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Universal Data Mover Gateway release - May 31, 2024, contains the following high-level features. For a complete list of all the included features and fixes, please refer to Universal Data Mover Gateway 2.0.x Maintenance.

File Transfer Enhancements





Ad-hoc File Transfers

This enhancement allows the transfer of files between users using a quick share link for a given file, which is protected with a password, expiration date, and number of downloads. The links and associated files can be shared with any type of user, including external users as long as the user is provided the password. Each file for which an ad-hoc file transfer link is generated is given a unique ID/token that is used in the associated URL.

All ad-hoc file transfer links are generated and managed through the Web Transfer Client. The user must have local auth and admin??(read/write?). LDAP authentication will be incorporated in future releases.  A local server in UDMG must be created with the local auth protocol attached.

Best Practices: ?? share the link and password via different methods; store in different locations?

Web Transfer Client

pull in screenshot of page + fields +steps to create –

  • Selected File / File Path
  • Expiration Date
  • Max Downloads
  • File Size

For all generated ad-hoc file transfer links, the following actions are available.

  • Edit: Update/extend the Expiration date, Max Downloads attributes
  • Revoke:  ad-hoc file transfer link 
  • Cancel: 

Note: A revoked ad-hoc file transfer link cannot be restored. A new link must be generated for the associated file and parameters. 


From UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Ad-Hoc Activity to view the list of ad-hoc file transfer links generated and associated details. The ad-hoc file transfer links cannot be edited via the UDMG Admin UI. The Ad-Hoc Activity Details include:

  • File Name
  • Status: Open, Expired, Revoked
  • Comment
  • Downloads
  • Max Downloads
  • File Size
  • Path
  • Urls

New endpoints added: 

  • New endpoint:POST /link. The endpoint creates a file link for a given remote path. The remote path will be computed to a local path during the link creation, and that local path will be stored along the link. The expiration date and file password are optional.



  • New endpoint:GET /link/{token}?password=secret. The endpoint is used to download a given file link. 
    • Status codes:
      • 404: if the file link is not found
      • 400: if the file link is expired
      • 403: if the password is not correct
      • 404: if the file does not exist in the server
      • 500: if any internal error happens


Delete file after download from SFTP (MOVE Command)

This enhancement allows the deletion of a file after it is downloaded from SFTP using the MOVE command. The enhancement only applies to send or receive files. The change removes the need for additional configuration and monitoring in UAC and UDMG.

Before this change, the local file could only be deleted in the UDMG Server with the DELETE post-task. The remote file could not be deleted in UDMG and UAC was required for the transfers where remote delete was required. 

  • New transfer info flagudmg_xfer_move, can have values true and false (bool). If set to true, the customer will delete the file being sent during the removepipeline step.
    • udmg_xfer_moveflag is checked for accepted values when the transfer is created.
    • udmg_xfer_moveflag is checked for protocol implementation when the pipeline is created. This is only supported for SFTP.
  • New pipeline step: remove, between dataandpost tasks.
  • Local file is removed after transfer for send rule (PUT).
  • Remote file is removed after transfer for receive rule (GET).


udmg-client transfer add -f "" -p "TestSftpPartner" -l "user" -r "Rule1"  -w receive -i udmg_xfer_move:true

udmg-client transfer add -f "" -p "TestSftpPartner" -l "user" -r "Rule1S" -w send -i udmg_xfer_move:true

Implemented Error Messages:

  • TeInternal: move not supported for this protocol
  • TeInternal: failed to remove local file: %s
  • TeDataTransfer: Failed to remove remote SFTP file: %s





B-19917Updates to Secure JWT Token

This enhancement improves the security between UDMG Admin UI and UDMG Authentication Proxy with the use of session ID instead of user credentials after the initial login (secured the JWT token). Before this change, the user credentials were stored in the JWT payload, which exposed it to potential unauthorized access.  

The password was removed from the JWT Token and now the header 'X-Session-Id' must be included in each request.


Security Hardening

Improves security with a default NGINX configuration including the recommended security HTTP headers, hiding the server version, and disabling weak TLS ciphers.

Note: When installing UDMG 2.0 a new configuration file is generated with "new" added at end.

  • B-19918: Hides NGINX Version
    • Changes improve defenses against specific security vulnerabilities by removing the NGINX server banner information (technical and detailed web server version information in HTTP response header) from displaying on every server response.
  • B-19919: Improves Clickjacking Prevention
    • To improve malicious Clickjacking attacks, the following enhancements were implemented:

      • Prevents the browser from loading the page in frame using the X-Frame-Options or Content Security Policy (frame-ancestors) HTTP headers.

      • Prevents session cookies from being included when the page is loaded in a frame using the SameSite cookie attribute.

      • Implements JavaScript code in the page to attempt to prevent it being loaded in a frame (known as a "frame-buster").

  • B-19920: Security Headers
    • The following HTTP response headers were added to provide an additional layer of security to Universal Data Mover Gateway.
      • HTTP response headers: Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, Referrer-Policy, Strict-Transport-Security, Permissions-Policy, X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies, X-Frame-Options. X-XSS-Protection
# DEPRECATED Security Headers
    add_header X-XSS-Protection "0";
    add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
    # Security Headers
    add_header Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors 'self'";
    add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
    add_header Referrer-Policy "strict-origin";
    add_header Strict-Transport-Security 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload';
    add_header Permissions-Policy "geolocation=(),midi=(),sync-xhr=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()";
    add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none;


  • B-19921: Disables Weak TLS Ciphers
    • Changes improve defenses against LUCKY13, a security vulnerability that specifically targets certain implementations of the TLS (Transport Layer Security) and DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security) protocols when they use the CBC mode with block ciphers for encryption, by disabling the CBC mode cipher encryption and enabling CTR or GCM cipher mode encryption. 
    • Recommended cipher list from
    • Minimum TLS version 1.2

User Experience




User Interface Updates 

This enhancement improves the usability of the UDMG Admin UI and Web Transfer Client, allowing for easier access to information, customizations, searching/filtering, and new features. The changes align closer to UAC.

Key Changes Include: HAVENT FINISHED UPDATES for this one

Landing Page / Homepage

  1. Updated icons across the ADMIN UI navigation pane and User Task Bar
  2. Pages and sections are resizable
  3. ADMIN UI navigation pane is expandable and collapsible 
  4. Rearranged and added new ADMIN UI navigation pane services


  1. Server details are only loaded in right panel after the selection of a server
  2. Filters in XX are not preselected
  3. Console information shown as pop-up message - requires pop-up to be closed out before continuing
  4. Consolidated Server and Configuration tabs into Server tab
    1. All fields are combined into one tab - improves server creation, saving, and error messaging process
  5. Reordered XXX tabs to align with UAC order


  1. Added new tab for adding licensing information (See B-18755 for detailed functionality and UI changes)

Ad-hoc Activity


Shared Accounts 

  1. Updated tab name from Local Servers to Shared Accounts (see B-18759 for detailed functionality and UI changes)
  2. Removed open text search 
  3. Added filtering functionality for each column in xxxxx
  4. Added new server status column with XXX icon - ; The following color indicates:
    1. Red: server error
    2. Green: server healthy
    3. Gray: server offline


  1. Consolidation of Rules, Pre-Tasks, Post-Tasks, Error Tasks, XXX Configuration tabs into XX tab
    1. Updated editor text functionality - real time error checking

Cluster Nodes

  1. Added new tab for viewing the list of UDMG Server instances
  2. Displays UDMG Server status and detailed information?
B-18766Added Server Status and Information in Details

This enhancement allows the user to quickly view the server status, including server state and information in the Local Servers list for all local servers. The "Status" column was added to the list of local server details.  Before this change, the local server status details were only displayed in the “UDMG Server Status” popup.

The color-coded bars show the internal service status:

  • Green: Service is operational, and all services are Running or Offline (either disabled or stopped by a user).
  • Orange: Service is degraded and at least one (1) service is in the Error state.
  • Red: Service is failing and one (1) of the main services (Admin, Database, Controller) is not running.
  • Grey: Service is not reachable and UDMG Admin UI cannot refresh the status.

**is service right here or server?


SSH Key Parsing Tool

This enhancement provides a tool to parse an SSH public key. The UDMG Server only accepts the OpenSSH format for public keys, so customers who use the PKCS8 and DER format were not previously able to convert keys to OpenSSH using standard tools (openssl and ssh-keygen). 

The udmg-sshkey tool enables the conversion from another format to the OpenSSH format.

The supported input formats are:

  • OpenSSH authorized key line
  • PEM encoded formats (PKCS8, PKCS1)
  • SSH wire format (Binary ASN1 DER)

The output of the tool shows the key details and the OpenSSH format that is suitable for use during the setup of SFTP servers on UDMG:

  • Key format
  • Key algorithm
  • Key size (only for RSA)
  • SHA256 fingerprint
  • MD5 fingerprint
  • Conversion to authorized key line format

Command line usage:

dmg-sshkey -h
  udmg-sshkey [OPTIONS] <parse | version>
Help Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message
Available commands:
  parse    Parse an SSH Public key file
  version  Print version and exit
udmg-sshkey parse -h
  udmg-sshkey [OPTIONS] parse [parse-OPTIONS]
Help Options:
  -h, --help      Show this help message
[parse command options]
      -f, --file= The public key file, accepted formats are PKCS8 (x509), OpenSSH (authorized keys), and SSH wire.

See Utilities Reference Guide: udmg-sshkey for additional details.






Allowing the Sharing of Accounts Between Servers

This enhancement allows the sharing of accounts between servers. It avoids the need for duplicate configuration for FTP and SFTP local servers by having accounts that are shared between local server. (another option would be to allow a server to support multiple protocols)-????

Prior to this change, a local account was only defined for a given local server and it was not possible to have the same account for multiple protocols. For instance, to allow a partner to transfer files over SFTP and FTP, it was required to have both an SFTP and FTP server, each with its own account. Each account was then maintained independently which created additional overhead in configuration and maintenance (password or key updates).

The implementation uses the current Local Account table and a New table for handling authorization.

Be able to list share accounts from server endpoint.

  • don't break integration with accounts

New command line:

udmg-client account share add -l user -p pass -n user
Old command line: 
udmg-client account local $SERVER add -l user -p password
Note: if the old command line is used, then the command line automatically creates a shared account and assigns it to the local server.

Both the new and old command line can be used to add a new shared account. 

  • for new command line for shared account ; very similar to old one


udmg-client [GLOBAL-OPTIONS] account share <command>

udmg-client [GLOBAL-OPTIONS] account share <command>

Connection Options:
-a, --address= The address of the UDMG Server [$UDMG_SERVER_ADDRESS]
-i, --insecure= Skip certificate verification [$UDMG_SERVER_INSECURE]
-l, --legacy= Use legacy API version [$UDMG_SERVER_LEGACY]
-t, --timeout= Client Connection Timeout (default: 30) [$UDMG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT]

Output Options:
--color=[always|auto|never] Control color output (default: auto) [$UDMG_COLOR]

Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message

Available commands:
add Add a new shared account
allow Allow a shared account to use a Local Agent
authorize Authorize a shared account to use a rule
cert Manage a share account's certificates
delete Delete a shared account
disable Disable shared account
disallow Disallow a shared account's permission to use a local Agent
enable Enable shared account
get Retrieve a shared account's information
list List shared accounts
revoke Revoke a shared account permission to use a rule
update Update a shared account

UI Changes - Left Navigation Pane - Shared Accounts tab

  1. Updated tab name from Local Servers to Shared Accounts

Prior to this change, in order to create a local account, the user had to create a local server on the Local Server tab first and then create a local account within the XX tab. The user could then edit the local account from the Local Account tab. **A local account could not be created from the Local Account tab directly. 

The enhancement changes the local account creation process. The user must create the local account from the Shared Accounts tab and does not require the local server to be created yet.

  1. Click Shared Accounts tab
  2. Create local account – need steps
  3. Add BS etc
  4. Click Local Servers tab
  5. Add local account to server? can add any of the shared accounts that have been created

add info about disable


License Control

This change incorporates license management within Universal Data Mover Gateway. All instances of Universal Data Mover Gateway are now required to have a license key attached to the installation. Universal Data Mover Gateway is licensed by the number of executions per month*; specifically, the number of file transfer instances that completed as DONE over a period of one month. 

is there any distinction in the transfer types? like all count or only incoming vs outgoing? 

To receive and apply your license keys, please follow the below steps and reference UDMG Licensing

Step 1Contact your Stonebranch representative or Customer Support to receive the license keys for the intended operating system and environment.
Step 2Navigate to the UDMG Admin UI.

Step 3

Click the License option in the sidebar menu. The License option in the sidebar menu identifies license information for:

  • License Status
  • License Customer
  • Environment
  • Expiration Date
  • Cluster Nodes
  • Monthly Transfers

Step 4

Input the license key and press the Update License button.

Step 5

The display is refreshed with the License details and after a few minutes, the UDMG Server status switches to ACTIVE mode (see node status).

Do we have a picture to add here?


Using Same Virtual Folder Name for Multiple User Accounts

This enhancement allows a customer to use the same virtual folder name for multiple user accounts. Multiple accounts can now use the same local server and the same vpath, but each account will point to a separate ("private") local directory.

make sure the local directory has the privilege to post read/write by the udmg user

For the protocols: SFTP, FTP/E/S, local-auth

Placeholders are allowed in the transfer rule paths (local directory and temp directory):
#REQUESTERHOST# : local account name, for SFTP, local-auth and FTP protocols.
#REQUESTEDHOST# : local server name, only for SFTP and local-auth.

They are expanded at runtime (when transfer is starting or when a FTP/SFTP command is executed).
For instance: /home/Users/Input/#REQUESTERHOST# is expanded
to /home/Users/Input/sftp_user1 for account "sftp_user1"
and /home/Users/Input/sftp_user2 for account "sftp_user2".


udmg-client rule add -n Rule10   -d receive -p /data-host        --local-dir '/data/#REQUESTEDHOST#'

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