My Triggers is a list of every Trigger that the user has access to. Besides viewing Triggers, you can also enable/disable and invoke Triggers from this page.
To view My Triggers, click the Clock icon in the sidebar menu.
Like the Taskboard, the My Triggers table is sortable by column. In this configuration, you can choose from Name, Tasks, Business Services, Description, and Enabled. The default sort order is first by Enabled Triggers and second by Name. You can customize which columns to display by clicking the rightmost icon in the top row of the table:
Column Descriptions
The following table describes the columns displayed in My Triggers.
Column Name | Description |
Name | The name of the Trigger. |
Type | The Trigger Type. |
Tasks | The Task(s) to be launched by the Trigger. If the Trigger is set to launch multiple Tasks, the entry in this column will be: Clicking on a Task name will take you to the Task Details page, just like clicking on a Task from My Tasks. |
Business Services | The Business Service(s) the Trigger is a member of. This does not include the Business Services of the Task(s) associated with the Trigger. If the Trigger is a member of multiple Business Services, the entry in this column will be: |
Description | Description of the Trigger. |
Enabled | A switch to enable/disable the Trigger. You will be asked to confirm before enabling/disabling. This action does not require a refresh to take effect. |
Like the Taskboard, you can filter My Triggers by Tasks, Business Services, and Types. In each filter, you can select a specific entry or search via freeform type.
The Tasks filter allows you to filter by Task (i.e. display all Triggers set to launch a given Task). The Types and Business Services filters work similarly, allowing you to display all Triggers of a given Type, or all Triggers belonging to a given Business Service, respectively.
You can also use the Search bar, which is a simple text search to find matching strings in the Name column.
The Search bar will only check Trigger names for matching strings. It will not search for Task names, descriptions, or any other column.
Trigger Commands
Although you cannot create, modify, or delete Triggers in Universal Portal, there are several actions you can perform from My Triggers. To access the command menu for a Trigger, click the three-dot icon at the end of the row:
The actions available from the command menu are the same for all Triggers, regardless of Trigger Type.
Action | Description |
Trigger Now | Invoke the Trigger. This will launch the Task(s) associated with the Trigger. |
Show in Taskboard | View all Instances in the Taskboard of the Task(s) launched by the Trigger. |
Switch | Enable/Disable the Trigger. This functions the same as toggling the Enabled switch. |