in SAP tasks fail when using SQL Server & Oracle database
D-12697Trigger does not re-enable when Custom Day changes which effect the Trigger's Next Scheduled Time
D-12719*API Fails To Create User With SysId = ""
D-12729*Credential API> Run time user should be required to create/update credential
D-12731*The uac_agent_changed event does not set the transient attribute for transient agents
D-12735*Extension task fails with error from another agent
D-12755*User Update API - Permission Type "Task Instance" and command name "clear_instance_wait" is failing to update
D-12756*Database Connection Allows Null Value For Max Rows Via Web Services
D-12758*No indication that UC is running as Agent only when option is set during installation.
D-12768Web Service - Delete Task API can log GUID lock message if both Task ID and Task Name are specified
D-12769*List importing filter can end up with duplicate filters.
D-12784"Preserve Value if Hidden" changes behavior of "Require If Visible".
D-12791*Task Execution Restriction Dates are shifted when modified from the Execution Restrictions popup
D-12809*Date List value moves back one day when browser time zone is ahead of server
D-12804*Task Instance List Advanced API : The default response fields does not match for XML & JSON
D-12812*Unable to update the Operational Memo on a running timer task
D-12823*Time Trigger Not Created Via API When SysId=""
D-12834Trigger with multiple items selected for 'Date/Restriction Noun(s)' or 'Date/Restriction Qualifiers(s)' fails to recalculate for calendar change.
D-12849Need proper handling for not allowing to save duplicate scopes in OAuth Clients
D-12856*Add more information to SQLWarning log message such as the actual SQL being executed.
D-12875*Logging of OMS Messages does not log the message attributes
D-12876SAP tasks enhanced view allows negative exit codes
D-12878Windows tasks allow negative exit code range
D-12885*Attempting to not run maintenance SQL sections in batch still runs the SQL as a batch.
D-12942Universal Task Publisher field is empty after refresh
D-12948Run Criteria does not evaluate properly when using Custom Day & Complex Criteria
D-12966Universal Template Field with Show If Field condition can become hidden when toggling between other tabs.

* Defect fix or feature available in maintenance for prior release.

Prior Maintenance

See Universal Controller 7.6.x Maintenance for changes previously included in 7.6.x maintenance releases that also are included in the 7.7.x releases.