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Creating a Calendar

Step 1

From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Other > Calendars. The Calendars list displays.
To the right of the list, Calendar Details for a new Calendar displays.



System Default, the default system calendar, defines the work week.

Step 2

Enter / select Details for a new Calendar, using the field descriptions below as a guide.

  • Required fields display an asterisk ( * ) after the field name.
  • Default values for fields, if available, display automatically.

To display more of the Details fields on the screen, you can either:

  • Use the scroll bar.
  • Temporarily hide the list above the Details.
  • Click the  button above the list to display a pop-up version of the Details.

Step 3

Click the  button. The Calendar is added to the database, and all buttons and tabs in the Details are enabled.


To open an existing record on the list, either:

  • Click a record in the list to display its record Details below the list. (To clear record Details below the list, click the New button that displays above and below the Details.)
  • Clicking the Details icon next to a record name in the list, or right-click a record in the list and then click Open in the Action menu that displays, to display a pop-up version of the record Details.
  • Right-click a record in the a list, or open a record and right-click in the record Details, and then click Open In Tab in the Action menu that displays, to display the record Details under a new tab on the record list page (see Record Details as Tabs).

Calendars List Columns

The following Field Picker pop-up dialog identifies the Calendars list columns that are:

  • Visible by default.
  • Available to be made visible.

Calendar Details

The following Calendar Details is for an existing Calendar.

See the field descriptions, below, for a description of all fields that display in the Calendar Details.

For information on how to access additional details - such as Metadata and complete database Details - for Calendars (or any type of record), see Records.

Calendar Details Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields, buttons, and tabs that display in the Calendar Details.

Field Name



This section contains detailed information about the Calendar.


Required. Name used within the Controller to identify this calendar. Up to 40 alphanumerics. It is the responsibility of the user to develop a workable naming scheme for calendars.

Member of Business Services

User-defined; Allows you to select one or more Business Services that this record belongs to.  (You also can Check All or Uncheck All Business Services for this record.)

You can select up to 62 Business Services for any record type, and enter a maximum of 2048 characters for each Business Service.

If the Business Service Visibility Restricted Universal Controller system property is set to true, depending on your assigned (or inherited) Permissions or Roles, Business Services available for selection may be restricted.


Description of this record. Maximum length is 255 characters.

Business Days

User-defined; allows the user to select which days of the week constitute business days for this calendar.

First Day Of Week

Day that is considered the start of the week.

1st Quarter Start 

Specifies which day is considered the start of the 1st Quarter.

2nd Quarter Start 

Specifies which day is considered the start of the 2nd Quarter.

3rd Quarter Start 

Specifies which day is considered the start of the 3rd Quarter.

4th Quarter Start 

Specifies which day is considered the start of the 4th Quarter.


System-supplied; version number of the current record, which is incremented by the Controller every time a user updates a record. Click the Versions tab to view previous versions. For details, see Record Versioning.


This section contains Metadata information about this record.


Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Task Details that let you perform various actions.


Saves a new task record in the Controller database.

Save & New

Saves a new record in the Controller database and redisplays empty Details so that you can create another new record.

Save & View

Saves a new record in the Controller database and continues to display that record.


Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new record.


Saves updates to the record.

Calendar Preview

Provides a month-by-month display, for the number of years in the future specified in the Calendar Preview Future Period In Years Universal Controller system property (starting from the end of the current year) and months in the past as specified in the Calendar Preview Past Period In Months Universal Controller system property , of all Custom Days defined for this calendar.


Deletes the current record.


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.


For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of this calendar.


Saves updates to the record.


This section identifies the tabs across the top of the Task Details that provide access to additional information about the task instance.

Local Custom Days

Lists all local custom days associated with this calendar.

Custom Days

Lists all global custom days associated with this calendar.


The Custom Days tab displays in Calendar Details only if the Custom Day Global Permitted Universal Controller system property is set to true.


Lists all triggers that use this calendar.


Stores copies of all previous versions of the current record. See Record Versioning.

Assigning a Custom Day to a Calendar

There are two ways to assign a Custom Day to a Calendar from Calendar Details:

  1. Assign an Existing Custom Day to a Calendar
  2. Create a Custom Day and Assign It to a Calendar

Assign an Existing Custom Day to a Calendar

Step 1

Display the Calendar Details of the calendar to which you want to assign a Custom Day.

Step 2

Click the Custom Days tab. The Custom Days list displays a list of any global Custom Days assigned to this Calendar.

Step 3

Click the  button. The Edit Members pop-up dialog displays:


  • The Collection window lists Custom Days that are not assigned to this calendar.
  • The Custom Days List lists Custom Days that are assigned to this calendar.

Step 4

To filter the Custom Days listed in the Collection window, enter characters in the text field above the Name column. Only Custom Days containing that sequence of characters will display in the list.

Step 5

To assign a Custom Day to the calendar, move it from the Collection window to the Custom Days List window:

  1. To move a single Custom Day, double-click it or click it once and then click the > arrow.
  2. To move multiple Custom Days, Ctrl-click them and then click the > arrow.
  3. To move all Custom Days, click the >| arrow.

To unassign a Custom Day to the calendar, move it from the Custom Days List windows to the Collection window:

  1. To move a single Custom Day, double-click it or click it once and then click the < arrow.
  2. To move multiple Custom Days, Ctrl-click them and then click the < arrow.
  3. To move all Custom Days, click the |< arrow.

Step 6

Click the  button.

Create a Custom Day and Assign It to a Calendar

Step 1

Display the Calendar Details of the calendar to which you want to assign a global Custom Day.

Step 2

Click the Custom Days tab. The Custom Days list displays a list of any global Custom Days assigned to this Calendar.

Step 3

Click the  button. A Custom Day Details pop-up for a new global Custom Day displays.

Step 4

Enter / select Details for a new Custom Day (see Custom Day Details Field Descriptions).

Step 5

Click the  button to create the Custom Day, assign it to the Calendar, and add it to the list of all Custom Days.


You also can assign a Custom Day to a Calendar from the Custom Day Details for that Custom Day (see Creating Custom Days).

Creating a Local Custom Day for a Calendar

You can create a Local Custom Day for a Calendar from the Local Custom Days tab in the Calendar Details.

Local Custom Days are assigned automatically to the Calendar for which they were created. You cannot assign a Local Custom Day to any other Calendar.

Calendar Preview

If you click the Calendar Preview button in the Calendar Details, the Controller provides a month-by-month display, for the number of years specified in the Calendar Preview Future Period In Years Universal Controller system property (starting from the end of the current year) and months in the past as specified in the Calendar Preview Past Period In Months Universal Controller system property , of all Custom Days defined for this calendar.


The Calendar Preview identifies, by color, the four categories of Custom Days:




Custom Day name shaded in blue.


Custom Day name shaded in yellow.

Business Days

Custom Day name shaded in red.


Custom Day name shaded in green.

Local Custom Day names are preceded by {L} (if the Custom Day Local Indicator Enabled Universal Controller system property is set to true).

The current day is shaded in blue.

To see the description of a Custom Day in the Calendar Preview, hover your cursor over the Custom Day name.

To see Details of a Custom Day in the Calendar Preview, click the Custom Day name.

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