Universal Data Mover Gateway 2.0.x Maintenance

Universal Data Mover Gateway 2.0.x Maintenance


Stonebranch provides product maintenance in the form of updated product installation packages. This document lists the product installation package maintenance history for Universal Data Mover Gateway 2.0.x.

Product Packaging

A package maintenance level is incremented when the package changes or the package installation changes.

Stonebranch changes product version, release, or modification identifiers at its discretion when it deems an appropriate number of enhancements or capabilities have been introduced to warrant the change.


Package version numbers are comprised of four numeric identifiers: version, release, modification level, and maintenance level.

For example, for Universal Data Mover Gateway

  • 2 = Version 2

  • 0 = Release 0

  • 0 = Modification Level 0

  • 0 = Maintenance Level 0

Packaging Methods

The Universal Data Mover Gateway 2.0.x packages are provided in formats appropriate for the target platforms.

See Installation Guide for information on installing, upgrading, and applying maintenance to the Universal Data Mover Gateway.

Package Maintenance Levels

This section identifies the changes included in the Universal Data Mover Gateway 2.0.x.

This table identifies the maintenance level of every component in each package.


Release Date

UDMG Server

UDMG Agent ProxyUDMG Authentication ProxyUDMG Admin UIUDMG Web Transfer Client 20, 20252. 1, 20242. 30, 20242. 16, 20242. 30, 20242. 26, 20242. 15, 20242. 7,  20242.

UDMG - January 20, 2025

Change IDComponentDescription
B-17141UDMG Admin UI, UDMG Server

Adds support for an outbound HTTP proxy for SFTP client connections.

A Remote Partner can be configured to connect through an HTTP or HTTPS proxy.
Proxy credentials for basic authentication are optional and can be given as a username and password.

#40899, #40940UDMG Admin UI, UDMG Web Transfer Client

Adds the option to delete an ad-hoc share record in the Ad-Hoc Activity list.

On Admin UI, the action buttons are revamped to align with the standard style.

On Web Transfer Client, the delete option is added:

#43113UDMG Server

Improves the handling of subfolder creation by the UDMG SFTP Server when the SFTP client uploads a file with a non-existing folder in the target name. 

If the target destination of an SFTP transfer is a subfolder of the virtual path (defined by the transfer rule) that does not exist, it is not created anymore, the transfer will end with an error TeFinalization and the SFTP client will be informed by a file closure error.

#43203UDMG Server

Enhances the retry mechanism after a database error. The configurable retry parameters are applied for all database DML statements.

The occurrences of the retry attempts are logged with new messages:

ERROR: Attempt 1/3 failed with error: …
ERROR: Max retries reached. Returning last error: …

This was causing transfer errors when the transaction was chosen as a deadlock victim on a MS SQL Server database.

#43287UDMG ServerImproves the handling of the loss of database connection. Under certain conditions, UDMG Server instance would remain in ACTIVE mode after a disconnection from the database. Connection attempts on the local servers and the REST would fail and the /ping interface would show the active state and prevent a failover by a network load balancer.

The instance will now switch to OFFLINE mode and /ping API will return OFFLINE to allow the switch to another instance by the network load balancer.
#43306UDMG Server

Improves the SFTP Server log messages of the UDMG Server.

  1. The download and upload actions are reported with both the SSH session ID and the UDMG Transfer ID to allow the correlation with the transfer log (Pipeline log messages).

2025/01/17 15:07:10 [INFO ] stonebranch-sftp-01: ID: '693D5D8BCD43278BFFA8905355158268DFFFC445BF3FEF81946D5B72634A3083' Handshake connection User: 'stonebranch-01' Client Version: 'SSH-2.0-FileZilla_3.66.4' Address: ''
2025/01/17 15:07:10 [INFO ] stonebranch-sftp-01: ID: '693D5D8BCD43278BFFA8905355158268DFFFC445BF3FEF81946D5B72634A3083' Session started for user 'stonebranch-01'
2025/01/17 15:07:10 [INFO ] Pipeline 765 (server): Starting Pipeline: 765
2025/01/17 15:07:10 [INFO ] Pipeline 765 (server): PreTask started
2025/01/17 15:07:10 [INFO ] Pipeline 765 (server): PreTask finished
2025/01/17 15:07:10 [INFO ] Pipeline 765 (server): StartData started
2025/01/17 15:07:10 [INFO ] stonebranch-sftp-01: ID: '693D5D8BCD43278BFFA8905355158268DFFFC445BF3FEF81946D5B72634A3083' Download of file 'tmp.json.test5' requested by 'stonebranch-01' using rule 'mailbox_out' in transfer '765'.
2025/01/17 15:07:11 [INFO ] Pipeline 765 (server): EndData started
2025/01/17 15:07:11 [INFO ] Pipeline 765 (server): PostTasks started
2025/01/17 15:07:11 [INFO ] Pipeline 765 (server): PostTasks finished
2025/01/17 15:07:11 [INFO ] Pipeline 765 (server): EndTransfer started
2025/01/17 15:07:31 [INFO ] Pipeline 766 (server): Starting Pipeline: 766
2025/01/17 15:07:31 [INFO ] Pipeline 766 (server): PreTask started
2025/01/17 15:07:31 [INFO ] Pipeline 766 (server): PreTask finished
2025/01/17 15:07:31 [INFO ] Pipeline 766 (server): StartData started
2025/01/17 15:07:31 [INFO ] stonebranch-sftp-01: ID: '693D5D8BCD43278BFFA8905355158268DFFFC445BF3FEF81946D5B72634A3083' Upload of file 'tmp.json.test5' requested by 'stonebranch-01' using rule 'mailbox_in' in transfer '766'.
2025/01/17 15:07:31 [INFO ] Pipeline 766 (server): EndData started
2025/01/17 15:07:31 [INFO ] Pipeline 766 (server): PostTasks started
2025/01/17 15:07:31 [INFO ] Pipeline 766 (server): PostTasks finished
2025/01/17 15:07:31 [INFO ] Pipeline 766 (server): EndTransfer started
2025/01/17 15:08:31 [WARNING ] stonebranch-sftp-01: ID: '693D5D8BCD43278BFFA8905355158268DFFFC445BF3FEF81946D5B72634A3083' An error occurred while ending the SFTP session: EOF

2. The SSH session ID is stored in the transfer metadata (transfer details udmg_session_id field) for a download transfer. It was already stored for an upload.

Example of the transfer details with the udmg-client tool:

$ udmg-client transfer get 765
● Transfer: 765 (send as server) [DONE]
Remote ID: 1880270648299749376
Protocol: sftp
File pulled: tmp.json.test5
Rule: mailbox_out
Requested by: stonebranch-01
Requested to: stonebranch-sftp-01
Full local path: /home/udmg/udmg-server/data/WebUser/tmp.json.test5
File size: 304
Start date: 2025-01-17T15:07:10.950098Z
End date: 2025-01-17T15:07:11.00506Z
Bytes transferred: 304
Transfer info:
- udmg_file_computed_extension: .json
- udmg_file_computed_mimetype: application/json
- udmg_session_id: 693D5D8BCD43278BFFA8905355158268DFFFC445BF3FEF81946D5B72634A3083
- udmg_xfer_log: /var/opt/udmg_20/logs/765.log
$ udmg-client transfer get 766
● Transfer: 766 (receive as server) [DONE]
Remote ID: 1880270732852723712
Protocol: sftp
File pushed: tmp.json.test5
Rule: mailbox_in
Requested by: stonebranch-01
Requested to: stonebranch-sftp-01
Full local path: /home/udmg/udmg-server/data/WebUser/tmp.json.test5
File size: 304
Start date: 2025-01-17T15:07:31.107146Z
End date: 2025-01-17T15:07:31.142613Z
Bytes transferred: 304
Transfer info:
- udmg_file_computed_extension: .json
- udmg_file_computed_mimetype: application/json
- udmg_session_id: 693D5D8BCD43278BFFA8905355158268DFFFC445BF3FEF81946D5B72634A3083
- udmg_xfer_log: /var/opt/udmg_20/logs/766.log
R-05513UDMG Admin UIClarifies the meaning of the action buttons for a Local Server. If a Server is Stopped, only the Start button is enabled (changes to black). If a Server is Running, only the Stop and Restart buttons are enabled (change to black).
#35151UDMG Admin UISelects the “Generic” Business Service by default when creating a new record (for Local Server, Shared Account, Partner, Rule, and User Group records).
#35584UDMG Admin UIRefactors the management of Business Services membership. The legacy PUT /Add and /Remove requests are replaced with proper PUT and DELETE requests.
#42758UDMG Admin UI

Standardizes the date and hour format across the Admin UI to align with UAC. The date and hour format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss xx.

#42995UDMG Web Transfer Client

Updates the display of file names with white spaces. The white spaces were trimmed and reduced to only 1 character. The value is now displayed in full.

#42766UDMG Admin UI

Updates the display of file names with white spaces. The white spaces were trimmed and reduced to only 1 character. The value is now displayed in full.

#42997, #42959UDMG Web Transfer Client

Improves the User menu: it now closes after selecting a menu item and long profile names are shown.

#42780UDMG Web Transfer Client

Enhances the behavior of the contextual menu.

  • If the mouse action is happening on a file that is already selected, show the options for the group of selected files.

  • If the mouse action is happening on a file that is not selected, unselect all the files, select this file, and show the relevant options.

#43290UDMG Admin UIImprove the display for long filenames.
#42451, #34944, #42304, #33542UDMG Admin UIImproves Admin UI usability.

UDMG - November 1, 2024

Change IDComponentDescription


UDMG Server

Adds a configuration parameter "LogAgent" in the "Log" section to enable or disable local server and remote partner log files. It is set to false by default to disable the logs.

; Set to true to have a distinct log file for each local server and remote partner. The file is <LogPath>/<agent name>.<hostname>.log. The default is false to disable the feature.
LogAgent = false
#43048UDMG ServerRemoves the invalid configuration parameter "HeartbeatCheck" in the sample configuration.

UDMG - October 30, 2024

Change IDComponentDescription



Hides the values for Passphrase and Private Key for existing PGP records.

UDMG - October 16, 2024

Change IDComponentDescription


UDMG Web Transfer Client

Improves the handling of the Rename file action from the Web interface on the maintenance release


UDMG Server

Reduces the log level for SFTP server list and stat commands. The following messages now appear with DEBUG level instead of INFO.
<local-server>: ID: '<session-id> Received 'List' request on <folder>
<local-server>: ID: '<session-id> Received 'Stat' request on <file>


Windows Services

Updated the Windows service wrapper tool configuration to allow for daily rollover of the log file. The Windows installation guides are updated.

## SECTION: Logging
## Notes:
## * roll-by-size-time does not work to bug https://github.com/winsw/winsw/issues/1016
  mode: roll-by-time
  logPath : C:\UDMG\UDMG Web Transfer\logs
  keepFiles: 30
  pattern: yyyyMMdd
  autoRollAtTime: 00:00:00

UDMG - September 30, 2024

Change IDComponentDescription


UDMG Agent Client

Improves the handling of a memory leak occurring when connection errors occur on the forwarded connections.

  • Adds a timeout feature to forcefully close the sockets when no traffic is in the line.

 Configuration Section: click here to expand...
# Setup a timeout for the Forward connection, if the timeout is reached 
# The connection will be closed. Default value: 10 minutes 
# idle_timeout = "10m"

  • Adds a tag to log messages to identify the action(s).

    • dialer: error while checking connectivity to udmg-server local server

    • create remote listener: open the listener on proxy server side (through SSH tunnel)

    • listen-src: error when accepting an inbound connection on proxy server side

    • dial-dst: error when connecting to udmg-server local server

    • copy-to-dst: error when sending on the link between proxy client and udmg-server

    • copy-to-src: error when sending on the link between udmg-server and proxy client

    • net-forward-dst: error when closing the link between proxy client and udmg-server

    • net-forward-src: error when closing the link between udmg-server and proxy client

  • Adds timeout occurrences on forwarded connections to the logs with ForwardID (identifying the service) and the four (4) involved points (client:port, proxy-server:port, proxy-client:port, udmg-server:port):

 Error Section: click here to expand...
level=error TS=2024-09-19T17:07:13.551251741Z ForwardID=b43eb9da-7866-4f12-9eeb-d9f9c1ea422c Name=sftp Task=copy-to-dst Destination="[::1]:33502 -> -> [::1]:41352 -> [::1]:3000" Error=EOF 
level=error TS=2024-09-19T17:07:23.557669057Z ForwardID=b43eb9da-7866-4f12-9eeb-d9f9c1ea422c Name=sftp Task=copy-to-src Destination="[::1]:33502 <- <- [::1]:41352 <- [::1]:3000" Error="connection timeout" 
level=error TS=2024-09-19T17:07:23.557993107Z ForwardID=b43eb9da-7866-4f12-9eeb-d9f9c1ea422c Name=sftp Task=net-forward-src Error="closing the connection"
  • Adds the ability to export the runtime heap profile for troubleshooting, the parameter must be activated beforehand and only in collaboration with Stonebranch Support. When activated, a new API is accesible on the local node
 Configuration Section: click here to expand...
# Enable debug port, will allow to retrieve a HEAP dump 
debug_port = 6060


UDMG Server

Improves the mapping of the #ORIGINALFILENAME# placeholder during task execution for receive transfers. This caused the UC task variable ops_trigger_<event template name>_filename to be empty when publishing transfer events.

Adds the description of the UDMG substitution placeholders to the tutorial page.



Improves the Filename field on the History Activity page for Receive transfers.



Removes the limit of showing 20 records in the following displays:

  • Local Server - list of accounts

  • Remote partner - list of accounts

  • Local Server - list of certificates

  • Remote Partner - list of certificates

  • Shared Account - list of certificates

  • Remote Account - list of certificates



Improves the UI behavior after session timeout; the login page is now displayed after the timeout.

#42767UDMG Admin UI, UDMG Web Transfer Client, UDMG Server

Allows the use of email addresses for account names and login values.

The '@' character was not allowed for a shared account name and/or login value.


it can be used for Web Transfer accounts:


UDMG Web Transfer Client

Enhances the support for special characters in the file name during upload, download, or Ad-hoc Share actions.

Specifically, the following characters were causing an error: ; (semi-colon), & (ampersand), + (plus sign), % (percent sign), # (hash).

#42470UDMG Web Transfer Client

Improves the support for file names with UTF8 characters.

The filename and path are exchanged with custom HTTP headers (X-UDMG-WebTransfer-Path and X-UDMG-WebTransfer-Name) instead of query parameters.

Unicode file name and path are supported and can include reserved URI characters (to the limit that is supported by the operating system and the file system), see above the fix #41040.



Improves the collapsing behavior of the menu sidebar with the addition of a Collapse and an Expand button at the top of the panel.



Adds a label for the non-standard action buttons.


UDMG Web Transfer Client,
UDMG Server

Improves the ability to download an Ad-hoc Share from the same browser after revoking and extending it again.
After the revoke action, the API returned an HTTP code 410 Gone which was cached by the browser and the link status was not refreshed by the browser on subsequent requests.



Fixes the inability to display a custom logo.



Adds support for non-square logos. The banner Logo is allocated a maximum height of 32px. The image will be scaled, preserving its ratio, to fit within its designated area.



Adds missing tab content scrollbars and tab bar navigation arrows in several places.



Adds the refresh buttons on the Remote Accounts details panel.



Improves the page counter in the trailer of empty lists; it should be "page 1 of 1", instead of "page 1 of 0".



Fixes the persistence of Dark Mode on the login page; it should always be with Light Mode.



Enhances the color for the selected row in the Dark Mode; dark blue instead of white.



Improves the accordion behavior in the configuration sections. It is now possible to have several accordion boxes open at the same time.



Improves the refresh of the selected Transfer status in the list after a cancel request.


UDMG Server

Improves the short timeout on the Transfer cancel request which caused a 500 Internal Server error.



Improves the resizing of the icon on the Rules Details tab. The icon would disappear when the side panel was too thin.


UDMG Server

Adds a note to the database installation guide about MariaDB default encoding and the suggested create database parameters to use UTF8.



Improves the console messages that appear with an ERROR tag for successful Rule-related actions.



Increases the record list maximum size from 1,000 to 10,000 for every table within the Admin UI.



Marks "External URL" as a mandatory field when "Allow File Sharing" is enabled on the local-auth server configuration panel.


UDMG Web Transfer Client

Improves a condition where the share button was enabled when no file was selected.


UDMG Server

Fixes the incorrect error 500 Internal server error when deleting a local server record on a PASSIVE UDMG Server instance.

The error is now 400 This action cannot be performed if the udmg-server is not in active state.



Adds a refresh button on the Remote Accounts list.



Improves the Remote Accounts list display when a Remote Partner name includes an uppercase characters.


UDMG Agent Client, Agent Proxy

Linux: fixes the typos in the packaged configuration file (in the RPM and DEB packages). Adds additional comments to explain the parameters.

Agent Proxy: Fixes the default configuration files in the Linux packages and the online documentation.


UDMG Admin UI,
UDMG Server

Fixes Cluster Node uptime to only show for Active and Passive states.



Fixes the lack of confirmation dialog before deleting a Shared Account.


UDMG Client

SQLite Database: fixes the database error unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type string into type *time.Time

unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type string into type *time.Time when reading, updating, or deleting a user's personal access token.


UDMG Server

Fixes the content of the ‘Before’ field for the audit records related to shared account status updates. The ‘disabled’ value was not correct.


UDMG Auth Proxy

Fixes the missing error message when LDAP synchronization cannot update the user password.


UDMG Auth Proxy

Fixes the lack of comments and examples in the sample configuration file on the Linux packages.



Fixes the delayed refresh of the User Session list and adds a refresh button.



Fixes the display and wrapping of field contents in the right side panel for Record Details. A long value could disappear into the right-hand side border. The value now wraps for improved readability.

#40949, #41571

UDMG Server,
UDMG Client

Adds the Ad-hoc Share record created date in the API output:

 API Section: click here to expand...
udmg-client adhoc_share get 9fbb3563-d189-42e7-8208-561c25b2a2c3
● Adhoc share: 9fbb3563-d189-42e7-8208-561c25b2a2c3
Status: ACTIVE
Comment: test
Filename: data
Remote path: /wu/
Local path: /data
URL: https://b2bmft.stonebranch.com:8080/#/download/9fbb3563-d189-42e7-8208-561c25b2a2c3
Size: 4096
Local account: test
Expiration date: N/A
Last used date: 2024-06-14T07:07:21.212471Z
Downloads: 1
Max downloads: N/A
Client IPs:
Created at: 2024-06-14T07:07:16.957597Z

#40947, #40948

UDMG Admin UI, UDMG Web Transfer Client

Adds a Created At column in the list of Ad-hoc Share records.



Changes the section for the Host-Based Authentication configuration of an SFTP Remote Partner:

  • The fields are not hidden behind an accordion anymore but enabled after the feature is toggled on.

  • The authorized users can be selected with a list.


UDMG Web Transfer Client

Clears the session state after logout. ON next login the user is presented with the root dashboard instead of the last visited folder.


UDMG Agent Client

Fixes a start error when the[client.api] section is missing in the configuration file.


UDMG Web Transfer Client

Fixes the behavior when multiple files are selected and the context menu is called. The selection was reset.



Fixes the handling of optional and mandatory fields on the New Local Server form. The optional fields for directories were sometimes marked as mandatory.



Fixes the issue with the banner logo not being displayed when the banner color or the banner label is not defined.


UDMG Web Transfer Client

Adds the Content-Disposition HTTP header during file download, to prevent preview in the browser.

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="my_file.txt"



Fixes the missing horizontal and vertical scrollbar in dropdown box for Business Service assignment in the User Group details panel.


UDMG Server

Fixes the 500 Internal server error  on the Shared Account list API after importing a dump of Local Accounts from UDMG 1.5.

Adds support for importing the local accounts from a UDMG 1.5 export as shared account records.


UDMG Web Transfer Client

Fixes the virtual folder behavior when both upload and download rules were defined. Only the upload options were enabled, the download is now available.



Fixes the inability to log out from the Admin UI after a session timeout or connectivity issues with the server.



Removes the ability to change the direction of a Transfer Rule.



Fixes the clearing of the form following an error during PGP record creation.



Fixes the location of the horizontal scrollbar on the list selection pop-pup windows (Edit Members, Edit Rules, Edit Accounts, Edit Agents, Edit Groups).


UDMG Web Transfer Client

Fixes the transfer panel not showing the upload or download of the empty files (0 byte size).


UDMG Web Transfer Client

Fixes the inability to copy the Ad-hoc Share link to the clipboard when using HTTP.

The link is displayed in a pop-up to let the user copy manually.



Fixes the inability to copy the Ad-hoc Share link to the clipboard when using HTTP.

The link is displayed in a pop-up to let the user copy manually.

UDMG - July 26, 2024

Change IDComponentDescription
#41503UDMG ServerFixes the failure to migrate to UDMG 2.0 on MySQL with error on sb_generic_group_join when no local accounts.

UDMG - July 15, 2024

Change IDComponentDescription
#41059UDMG ServerFixes the failure to start with PostgreSQL 12 due to missing UUID generation function.
#41289UDMG ServerFixes the migration of local accounts to shared account with MS SQL Server (duplicate error when more that 1 account per server),

UDMG - June 7, 2024

Change IDComponentDescription
#35208UDMG Server

Adds a parameter to disable the implicit assignment of Transfer Rules. Before this change, a Transfer Rule was allowed for all servers, partners, and accounts right after creation. It was only restricted after an explicit assignment (whitelisting) to at least one server, partner, or account. The prior functionality created confusion and allowed unauthorized access to files and folders for third-party accounts during the time between the rule creation and its explicit assignment. The change allows the functionality to be disabled with the new UDMG Server configuration parameter ExplicitRuleAssignment. When set to true, a Transfer Rule is only effective when it is explicitly linked with the intended target (local server, remote partner, remote or local account).

The default value remains false but is likely to change with future releases.

 Configuration Section: lick here to expand...
; Disables global rules, requiring rules to be explicitly allowed to be used.
; ExplicitRuleAssignment = false
#36187, #35684UDMG Server/Client

Provides a new option to select the login name for the SFTP connection attempts during the CLI SSH keyscan (show or save). The change can prevent the remote server from blocking connections from an unknown user.

 keyscan usage and example: click here to expand...
$ udmg-client partner keyscan partner show -h
  udmg-client [GLOBAL-OPTIONS] partner keyscan [partner] show [show-OPTIONS]

[keyscan command arguments]
  partner:                                                                                                                                                               The partner's name

[show command options]
      -t, --type=[ssh-rsa|ssh-dss|ecdsa-sha2-nistp256|sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com|ecdsa-sha2-nistp384|ecdsa-sha2-nistp521|ssh-ed25519|sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com] Specifies the type of the key to fetch from the host (default: all). Can be repeated multiple times to filter multiple statuses.
      -l, --login=                                                                                                                                                       Specifies the account for the connection attempts.

$ udmg-client partner keyscan my_remote_sftp show -t ssh-rsa -l ec2-user
ven. mars 15 14:12:45 UTC 2024
● Partner remote_sftp SSH public keys:
    Public key 0 :
        Type:       ssh-rsa
        Public key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCY1rAsf...9rmQ6ve5WD+iK5fNvsfT+SLINHEQRJN8=
D-12533UDMG Agent ClientFixes a memory leak where the Client was opening unnecessary connections towards the UDMG Server. The connections are opened only when needed after a request from the UDMG Agent Server for a session forwarding and properly closed at the end. 
B-19917UDMG Authentication ProxyImproves security between UDMG Admin UI and UDMG Authentication Proxy with the use of session ID instead of credentials after the initial login (secured the JWT token).

Improves security with a default NGINX configuration including the recommended security HTTP headers, hiding the server version, and disabling weak TLS ciphers.

The following changes are now the default for the manual installation procedure and the installation with Linux packages (RPM/DEB). For upgrades, the parameter must be manually reviewed and added to the NGINX configuration file.

  • HTTP response headers: Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, Referrer-Policy, Strict-Transport-Security, Permissions-Policy, X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies, X-Frame-Options. X-XSS-Protection
  • Minimum TLS version 1.2
  • Recommended cipher list from https://ssl-config.mozilla.org
  • Hide NGINX version
#32516UDMG Server/Client

Adds the display and management of the Audit permission for UDMG users. The permission grants the ability to list and view the audit records. The shortcode for the Audit permission on the CLI is 'a'.

 udmg-client example: click here to expand...
$ udmg-client user update wsadm -r "a=rwd" 
The user wsadm was successfully updated.

$ udmg-client user get wsadm
● User: wsadm
    User groups: Generic
    Login Type:  local
    ├─Transfers:      r--
    ├─Servers:        r--
    ├─Partners:       r--
    ├─Rules:          r--
    ├─Users:          r--
    ├─Administration: r--
    ├─Pgp:            r--
    └─Audit:          rwd
#35978UDMG Server

Shows a summary of the UDMG Server disk usage on the api/status endpoint.

New "Storage" service:

  • "state" is "Running" or "Error" when used percentage is more than 90%.
  •  "reason" is "<used storage, in human size> (<ratio used/total in percent)" and only reports the filesystem for GatewayHome path.
 API examples: click here to expand...
GET /api/status
    "Admin": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": "Release 2.0.0" 
    "Storage": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": "213.58 GB (16%)" 
GET /api/status
    "Admin": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": "Release 2.0.0" 
    "Storage": {
        "state": "Error",
        "reason": "25.0 GB (96%)" 

#36459UDMG Server

Displays the udmg-server instance node Id on the api/status endpoint, under the Node service.

For instance: gateway_1:8080-mft-gw-0

 API examples: click here to expand...
GET /api/status
    "Admin": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": "Release"
    "Controller": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": "ACTIVE"
    "Database": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": ""
    "License": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": ""
    "Node": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": "gateway_1:8080-mft-gw-0"
    "Storage": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": "5.8 GB (37%)"
    "local_auth_test_server": {
        "state": "Running",
        "reason": ""
    "test_ftp": {
        "state": "Offline",
        "reason": ""
#34778UDMG ServerExport/import: supports the user email field.
#35132UDMG Server

Migrate command: improves log message; the list command shows the current and the target versions with the [DATABASE] and [DEFAULT] tags.

 CLI examples: click here to expand...
$ /opt/udmg/bin/udmg-server migrate -c /opt/udmg/etc/udmg-server/server.ini --list
1.5.0 [DATABASE]
2.0.0 [DEFAULT]
#34502UDMG Client

Adds option and environment variable UDMG_COLOR to disable the color output.

 CLI syntax: click here to expand...
Output Options:
      --color=[always|auto|never] Control color output (default: auto) [$UDMG_COLOR]
#35917UDMG Server/Client

Adds new timeout options:

  • New udmg-server configuration parameter:

 Configuration Section: click here to expand...
; Threshold before warning for long-running queries, the default is 10 seconds
  • This will only report a warning in the udmg-server log.
 Log example: click here to expand...
[WARNING ] Database: transaction is taking an unusually long time, printing stack for debugging purposes:

  • New udmg-client connection option:
 CLI syntax: click here to expand...
-t, --timeout= Client Connection Timeout (default: 30) [$UDMG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT]

  • This will report an error on CLI after the timeout.
 CLI error message: click here to expand...
an error occurred while sending the HTTP request: ...: context deadline exceeded
#34948UDMG Admin UI

Adds "Cluster Nodes" service to the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane with the list of the UDMG instances. 

B-18766UDMG Admin UI

Adds the local server "Status" column to the Local Servers list. The change makes it easier to view server status without having to open the UDMG Server status pop-up for quick monitoring.

#34488UDMG Admin UI, 
UDMG Server

FTP Server: adds support for the REMOVE and RENAME commands.

Each command can be enabled or disabled individually for each local FTP/FTPS/FTPES server.

#35133UDMG ServerFixes the panic error when the application is terminated during the startup sequence, while the node status is being determined.
#32532UDMG ServerFixes the insertion of the audit record for the transfer retry command. 
#33370UDMG ServerAdds additional language to error message for invalid JSON syntax in API payload. 
#35148UDMG Server

Adds additional language to error messages for the duplicate assignment of an object to a Business Service. 

the <object appellation> '<object name>' (ID '<object id>') is already is a member of the '<target name>' <target appellation>

#35244UDMG Server

Adds additional language to error messages for unknown Business Services:

 CLI error message: click here to expand...
$ udmg-client sb_biz member no_bs add partner atmoz_partner
business service 'no_bs' not found
#34817UDMG Server

Fixes the error message when setting an object name or login value that is too long. It was reported as a database error and now displays as: 

name cannot contain more than 100 characters

#34412UDMG ServerFixes the validation for host-based authentication on the SFTP server configuration. The local and remote account names must be the same.
#34567UDMG ServerFixes a panic error when restarting a local PeSIT server.
#36137UDMG ServerFixes a panic error during transfer post-task when the serviceName parameter of an ICAP task does not match the service name on the ICAP server.
#34965UDMG Server

Fixes the missing banner in the FTP* server welcome message (220 response).

 CLI example: click here to expand...
$ curl -v ftp://localhost:4100
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 4100 (#0)
< 220 UDMG-FTP-
#35147UDMG ServerFixes the possibility of creating a user group with an assigned Business Service. The Generic Business Service is enforced as the default value.
#35641UDMG Server

Adds the missing option for the udmg-server import command to select and process only the users from an export file.

 CLI syntax: click here to expand...
$ /opt/udmg/bin/udmg-server export -h
  udmg-server [OPTIONS] export [export-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                                                                       Show this help message

[export command options]
      -c, --config=                                                                                The configuration file to use
      -f, --file=                                                                                  The destination file. If none is given, the content of the export will be written to the standard output
      -t, --target=[rules|servers|partners|users|business-services|user-groups|local-accounts|all] Limit the export to a subset of data. Can be repeated to export multiple subsets. (default: all)
      -v, --verbose                                                                                Show verbose debug information. Can be repeated to increase verbosity

$ /opt/udmg/bin/udmg-server import -h
  udmg-server [OPTIONS] import [import-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                                                        Show this help message

[import command options]
      -c, --config=                                                                 The configuration file to use.
      -s, --source=                                                                 The data file to import. If none is given, the content will be read from the standard output.
      -t, --target=[rules|servers|partners|users|business-services|user-groups|all] Limit the import to a subset of data. Can be repeated to import multiple subsets. (default: all)
      -d, --dry-run                                                                 Do not make any changes, but simulate the import of the file.
      -v, --verbose                                                                 Show verbose debug information. Can be repeated to increase verbosity.
      -r, --reset-before-import                                                     Empty the database tables before importing the elements from the file. Cannot be used without the -s option.
          --force-reset-before-import                                               Empty the database tables before importing the elements from the file without confirmation prompt.
#35639UDMG Server

Fixes the missing revoked field from the get certificate details API.

 API example: click here to expand...
GET /api/sb_servers/:local_server_name/certificates/:cert_name
    "id": 30,
    "name": "TestKey",
    "revoked": "2024-01-25T12:55:25.898261Z",
    "privateKey": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIJQgIBADA...----END PRIVATE KEY-----" 
#35608UDMG Server

Fixes the confusion between sb_pgp and pgp as object types in the udmg-client commands. The sb_pbp is used for all actions involving the PGP records.

 CLI syntax: click here to expand...
  udmg-client [GLOBAL-OPTIONS] sb_biz member [business-service] add [object-type] [object-name] [direction]

Connection Options:
  -a, --address=                  The address of the UDMG Server [$UDMG_SERVER_ADDRESS]
  -i, --insecure=                 Skip certificate verification [$UDMG_SERVER_INSECURE]
  -l, --legacy=                   Use legacy API version [$UDMG_SERVER_LEGACY]
  -t, --timeout=                  Client Connection Timeout (default: 30) [$UDMG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT]

Output Options:
      --color=[always|auto|never] Control color output (default: auto) [$UDMG_COLOR]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                      Show this help message

[member command arguments]
  business-service:               The business service's name

[add command arguments]
  object-type:                    The object's type. [server|partner|rule|sb_pgp]
  object-name:                    The object's name
  direction:                      The rule's direction (required only for rule objects)
#35165UDMG Server

Fixes to prevent the update of a local server protocol type.

 CLI error message: click here to expand...
$ udmg-client server update my_ftp_server -p sftp 
the protocol cannot be updated after creation
AllUpgrade of the Go compiler version from 1.18 to 1.21. Switch to the Microsoft build of the Go toolset for better support of FIPS 140-2. 
#35952UDMG Agent ProxyLinux installation packages configure the client API default port to 2280 instead of 8080. This was already the recommended value for the manual installation procedure.
#35232UDMG Authentication ProxyUpdates documentation to reflect the change of the default port from 5000 to 5775.
#35538UDMG Server

Linux package names now have 4 digits for the version number.  

For example, udmg-admin-ui-

#36052UDMG ServerFixes the ownership of the log folder after the Linux package installation. The ownership of the log folder is now set to udmg:adm.

Fixes the ownership of the log folder after the Linux package installation. The ownership of the log folder is now set to nginx:adm.

Log folder location is moved from /opt/udmg/var/log/nginx/ to /var/opt/udmg/nginx/.

#35963UDMG ServerFixes the error message when a local server log file cannot be opened.
#34828UDMG ServerFixes the error message to include the temporary path when the temp file for an inbound file transfer cannot be opened.
#35786UDMG ServerFixes the occurrence of error messages in the UDMG Server log regarding the "superfluous call" from the REST API handler.
#34904UDMG ServerFixes the duplicate messages for the received list commands on the SFTP local server logs.
#34955UDMG Server

Adds a new error message during the SFTP partner keyscan command when the remote host is not reachable.

CommandError(CeInternal): failed to dial host: dial tcp <ip:port>: connect: connection refused
#35264UDMG ServerFixes the internal database error that was raised when attempting to delete a user with an open session. The user session is dropped, and the user is disconnected after the timeout.
#35273UDMG Server

Fixes the error message for deletion of a user group with members.

 CLI error message: click here to expand...
$ udmg-client_b sb_usr delete my_user_group
unexpected error: user group cannot be deleted because of objects associated to it
#35376UDMG Server

Fixes the name of the fields in the personal access token API payload. The name of the fields is now in camel case.

 API example: click here to expand...
GET /api/sb_users/:user/tokens
  "user_tokens": [
      "id": 5,
      "name": "token_02",
      "creationDate": "2024-01-10T08:59:21.899845Z",
      "expirationDate": "2024-02-01T08:04:05Z"
#34832UDMG ServerRemoves the deprecated root, inDir, outDir, workDir fields from REST API schemas and CLI command arguments.
#35490UDMG Authentication ProxyFixes the invalid API sample response field in the Swagger UI.
#35958NGINXFixes the 'unknown log format main' after Linux Debian installation. The 'main' log format is disabled on the NGINX package from the Debian/Ubuntu repository unlike the official NGINX repository or the RHEL/Rocky/CENTOS RPM packages. The log format is reverted to the default ('combined') and is left to the administrator to enable a more detailed log format.
#35276UDMG Client

Adds a colon in the list output to separate the object type and the object name.

 CLI example: click here to expand...
$ udmg-client server list | grep Server
● Server: "ftp_test_server" [Enabled]
● Server: "ftpes_test_server" [Enabled]
#35301UDMG Server

Export/import: prevents the reset of the optional fields.

  • Introduces the 'optional' field concept to import/export. The fields are included in the backup file only if they have a non-zero value during exports. The fields keep their pre-existing value if not present in the source file during imports.
  • Servers

    • Updates the RootDir, ReceiveDir, SendDir and TmpReceiveDir fields to optional.
  • Rules

    • Updates the LocalDir, RemoteDir and TmpLocalRcvDir fields to optional.
  • Users

    • Updates the Email, Login, TOTPSecretKey and TOTPRegistered fields to optional.
  • Business Services

    • Removes the ID field from the backup file.
    • Removes the 'omitempty' tag from the Name field.
    • Updates the Description field to optional.
  • User Groups

    • Removes the ID field from the backup file.
    • Removes the 'omitempty' tag from the Name and BusinessServiceID fields.
    • Updates the Description field to optional.
#35247UDMG Server

Ends the support for releases before (0.7.1-sb.3). Migration from older releases is not supported anymore.

 CLI example: click here to expand...
$ /opt/udmg/bin/udmg-server migrate -c /opt/udmg/etc/udmg-server/server.ini --list
#36449UDMG ServerFixes the initialization failure when using a non-default database schema for MS SQL Server.
failed to init the database: command failed: mssql: The object 'dbo.local_agents' does not exist or is invalid for this operation.
#35752UDMG Server

Improves the "internal database error" message with the addition of the actual message from the database.

 Log example: click here to expand...
[ERROR   ] Admin: Unexpected error: internal database error: Error 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'local_agent_id' in 'field list'

#36609UDMG ServerFixes the log level for database errors that are retried. A warning message appears instead of an error message.
#35359UDMG Admin UIFixes the listing of user sessions, the 100 most recent sessions are now displayed, instead of the 20 oldest. 
#36602 UDMG Server

Set the default network interface for UDMG Server to instead of localhost.

 Configuration Section: click here to expand...
; The address used by the admin interface.
Host =
#40910, #33566UDMG Admin UIFixes the autocompletion in username and password field by the browser on the new User and new Shared Account screens.
#36208UDMG ServerFixes an error condition with the FTP server: when receiving a file with a subdirectory path, it was not created. The server was only creating the necessary folders up to the rule local path.
#36701UDMG ServerFixes the import of UDMG users from the command line. When loading a user without specifying the usergroup membership, it is created and useable (connect, get, update, delete) but not listed (udmg-client user list). The default usergroup is now assigned for the user in this case.
#36839UDMG Server

Fixes the list of authorized transfer rules in the account endpoints 

Changes on UDMG Server API:

The available virtual paths for a given account are a combination of:

1) the rules that are authorized for this account,
2) the rules that are authorized for the server or partner,
3) the global rules, that are not assigned to any account, server, or partner (unless explicit assignment is enforced).

The list of server or partner rules was incorrect.

GET /api/sb_local_accounts
GET /api/sb_remote_accounts

Changes on UDMG Admin UI:

The rules at server/partner and account level are marked as private in the account Rules tab. 

#36816UDMG Web Transfer Client

Fixes the list of folders on the dashboard, the virtual paths for rules that were assigned at the local-auth server level were not displayed.

The available folders are selected by :

1) the rules that are authorized for this account,
2) the rules that are authorized for the server,
3) the global rules, that are not assigned to any account, server, or partner (unless explicit assignment is enforced).

#36799UDMG Server

Improves the logging of API calls to the UDMG Server.

TrackID information was only shown when the rate limiter was enabled, it is now always displayed along with the remote IP address and the user agent. 

 Log example: click here to expand...

Previous format:

2024/05/14 09:09:27 [INFO ] Admin: Request GET: /api/transfers
2024/05/14 09:09:27 [INFO ] Admin: TrackID: 50bf24fa-0221-4344-bf00-4d0e6b0f04ac - Received GET on /api/transfers?sort=start-&limit=1000&offset=0&start=2024-05-13T09%3A09%3A27.277Z

New format:

2024/05/23 18:42:26 [INFO ] Admin: ID='Direct Request' Method='GET' URL='/api/status' RemoteAddr='' UserAgent='curl/8.7.1'
#35194UDMG Authentication Proxy

Improves the logging of HTTP requests on the UDMG Authentication Proxy with the addition of the remote IP and the user agent.

 Click here to expand...
level=error TS=2024-06-05T15:21:06.424084373Z Service=HTTP Request="Method='POST' URL='/auth/local' RemoteAddr='' UserAgent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'" Error="code=401, message=authentication error"
#36862UDMG ServerAdds a 1-minute timeout to publish event task (PUBLISHEVENT).
#35530UDMG Admin UI

Fixes the inability to see and apply business service filters for the Local/Shared Account list. 

and the Remote Accounts list:

#33109UDMG Agent ClientAdds OpenAPI Swagger /swagger/index.html endpoint on the UDMG Agent Client.
#33106UDMG Agent Client

Adds the option to connect with HTTPS to the UDMG Server API.

New secure option in the client config file, set to true to select https, false by default.

 Configuration Section: click here to expand...
# UDMG Server Hostname or IP, and port
hostname = "localhost" 
port = "18080" 
# UDMG Server Username/Password
username = "admin" 
password = "admin_password" 
secure = true

#40782UDMG Server

Shows the UDMG Server version with HEAD /api/status as a hint for integrators to easily know the API version with a low-impact request.

 API example: click here to expand...
curl -L -I "http://user:password@udmg.example.com:8080/api/status" 
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server: UDMG/2.0.0
date: Wed, 29 May 2024 10:25:50 GMT
#36085UDMG Web Transfer ClientFixes the mkdir error when the server root directory has more than 1 level and was not created beforehand. The module is now able to create nested local directories.
#33993UDMG Agent Proxy Client

Renames the configuration section for the target UDMG Server from [gateway] to [server]

#33105UDMG Agent Proxy Client

Adds mandatory basic authentication to the API.

See UDMG Agent Proxy Web Services.

# UDMG Agent Client Admin API
# API basic authentication credentials, no default
username = "api_user"
password = "api_password"

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